"K - Z" Washington Park Cemetery
D. A. R. Records

Walker Township, Kent County

Ketelaar, Maria
b. 1846;  d. 1924;  on lot with Marinus

Ketelaar, Marinus
b. 1848;  d. 1929

Keuvelaar, Johannes  (Father)
b. 1858;  d. 1924

Kik, Jacob  (Father)
b. 1881;  d. 1924

Kirschman, Edw. J.
b. 1882;  d. 1930

Kirschman, Lucy
b. 1877;  d. 1924

Kloet, Wilhelmine  (Grandma)
b. 1838;  d. 1912

Klompstra, Fennei
  See Shaers  (Fennei Klompstra)

Klute, Peter
b. 1850;  d. 1906

w. of A.
b. Jan. 29, 1855;  d. Sept. 13, 1910

Koets, Cora
b. 1871;  d. 1925

Koning, Artie
b. June 6, 1884;  d. Jan. 10, 1916

Konynendyk, Cornelius W.  (Father)
b. 1846;  d. 1924

Konynendyk, Meinsje Speelman  (Mother)
b. 1855;  d. 1908;  on lot with C. W.

Kooistra, Cecile
b. 1916;  d. 1923

Kooistra, James W.
b. 1914;  d. 1921

Koole, Agnes
b. 1898;  d. 1922

Koops, Jacob  (Father)
b. 1857;  d. 1914

Koppenal, Tillie Bosch
b. 1900;  d. 1924

Koppenol, Cornelius  (Father)
b. 1851;  d. 1912

Koppenol, John  (Father)
b. 1849;  d. 1922

Kottyan, Istvan
b. Aug. 15, 1889;  d. Feb. 14, 1920

Kozlowich, Paul
b. Aug. 30, 1886;  d. Feb. 8, 1924

Kriekard, Della W.
b. 1874;  d. 1910

Kromleen, Dirk  (Father)
b. 1856;  d. 1919

Kromleen, Jennie  (Mother)
b. 1889;  d. 1928

Kromleen, Robert H.
b. 1915;  d. 1918

Kuieck, Derktje  (Mother)
b. Sept. 25, 1837;  d. July 4, 1913;  on
lot with Odelianus

Kuieck, Jennie
b. June 10, 1893;  d. Jan. 16, 1909

Kuieck, Odelianus  (Father)
b. July 28, 1836;  d. Nov. 12, 1910

Kunst, Cornelius
b. Dec. 19, 1830;  d. Nov. 22, 1905

Kuzee, Robert
b. 1920;  d. 1926

Kwakernaak, Lavina  (Mother)
b. 1870;  d. 1923

Lafayette, Jennie
b. 1881;  d. 1922

Lardie, Frank  (Father)
b. 1867;  d. 1919

Lastoczy, John  (Father)
b. 1884;  d. 1930

Le Compte, Albertina  (Mother)
b. 1851;  d. 1924;  on lot with Joseph

Le Compte, Joseph  (Father)
b. 1852;  d. 1910

Lensky, Andrew
b. 1865;  d. 1924

Lindeman, Henrietta
b. 1892;  d. 1905

Lucasse, Cora
b. 1864;  d. 1914;  on lot with Wm.

Lucasse, Wm.
b. 1855;  d. 1913

Luyk, Mary  (Mother)
b. 1890;  d. 1920

Lybaart, Klazena  (Mother)
b. 1840;  d. 1922

Manni, Jane
b. 1859;  d. 1917

Manni, Johannes
b. 1879;  d. 1928

Manni, Lucy
w. of B. Antflink
b. 1887;  d. 1914

Medema, Hilje
b. 1857;  d. 1926

Meerman,  (Father)
b. 1859;  d. 1919

Meerman,  (Mother)
b. 1861;  d. 1929;  on lot with grave marked Father

Mellema, Sieske  (Mother)
b. 1847;  d. 1926;  on lot with Tjebbe

Mellema, Tjebbe  (Father)
b. 1839;  d. 1920

Meyer, Cornelius
b. 1857;  d. 1929

Meyer, Daniel
b. 1881;  d. 1910

Meyer, Gertrude
b. 1852;  d. 1928;  on lot with Cornelius and Daniel

Miedema, Jeltje
b. 1857;  d. 1909

Modderman, Dena
  See Vissia  (Dena Modderman)

Modderman, Lucy
b. 1893;  d. 1907

Modderman, Victor
b. 1901;  d. 1904

Moerdyk, Harold
b. 1895;  d. 1925

Morsink, Henry J.
b. 1865;  d. 1922

Nagengast, Harm
b. 1863;  d. 1930

Nederveld, Vernon
b. 1915;  d. 1925

Nesbitt, Bertram
b. 1881;  d. 19-

Nesbitt, Nellie
b. 1880;  d. 1928;  on lot with Bertam

Newhouse, Adrian
b. 1856;  d. 1914

Newhouse, Richard
b. 1912;  d. 1913

Nicolai, Martha
b. May 28, 1906;  d. Oct. 22, 1917

Norman, Peter
b. 1860;  d. 1926

Nyp, Gerret
b. 1899;  d. 1912

Oldenburger, Roalf
b. 1850;  d. 1922

Oosterhaven, Harriet  (Mother)
b. 1852;  d. 1923

Oosting, Nellie
b. 1887;  d. 1908

Orange, Louis
b. 1862;  d. 1910

Orange, Wm.
b. 1885;  d. 1908

Orange, Wm.
b. 1910;  d. 1913

Orcutt, Amba
b. 1864;  d. 1912

Ornee, Elizabeth  (Grandmother)
b. Feb. 1, 1838;  d. May 24, 1925;
on lot with Jacob

Ornee, Jacob  (Father)
b. Sept. 4, 1863;  d. Jan. 4, 1922

P---, F. M.
  n. d.

b. 1907;  d. 1908

Paauwe, Dorothy
b. 1920;  d. 1925

Palma, Dirk
b. 1857;  d. 1914

Palma, Sarah
b. 1854;  d. 1921;  on lot with Siebe

Palma, Siebe
b. 1855;  d. 1910

Pearse, Sarah Anne  (Mother)
b. 1848;  d. 1925

Penning, Gertrude  (Mother)
w. of Bastian
b. 1861;  d. 1915

Piccard, C. Edw.
b. 1922;  d. 1923

Piccard, Clarence
b. Dec. 12, 1905;  d. July 20, 1912

Pierson, Edna J.
b. 1905;  d. 1913

Pierson, John
b. 1874;  d. 1923

Platschorre, Hendrik J.  (Father)
b. 1858;  d. 1914

Polderman, M. geb. Spruit
b. Sept. 14, 1879 at Kalamazoo
d. July 21, 1902

Post,  (Father)
b. 1853;  d. 1923

Post,  (Mother)
b. 1861;  d. 1927;  on lot with Marvin and
grave marked Father

Post, Marvin
b. 1903;  d. 1918

Posthumus, Fred'k
b. 1854;  d. ----

Posthumus, Minnie
b. 1852;  d. 1928;  on lot with Fred'k

Postma, Anna Haga  (Mother)
b. 1857;  d. 1920

Postma, Jennie
b. 1828;  d. 1911

Postma, Tressa
b.1922;  d. 1924

Pouwer, Elizabeth  (Mother)
b. 1851;  d. 1917

Proos, Bertha H.  (Mother)
b. 1894;  d. 1918

Putt, Wm.
b. 1893;  d. 1920

Quackenbush, Clark
  n. d.;  Co. A, 100th N.Y. Inf.

Quist, Peter
b. 1841;  d. 1922

Radik, Philip John
o. d. June 24, 1928;
Mich. Pvt., 1st Cl., 81st Engrs.

Ringelberg, Josephine
b. May 9, 1904;  d. Sept. 26, 1911

Ringelberg, Leonard
b. Oct. 26, 1910;  d. Aug. 10, 1927

Rinkevich, Joseph
b. 1872;  d. 1930

Roetman, Jennie
b. Oct. 10, 1871;  d. Apr. 5, 1905

Roetman, John
b. Dec. 11, 1866;  d. Mar. 3, 1919

Roszkiewicz, Walter S.
b. 1907;  d. 1925

Rozema, Bertha
b. 1858;  d. 1926

Ruster, Sam
b. 1898;  d. 1917

Ruster, Simon  (Father)
b. 1842;  d. 1924

Ruwersma, Hessee W.  (Father)
b. 1852;  d. 1923

Rysdyk, Adriana
  See Weers (Adriana Rysdyk)

Sandee, A.
b. July 19, 1915;  d. Aug. 25, 1918

Schelhaas, Gertrude
w. of Henry
b. 1845;  d. 1907

Schelhaas, Henry
b. 1840;  d. 1921

Schengenga, Henry S.
b. 1886;  d. 1918;
Co. B, 104th M.G.Bn., 27th Div., N.Y.

Schouwenaar, John  (Father)
b. 1858;  d. 1928

inft. of Mr. And Mrs. H.;  o. d. Jan. 15, 1907

Schreuder, Hillegien
  See Baker  (Hillegien Schreuder)

Schripsema, Hatsen J.
b. 1860;  d. 1930

  n. d.

Schut, Cornelia
b. 1883;  d. 1923

Sessink Hattie
  See Tell  (Hattie Sessink)

Sessink, Minnie
b. 1835;  d. 1911;  on lot with Hattie Sessink Tell

Seven, Johanna
  See Verheek  (Johanna Seven)

Shaers, Fennei
d. of Mr. And Mrs. John Klompstra
b. 1902;  d. 1927

Singleton, Richard
b. July 11, 1928;  d. Feb. 12, 1929

inft.;  o. d. 1921

Skok, Alex
b. 1917;  d. 1918

Skok, John
b. 1910;  d. 1921

Slager, Gerrit
b. 1861;  d. 1926

Smedema, Annie
b. 1856;  d. 1924;  on lot with Cornelius

Smedema, Cornelius
b. 1853;  d. 19-

Smith, Cornelius H.
b. 1909;  d. 1912

Smith, Wm. C.
b. Mar. 11, 1906;  d. Apr. 24, 1906

Snider, Frank
b. Jan. 16, 1856;  d. Nov. 25, 1912

Snoek, Jokobus J.
b. 1847;  d. 1918

Snyder, Caroline
b. 1850;  d. 1923

Soepboer, Jacob H.  (Father)
b. 1859;  d. 1929

Soepboer, John  (Father)
b. 1882;  d. 1920

Soet, Grietje  (Mother)
b. 1843;  d. 1913

Sommerfelt, Alexander B.
b. Feb. 22, 1900;  d. Nov. 19, 1928

Speelman, Meinsje
  See Konynendyk  (Meinsje Speelman)

Spoelstra, Walter G.
b. 1916;  d. 1926

Spooner, Verna L.
b. Mar. 2, 1910;  d. Nov. 17, 1911

Spruit, M.
  See Polderman  (M. Spruit)

Staal, Cornelia  (Mother)
b. 1889;  d. 1927

Stadt, Fannie E.
b. July 17, 1891;  d. Feb. 4, 1906

Stadt, Henderika
b. Aug. 10, 1896;  d. Oct. 21, 1896

Stadt, T.  (Father)
b. 1841;  d. 1916

Steele, Georgie
b. 1908;  d. 1917

Stehouwer, Maude
w. of Andrew
b. 1885;  d. 1925

Stehouwer, Wm.
b. 1842;  d. 1916

Stellingwerf, Ale J.  (Father)
b. 1857;  d. 1925

Stellingwerf, Grietje  (Mother)
b. 1862;  d. 1927;  on stone with Ale

Straayer, George
b. 1891;  d. 1911

Straayer, Henderika  (Mother)
b. Feb. 11, 1835;  d. Nov. 29, 1906;  on lot
with George

Sweeney, Nellie  (Mother)
b. 1832;  d. 1918

Sweers, Amelia V.
b. 1923;  d. 1926

Swoboda, Helen
b. 1918;  d. 1921

Tanis, Josiena J.  (Wife and Mother)
b. 1895;  d. 1918

Tell, Derk  (Father)
b. 1863;  d. 1916

Tell, Dora  (Mother)
b. 1864;  d. 1927

Tell, Effie Jansma
b. 1885;  d. 1913

Tell, Hattie Sessink
b. 1866;  d. 1907

Tell, William
b. 1904;  d. 1922

Terpstra, Cornelius
b. 1902;  d. 1906

Terpstra, John
b. 1894;  d. 1924;
32nd Cd., Div., Co. B, 120th M.G.Bn.

Terpstra, Ruurd O.
b. Mar. 5, 1832;  d. Aug. 10, 1916

Terpstra, Sjoukje De Jong
w. of Ruurd
b. Sept. 14, 1842;  d. Jan. 5, 1912

Teunis, Alice  (Mother)
b. 1858;  d. 1915

Teunis, Anna
  See De Lange  (Anna Teunis)

Te Winkel, Dorothy
b. 1915;  d. 1915

Tholen, Ben
b. 1892;  d. 1913

Tholen, George
b. 1858;  d. 1899

Tholen, Johanna
b. 1854;  d. 1917;  on lot with Geo., Wm.
and Ben

Tholen, Wm.
b. 1882;  d. 1906

Thorndill, Hurley
b. 1915;  d. 1917

Tiejema, Emma T.  (Mother)
b. 1894;  d. 1927

Tiejema, Robert
inft.;  n. d.

  n. d.

Tolsma, Peter  (Father)
b. Dec. 12, 1843;  d. Nov. 13, 1913

Tuls, John  (Hus.)
b. 1887;  d. 1923

Turpstra, Alice  (Mother)
b. 1878;  d. 1929

Twiest, Alyda
b. Dec. 6, 1889;  d. Aug. 6, 1915

Twiest, John
b. Apr. 5, 1842;  d. Nov. 15, 1920

Twiest, Lammechje
w. of John
b. Dec. 18, 1845;  d. Mar. 10, 1926

Twiest, Laura
b. 1899;  d. 1918

Tyler, Ella  (Mother)
b. 1877;  d. 1915;  on lot with Floyd;
also Cornelius and Suzanna Verbrugge

Tyler, Floyd  (Father)
b. 1878;  d. 1909

Vaders, Adrian
b. 1849;  d. 1918

Van Ark, Agnes Hoedeman
b. 1851;  d. 1927;  on lot with Christian,
Christian and Alice Hoedeman

Van Blooys, Agnes
b. 1876;  d. 1926

Van Blooijs, Dingeman  (Father)
b. 1844;  d. 1928

Van Blooys, Johanna  (Mother)
b. 1857;  d. 1923;  on lot with Dingeman;
also Jos. Van Blooys

Van Blooys, Joseph
b. 1878;  d. 1906

Van Boven, Lyn  (Father)
b. 1843;  d. 1929

Van Boven, Peternela  (Mother)
b. 1845;  d. 1925;  on lot with Lyn

Vandekopple, Catheleen
b. 1895;  d. 1895

Vandekopple, Julius  (Father)
b. 1871;  d. 1923

Van Den Bosch, Martin
b. 1872;  d. 1927

Vandenburg, Mrs. T.  (Mother)
b. Oct. 5, 1833;  d. Mar. 8, 1915

Vandenhout, Elizabeth
b. Mar. 31, 1887;  d. Sept. 28, 1906

Vandenhout, Janna C.  (Mother)
b. 1849;  d. 1929;  on lot with Walter J.,
Elizabeth and John

Vandenhout, John
b. 1874;  d. 1927

Vandenhout, Walter J.  (Father)
b. 1848;  d. 1927

Vanderark, Grietje
b. 1837;  d. 1918;  on lot with Hendrik

Vanderark, Hendrik  (Father)
b. 1835;  d. 1913

Vander Have, Ambrose
b. 1902;  d. 1918

Vanderheide, Esther  (Mother)
b. 1854;  d. 1920;  on lot with Lena and John

Vanderheide, John  (Hus.)
b. 1879;  d. 1928

Vanderheide, Lena
b. 1887;  d. 1917

Vanderhorn, Antje  (Mother)
b. 1840;  d. 1907;  on lot with Peter

Vanderhorn, Peter  (Father)
b. 1844;  d. 1919

Vanderhorn, Sietze  (Bro.)
b. 1872;  d. 1905

Vander Hout, Josie
d. of A. and A.
b. June 16, 1904;  d. June 5, 1905

Vander Hout, Pearl
b. 1906;  d. 1921

VanDer Male, Joseph
b. 1890;  d. 1916

VanDer Male, Lena
b. 1888;  d. 1922;  on lot with Joseph

Vandermeer, Harm
b. 1840;  d. 1926

Van De Roer, John C.  (Father)
b. 1884;  d. 1927

Vander Ploeg, Grace
b. 1890;  d. 1916

Vander Veen,  (Father)
b. 1857;  d. 1918

Vander Veen, Bertha
b. 1883;  d. 1918

Vanderveen, Dirk  (Father)
b. 1838;  d. 1907

Vanderveen, Janne  (Mother)
w. of J.
b. Nov. 11, 1860;  d. Nov. 24, 1909

Vanderveen, Jeltje  (Mother)
b. 1844;  d. 1907;  on lot with Dirk

Vander Veen, Maynard
b. 1909;  d. 1920

Vanderwoude, Henry
b. 1854;  d. 1929

Van Duuren, Andrew
b. 1855;  d. 1924

Van Dyke, Jane  (Mother)
b. 1855;  d. 1923

Van Dyke, Peter
b. June 27, 1868;  d. July 15, 1920

Van Eyk, Susie  (Mother)
b. 1871;  d. 1928

Van Hoeven, Welmoed Beimers
b. 1848;  d. 1920

Van L-ere,
inft.; b. Aug. 21, 1918;  d. May --, ----

Vanluik, James
b. Feb. 6, 1841;  d. July 12, 1916

Vanluik, Neelje
b. Nov. 20, 1836;  d. Dec. 10, 1918;  on lot with James

Van Mulligan, Anna Gertie
d. of H. and J.;  n. d.

Van Mulligen, John Sr.
b. 1849;  d. 1926

Van Mulligen, John  (Father)
b. 1877;  d. 1924

Van Neuren, Alice
b. Mar. 30, 1900;  d. Apr. 29, 1910

Van Neuren, Cornelius
b. 1887;  d. 1926

Van Portfliet, Marvin James
o. d. Mar. --, 1926

Van Setters, Loraine
o. d. Feb. --, 1925

Van Slooten, Frederick M.  (Father)
b. Mar. 11, 1837;  d. Nov. 6, 1916

Van Slooten, Jennie  (Mother)
w. of Frederick M.
b. May 24, 1842;  d. Feb. 9, 1881

Van Splinter, Jacob
b. 1891;  d. 1922

Van Stedum, Mrs. H.
b. 1863;  d. 1926

Van Stedum, Minnie
b. 1900;  d. 1917

Van Straten, Minnie M. Was
b. 1893;  d. 1924

Van Vliet, Douwe F.  (Father)
b. 1845;  d. 1926

Van Vliet, Sjoukje F.  (Mother)
b. 1831;  d. 1913

Varga, Julia
b. Sept. 8, 1914;  d. Nov. 19, 1914

Veen, Renske  (Mother)
b. 1861;  d. 1925

Veenhuis, Cora
b. 1883;  d. 1922

Veenstra, Mrs. A. M. Brok  (Mother)
d. Nov. 4, 1920;  o. d.

Veenstra, Aaltje  (Mother)
b. 1845;  d. 1926;  on lot with
Melle and Henderikus

Veenstra, Henderikus
s. of M. and A.
b. 1887;  d. 1892

Veenstra, Melle  (Father)
b. 1838;  d. 1919

Veenstra, Milo C.
b. 1895;  d. 1926

Velders, Katherine
b. 1915;  d. 1917

Venhuizen, Derk  (Father)
b. 1831;  d. 1911

Verbrugge, Cornelius
b. 1845;  d. 1909

Verbrugge, Suzanna
b. 1876;  d. 1928;  on lot with Cornelius;
also Floyd and Ella Tyler

Verheek, Geo. Abel  (Father)
b. 1845;  d. 1926

Verheek, Johanna Seven  (Mother)
b. 1857;  d. 1928;  on lot with Geo. A.

Vermaire, Mary  (Mother)
b. 1871;  d. 1921

Verstay, Arlene Alice
b. 1915;  d. 1917

Veyer, Harry
b. 1903;  d. 1922

Veyer, Ralph
b. 1868;  d. 1922

Visser, Adriana
b. 1906;  d. 1921

Visser, Barney
o. d. 1906

Visser, Geo.
o. d. 1911

Visser, George
o. d. 1913

Visser, Gerret  (Father)
b. 1868;  d. 1913

Visser, Grietje  (Mother)
w. of John
b. Jan. 14, 1880;  d. Oct. 30, 1915

Visser, Margriette
b. 1905;  d. 1906

Vissia, Dena Modderman
b. 1884;  d. 1914

Vissia, Rev. James A.  (Father)
b. 1880;  d. 1924

Voogt, Jennie
w. of Garrit
b. 1890;  d. 1928

Voshol, Peter  (Father)
b. 1861;  d. 1923

Wagoner, Angeline B.
b. 1916;  d. 1917

Wagoner, Anna Brock
b. 1914;  d. 1921

Wagoner, Della
b. 1888;  d. 1928

Waldmiller, Anthony  (Hus.)
b. 1862;  d. 1924

Waldmiller, Clara
d. May 13, 1920;  o. d.
on lot with Anthony

Waldmiller, John
b. 1889;  d. 1912

Warga, Louise
b. Apr. 15, 1913;  d. Aug. 27, 1913

Was, Minnie M.
  See Van Straten  (Minnie M. Was)

Was, Peter  (Father)
b. Sept. 9, 1853;  d. Nov. 13, 1909

Wassenaar, Wm.
b. 1878;  d. 1930

Waterloo, Alle  (Father)
b. 1839;  d. 1916

Waterloo, Beiske  (Mother)
b. 1831;  d. 1914;  on lot with Alle

Weers, Adriana Rysdyk
b. 1866;  d. 1929

Werner, Frances
b. 1915;  d. 1925

Werner, Robert
b. 1922;  d. 1923

Westerweel, Cornie
b. 1909;  d. 1912

Westmass, Marretje  (Mother)
b. 1865;  d. 1917

Westmass, Vera Ruth
b. 1923;  d. 1927

Weyenberg, Jacob  (Father)
b. 1885;  d. 1924

Whalley, Margaret  (Mother)
b. 1852;  d. 1929;  on lot with Samuel

Whalley, Samuel  (Father)
b. 1851;  d. 1919

Wieland, Joseph  (Father)
b. 1860;  d. 1918

Wieland, Tena  (Mother)
b. 1865;  d. 1924

Wienand, Jasper  (Father)
b. 1847;  d. 1928

Witte, Julia  (Mother)
b. 1843;  d. 1923

Wood, Hilda
  See Broersma  (Hilda Wood)

Wyga, Johanna  (Mother)
b. 1854;  d. 1922;  on lot with Meinte

Wyga, Meinte  (Father)
b. 1858;  d. 1927

Yokom, Donald J.
b. Jan. 20, 1912;  d. Jan. 19, 1923

Yokom, Eona L.
b. Feb. 20, 1915;  d. Mar. 24, 1919

Yonkers, Alle  (Mother)
b. 1883;  d. 1918

Yonkers, John
b. 1881;  d. 1925

Zand, Alice  (Mother)
b. 1859;  d. 19--;  on lot with John

Zand, John  (Father)
b. 1849;  d. 1928

Zaterdag, Antje
b. July 10, 1897;  d. Oct. 10, 1917

Zuster, Hiltje
b. 1868;  d. 1919

Zwartenkot, Claud
b. 1889;  d. 1907

Zwartenkot, Flora  (Mother)
b. 1854;  d. 1925

Zweedyk, Adriana  (Mother)
b. 1854;  d. 1926

Zweedyk, John
b. 1878;  d. 1894


Transcribers: Debbi Carpentier Manni, Michelle Manni

Created: 5 October 2000