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Lithuanian Cemetery (G.R. 93)
Walker Township, Kent County, Michigan Transcribed on or about 27 August 1930 by the Sophie de Marsac Campau Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (D.A.R.) Bisikerskas, Adomas (Father); b.1879 d.1926 Brolis, Kazimieras Waliuszis; b.1876 d.1927 Burtnick, Geo.; b.1886 d.1928 Daukszis, Mike (Hus.); b.1884 d.1929 Dyczkowski, Mary; see Miller Gailius, Frank; b.1891 d.1922 Galines, Louis; b.1860 d.1926 Gasilauskas, K.; b.Jan.5,1873 d.May 19,1923 Gillis, Chas. P. (Father); b.1867 d.1922 Gregaitis, Ambrose (Father); b.1859 d.1916 Gregaitis, Barbara (Mother); b.1860 d.1928; on lot with Ambrose Gregaitis(?), Bernard Kleitsch; o.d. 1921 Grigaiciu, Antonas; b.1884 d.19-- Grigaiciu, Marcely; b.1890 d.1917 Grigaiciu, Mary (Mother); b.1892 d.1929 Grinis, Wm. (Father); b.1872 d.1916 Gruzinskas, Eleria (Dau.); b.1908 d.1915 Gruzinskas, Elizabeth (Mother); b.1883 d.1927 Ignatovig, Josephine; b.1905 d.1915 Jaras, Pijus; b.1878 d.1917 Johnson, Joseph (Father); b.Oct.4,1883 d.Mar.7,1930 Jurksaitis, Jurgis; b.1852 d.1929 Karejvis, Vincjntas; b.1890 d.1923 Kasmirz, Francis; b.1871 d.1926 Kasmirz, Zwern; b.1866 d.19-- Kelpoch, Frances; b.1885 d.1924 Kiever, Paul; b.Apr.11,1918 d.Oct.3,1922 Kisielius, Steponas; b.Dec.10, 1895 d.July 31,1925 Kondrot, Katherine; see Slikas Kupris, Joseph; b.Sept.3,1898 d.Mar.30,1918 Lanski, Wm. G.; b.1897 d.1918; U.S.Navy Latvenas, Ona M.; b.1900 d.1919 Laurynaiczu, Juozas E.; b.Nov.16,1909 d.Apr.27,1914 Laurynaiczu, Juozas S.; b.1876 d.--- Laurynaiczu, Maryjona; b.1882 d.(illegible); on lot with Juozas S. and Juozas E. Laurynaitis, Edna; b.Nov.11,1890 d.Feb.22,1921 Lubin, Peter; b.1879 d.1925 Lubin, Stanley; b.1884 d.1919 Luksyene, Juze; b.1887 d.1926 Matusewciu, Juozas; b.1895 d.1920 Matusewciu, Petronele; b.1903 d.1919 Mikalaitis, Stella (Mother); b.1886 d.1924 Mikuliaviciu, Elizabeth; b.1873 d.1923; on lot with Juozapas. Mikuliaviciu, Juozapas; b.1896 d.1922 Miller, Joseph A.; o.d. May 20,1929; Mich. Pvt., 35th Balloon Co., Air Service Miller, Mary Dyczkowski (Mother); b.Feb.12,1864 d.July 22,1924 Mitchell, Emilia; b.1889 d.1925; on lot with Joseph Mitchell, Joseph; b.1879 d.--- Norkus, Walter; b.1880 d.1925 Palapas, Eva; b.Apr.4,1886 d.Sept.12,1922 Pauliukas, George; b.1876 d.1926 Radzville, Casimir (Father); b.1877 d.1913 Radzville, Helen (Sis); b.1904 d.1927 Radzville, Stanley (Bro.); b.1905 d.1918 Reklaiciu, Marigona; b.1896 d.1917 Seratovicz, John; b.189- d.1916 Slikas, Anthony (Father); b.1861 d.1926 Slikas, Katherine Kondrot; b.1895 d.1923 Sorokas, Anthony; b.1894 d.1921 Stabingis, Peter; o.d. June 11,1922; Penn. Pvt., 319th Inf., 80th Div. Stacilauckas, Antase; b.1915 d.1922 Stacilauckas, Mikse; b.1886 d.1922 Stacilauskas, Vera; b.1890 d.1923 Stankus, Pauline; b.Aug.9,1914 d.Feb.9,1930 Steponaitis, Marian; b.1910 d.1921 Steponaitis, Michael (Father); b.1865 d.1920 Strackauckas, ____ (Mother); b.1875 d.1928 Sutkaitis, Helen; see Tamulaitis Szvedas, John; b.1882 d.1912 Tamulaitis, Amelia (Mother); b.1877 d.1919 Tamulaitis, Helen Sutkaitis (Mother); b.1851 d.1928; on lot with Amelia. Treinis, Agnes; b.1892 d.1924 Walenta, Elizabeth (Mother); b.1860 d.1926 Wanagas, Paloni; w. of Geo.; b.1874 d.1925 Wanagas, George; b.1860 d.19-- Zickus, Anthony (Father); b.1873 d.1927 Zimmerman, Constance; b.1904 d.1928 Zukauskas, Joseph; b.1873 d.1925