Rev. Lyman Spaulding
The following information was contributed by O. E. Hamman, Jr. of Naples, NY
History of Kent County, Michigan; Chicago: Chas. C. Chapman & Co., 1881 - page 1286 Lyman Spaulding was born Sept. 23, 1833, in Cohocton, N.Y.; is son of Hiram and Miranda (Quimby) Spaulding. His grandfather, James Spaulding, was born in England in 1772; his wife was a native of Steuben Co., N. Y., born in 1777. Hiram Spaulding was born in New Hampshire Feb. 19, 1795; Miranda Spaulding, his wife, was born in Connecticut, Aug. 18, 1800. They had four sons and three daughters. David Spaulding is a resident of Cincinnati, O., Ira J. of Almo, Mich., Stephen T. of Cohocton, N.Y., Louisa of Alamo, Mich., Rhoda of Orangeville, Barry Co., and Martha of Larkspur, Douglass Co., Col. Mr. Spaulding was married May 23, 1858, to Hester Ann, daughter of Joseph and Charlotte Adams, of Candice, Ontario Co., N.Y., born Sept. 27, 1832. Her father was born July 17, 1804, in Decker, Sussex Co., N.Y., and died Sept. 6, 1837; her mother was born Sept. 13, 1804, in the same town. Mr. and Mrs. Spaulding have had one daughter - Jennie, born Aug. 18, 1864, in Cohocton, N.Y., and died Feb. 22, 1876, in Oakfield. They settled in Nunda, Livingston Co., N.Y., and two years after went to Cohocton, Steuben Co. In December 1866 they came to Ostego, Allegan Co., Mich., where they lived a year, went to Plainwell, and thence to Oakfield, where they located on 100 acres on secs. 15 and 22. In 1857 Mr. Spaulding entered the ministry, and was a local preacher in the Methodist Church until May 1880, when he joined the United Brethren of Christ and soon entered the traveling connection of the Church, and is at present acting minister of the society at Oakfield Center. (excerpt from book attached)
Note: Lyman's father, Hiram, died in 1859 and is buried in Clearview Cemetery in North Cohocton, Steuben County, New York.
The Saginaw News (Saginaw, Michigan) Tuesday, 07 November 1893 - page 2 Death of Rev. Lyman Spaulding. Cedar Springs, Nov. 7.-About 9 o'clock Monday morning, Rev. Lyman Spaulding of Oakland Center was thrown from a load of straw and lived only 20 minutes after the accident occurred. He was pastor of the Baptist church of that place, and about 60 years old. (newspaper clipping attached) Hester Ann Adams was married to Lyman Spaulding on May 23, 1858. Lyman died November 06, 1893. On April 23, 1903, Hester married James P. Hubbard in Montcalm County. James died three years later on April 15, 1906. After the death of James, who is buried in Forest Home Cemetery in Greenville, Montcalm County, Hester went to live in the Clark Memorial Home in Grand Rapids, where she died July 27, 1914. According to her death certificate, she was buried July 29th in Oakfield Cemetery. I do not have a headstone photo of her, but am guessing that she was buried with Lyman and Jennie and the monument was never made to reflect her burial. So far, I have also been unable to find a death notice or obituary for either Jennie or Hester. Contributed by O. E. Hamman, Jr. Naples, NY
Contributed by: O. E. Hamman, Jr.
Created: 23 January 2011