Present-Day Churches

Baptist---Berean, Burton Heights, Calvary, Fountain Street, Holland, Lake Drive, Messiah (Negro), Scribner Avenue, Second, Wealthy Street.

Church of Christ (Disciples)---Central, Franklin Street, Plainfield Avenue, West Side.

Christian Reformed---Alpine Avenue, Bethel (English), Broadway Avenue, Coldbrook, Creston, Dennis Avenue, Eastern Avenue, First, Franklin Street, Grandville Avenue, LaGrave Avenue, Neland Avenue, Oakdale Park, Sherman Street, Twelfth Street, West Leonard, Wyoming Park.

Church of Christ, Scientist---First and Second.

Congregational---Comstock Park, East, Park, Plymouth, Second, Smith Memorial, South, Wallin Memorial.

Episcopal---Grace, St. Mark's, St. Paul's Memorial, St. Philip's Mission.

Evangelical---First, Second, Swedish Mission

Free Methodist Church.

Greek Catholic---St. Nicholas Syrian, St. John's Russian.

Hebrew---Ahavis Achim, Beth Israel, Emanuel.

Lutheran---Bethlehem, Hope, Immanuel, St. John's German, Trinity.

Methodist Episcopal---Second Street, Burton Heights, Epworth, First, First African Community, Joy Memorial, Oakdale Park, Plainfield Avenue, St. Luke's Zion, St. Paul's, Second Street, Trinity Community, Valley Avenue, Wesleyan.

Pentecostal Church of Nazarene.

Netherlands Reformed---Netherland, Turner Avenue.

Presbyterian---First, Immanuel, North Park, Third, Trinity, Westminster.

Reformed---Third, Fourth, Fifth, Garfield Park, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Berean, Bethany, Bethel, Beverly, Calvary, Central, Fairview, Grace, Immanuel, Oakdale Park, Trinity.

Roman Catholic---Holy Name, Our Lady of Sorrows, Sacred Heart, St. Adalbert, St. Alphonsus, St. Andrew, St. Anthony, St. Francis Xavier, St. Isidore, St. James, St. Joseph, St. Mary, S.S. Peter and Paul.

United Brethren---Banner Street, First, Second.

Universalist---All Souls.

Miscellaneous Churches---Apostolic, Apostolic Faith, Apostolic Faith Mission, Avery Chapel, Bradford Street Mission, Church of God, Church of God in Christ, Church of Jesus Christ, Church of the Brethren, Church of Truth, City Mission, Division Avenue Reformed Chapel, Edgewood Baptist Mission, Pentecostal Assembly, Salvation Army, True Light Missionary Baptist Church, Volunteers of America Gospel Mission.


Transcriber: Ronnie Aungst
 Created: 10 December 1999