Burials -- Rockford Cemetery
Plainfield Township, Kent County, Michigan Transcribed on or about 9 April 1929 by the Sophie de Marsac Campau Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (D.A.R.) Palmer, Jas. H.; b.1854 d.1925 Parkinson, Eliza (Mother); b.1845 d.1908 Parkinson, Robert (Father); b.1839 d.1920 Peake, Harriet M.; see Sage Peaslee, Judson M.; b.1821 d.1906 Perry, DeWitt C.; b.1859 d.1924 Perry, Georgie B.; s. of P.R. and M.E.; d.Oct.28,1876; a.-1y 3m 15d Perry, Mary E.; b.1834 d.1922; on lot with Peleg R., DeWitt C., and Mildred E. Perry, Mildred E.; b.1897 d.1916 Perry, Peleg R.; b.1828 d.1911 Petteys, Elizabeth Scovill; b.1833 d.1902 Pettingill, Sarah; w. of B.N.; b.Sept.28,1838 d.Sept.11,1899; on lot with John W. Robinson Phillips, Calvin T.; b.Mar.4,1825 d.---; on lot with Mary Ann Cartwright Phillips, G.W.; d.Apr.5,1876; a.-46y 9m 22d Phillips, M. Curtis; b.1895 d.1918 Picket, Catherine; w. of A.L.; d.Apr.2,1893; a.-66y Picket, Millard F.; s. of A.L. and C.; b.1850 d.1901 Pierson, Jane (Mother); b.1839 d.1904; on lot with Arthur C. and Emma Goodrich Plank, Susan M.; b.Sept.16,1824 d.Mar.6,1907 Porter, Fannie L.; d. of S.O. and L.M. Eldred; b.Sept.14,1885 d.Feb.5,1906 Porter, Joseph; b.1901 d.1928 Porter, Orra C.; b.1855 d.1917 Porter, S. Elizabeth; b.1859 d.1924 Post, Leah; d. of Leon and Reba; d.1909; a.-8m Post, Susan H. (Mother); b.1832 d.1895 Post, Wm. (Father); b.1828 d.1898; Co. E, 2nd Mich. Cav. Potter, Clarence C.; b.Nov.13,1874 d.Mar.9,1902 Potter, Myron; b.Apr.20,1848 d.July 29,1928 Potter, Rebecca; b.Oct.4,1851 d.Mar.22,1914 Powell, A. C.; b.1848 d.1908 Powell, Sarah A.; w. of Wm.; b.1832 d.1900 Powell, Wm.; b.1820 d.1888; 1st. Lt. Co. E, 74th Reg. Ill. Vol. Inf. Pratt, David C.; b.Sept.14,1815 d.Oct.29,1882 Pratt, Hannah L.; see Whitney Pratt, Martha; see Berry Prescott, Eva A. J.; w. of W.H.; b.July 15,1854 d.June 7,1879 Prescott (?), O.L.; b.1818 d.1901 Prescott (?), P.H.; b.1811 d.1891 Prescott, Sarah F.; w. of W.H.; b.Dec.26,1850 d.Sept.5,1886 Prescott, W.H.; b.1849 d.1923 Preston, Hattie U.; b.1855 d.1919 Provin, Clara; b.1882 d.1920 Provin, Eugenia A.; b.June 27,1846 d.Jan.9,1920 Provin, Leo C.; b.1885 d.1910 Provin, Tyler W.; b.Jan.1,1843 d.Apr.26,1901 Putnam, Alpheus; d.June 9,1875; a.-79y 9m 10d Putnam, Mrs. Alpheus; b.Feb.12,1807 d.Mar.21,1885 Putnam, Ann Doan; d.Jan.24,1879; a.-86y 1m 2d Quigley, Lucy A.; b.1851 d.1915; on lot with Wm. D.G.; also Martha A.,
Smith and Edgar
Quigley, Wm. D.G.; b.1834 d.1917 Rankin, Byron; b.1880 d.1919 Rankin, Iva; b.1884 d.1918 Rector, Adelbert B.; b.1871 d.1917 Rector, Artamissa (Mother); w. of Jeremiah; b.Sept.26,1827 d.Nov.1,1905 Rector, Bellma; n.d. Rector, D.; b.Mar.10,1896 d.Sept.6,1904 Rector, Dinna; w. of Edw.; b.Aug.1,1820 d.Oct.8,1893 Rector, Eben Allen; b.Aug.22,1833 d.Aug.5,1896; on lot with Wm. F.,
and Mary F.; also
Rector, Edward; b.Jan.8,1820 d.Jan.5,1899 Rector, Henry E.; b.1843 d.1908; Corp'l Co. F, 6th Mich. Cav. Rector, Jeremiah (Father); b.May 13,1827 d.June 12,1893 Rector, Lennah; b.1893 d.1917 Rector (?), Leo Ford; b.1903 d.1909 Rector, Lulu; see Everett Rector, M. Evera; d. of A.B. and M.E.; b.May 28,1896 d.Sept.2,1896 Rector, Mary F.; b.1855 d.--- Rector, Minnie E.; w. of A.B.; b.Aug.30,1876 d.May 29,1896 Rector (?); Minor S.; b.Nov.4,1854 d.Aug.14,1907 Rector, Reginald R.; s. of Wm. B. and Fannie L.; b.Jan.6,1894 d.Sept.12,1903; a.-9y 7m 27d Rector, Rena; b.July 12,1883 d.July 3,1897 Rector, Roena; d. of Floyd and Pearl; b.June 21,1897 d.Apr.17,1900 Rector, Wm. F.; b.1854 d.1928 Reinshagen, Alice; b.1859 d.1920 Reinshagen, C. L.; b.Oct.7,1833 d.Jan.2,1912 Reinshagen, Hannah; w. of J.J.; b.Aug.11,1824 d.--- Reinshagen, John J.; b.July 25,1827 d.Jan.12,1904 Reynolds, Almira A.; b.1848 d.1910; on lot with D.L. Reynolds, David L.; b.1845 d.19-- Rice, Lawson Niles; b.1830 d.1911 Rice, Martha Chapin; b.1840 d.1908; on lot with Lawson Niles; also Mary Marvin McArthur Rice, Phebe A.; see Sage Richards, Diantha M.; b.1831 d.1897; on lot with Jonas B. and Olive
L.; also K.E., Elva V.,
Richards, Jonas B.; b.1829 d.1896 Richards, Olive L.; o.d. 1880 Richardson, Lydia L.; b.1878 d.1910; on lot with L.C., T.W., E.A., and
Clara Provin;
Roberts, Eugene W.; b.1851 d.1918 Robinson, Augusta M.; d. of Leonard and R.E.; d.Apr.8,1878; a.-20y 8m Robinson, George W.; b.1857 d.1912 Robinson, John W.; n.d.; Co. M, 3rd. N.Y.L.A. Rose, David (Father); b.1837 d.1888 Rose, Edith L. (Sister); b.1882 d.1884 Rose, Inman S. (Brother); b.1879 d.1920 Rose, Lottie E.; b.1876 d.1925 Rose, Maria (Mother); b.1844 d.1920 Rose, Ransom D. (Brother); b.1873 d.1876 Rounds, _; b.1852 d.1856 Rounds, Ada M.; w. of H.C.; d.Sept.17,1873; a.-27y 5m 4d Rounds, Arlina (Mother); b.Oct.14,1832 d.Oct.1,1899; on lot with Wm.H.,
Isabelle E.
Rounds, Edwin D.; b.June 6,1854 d.Feb.15,1924 Rounds, Elizabeth (Mother); b.1828 d.1919; on lot with Lorenzo, Mary E., Hosea, and Inft. Rounds, Geo. W.; b.Dec.28,1828 d.Apr.17,1903 Rounds, Henry C.; n.d.; Co. H, 21st. Mich. Inf. Rounds, Hosea B.; b.1864 d.1869 Rounds, Isabelle E.; b.June 19,1857 d.June 20,1914 Rounds, Lorenzo (Father); b.1827 d.1916 Rounds, Mary; w. of Samuel; d.July 22,1882; a.-28y 8m 27d Rounds, Mary E.; b.1854 d.1908 Rounds, Mary R.; w. of G.W.; b.Apr.26,1832 d.--- Rounds, Rena A.; see Brooks Rounds, Samuel; d.Apr.12,1902; a.-51y 3m 7d Rounds, Wm. H. (Father); b.Oct.14,1819 d.Oct.19,1886 Sage, Amos; b.Sept.11,1812 at E. Bloomfield, Ontario Co., N.Y.; d.Dec.27,1890 Sage, Carlton H.; b.Nov.4,1846 at W. Bloomfield, Ontario Co., N.Y.; d.May 5,1853 Sage, Caroline E. A.; b.Jan.27,1841 at W. Bloomfield, N.Y.; d.Feb.12,1903 Sage, David B.; b.Mar.30,1839 at W. Bloomfield, N.Y.; d.Aug.9,1866 Sage, Frank C.; s. of G.A. and H.M.; d.June 27,1873; a.-1y 9m 13d Sage, Geo. A.; b.1843 d.1918 Sage, Harriet M. Peake; w. of Geo. A.; b.Dec.17,1847 d.Mar.5,1906 Sage, Mary M.; d. of G.A. and H.M.; d.June 24,1873; a.-3y 10m Sage, Phebe A. Rice; w. of Amos; b.July 24,1813 at Westminster, Vt.; d.July 9,1883 Sage, Ransom; b.Jan.9,1853 at Grand Rapids, Mich.; d.Feb.-,1883 Sarber, Hollis O.; b.1856 d.1926 Sargent, Ruth; n.d. Saunders, Harley W.; b.1859 d.1895 Saunders, Harvey E.; b.Aug.13,1863 d.Dec.9,1895 Saunders, Nettie; w. of H.E.; b.Sept.20,1865 d.May 8,1890 Scarvell, Willie; b.1883 d.--- Schumacher, Gustav K.; b.June 26,1853 at Ouebingen, Wuertemberg, Germany; d.Aug.1,1903 Schumacher, Wilhelm; n.d. Scott, Clara K.; b.1882 d.1915 Scoville, Elizabeth; see Petteys Scoville, Anna; b.1863 d.1926 Scoville, Lorenzo; b.1827 d.1900 Scoville, Lucy; b.1830 d.1904; on stone with Lorenzo Sears, Charles F.; b.1841 d.1919; Lt., Co. H, 21st. Mich Vol. Sears, Clifton; b.July 30,1871 d.July 31,1899 Sears, Harvey A.; b.1846 d.1916; 21st. Mich. Inf. Sears, Jane E.; b.1845 d.1918; on lot with Chas. F. and Clifton Sears, Janett; b.1846 d.1925 Selleck, Ada Coon; b.1866 d.1928; on lot with Emily and Jackson Coon Shaw, Fay; d. of C.J. and M.E.; d.Oct.21,1891; a.-8m 19d Shaw, G.M.; b.Mar.9,1831 d.Feb.1,1913 Shaw, Matilda E.; w. of N.; d.Jan.29,1868; a.-38y 8m 25d Shaw, Matilda R.; d. of C.J. and M.E.; b.Sept.2,1873 d.July 4,1897 Shaw, Melissa E.; w. of Chas. J.; b.Apr.11,1854 d.Mar.15,1926 Shaw, Nicholas; d.Mar.25,1894; a.-71y 11m 28d Shaw, Olive Hewitt; b.1828 d.1909 Shaw, S.N.; d.Jan.2,1879; a.-78y Shaw, Sarah E.; w. of G.M.; b.Jan.5,1842 d.Mar.10,1890 Shaw, Sophy; w. of S.N.; d.Jan.25,1878; a.-77y 7m 3d Sherman, W.; b.1834 d.1917 Siegel, Dolores; o.d. 1915 Siegel, Jos. F.; b.1874 d.1923 Simmons, D. Clinton; b.1844 d.19--; Co. K, 123rd Reg. Civil War Vet. Simpson, Emma C.; b.1844 d.1924 Simpson, James C.; b.1840 d.1927 Simpson, Lillian M.; b.1867 d.1923 Sines, Emma May; b.1865 d.1924 Skellenger, James S.; b.Aug.31,1825 d.May 2,1900 Skelling, Ida Judson; b.1857 d.1879 Skinner, Christopher; b.May 23,1822 d.Oct.1,1901; Co. D, 1st. Mich. E. and M. Skinner, Frank H.; b.1862 d.1924 Skinner, Guy M.; b.1894 d.1921 Skinner, Mary A.; w. of C.; b.Jan.15,1828 d.----.---,1915 Skutt, Nellie; d. of M.H. and S.E.; d.Apr.21,1886; a.-5y 3m Slocum, Clarence W.; b.1868 d.1916 Smith, Alfred Merrill; b.1850 d.1912 Smith, Catherine; b.1798 d.1880; on lot with Euphemia and James Malcolm Smith, David G. (Father); b.Mar.15,1820 d.Aug.17,1892; on lot with Geo. J. Smith, Earl; b.1865 d.1900 Smith, Earl; b.1891 d.1917 Smith, Emma R. (Mother); b.1872 d.1923; on lot with Ezra A.; Smith, Euphemia; b.1839 d.1906; on lot with James Malcolm and Catherine. Smith, Ezra A. (Father); b.1870 d.1924 Smith, Geo. J.; b.May 3,1847 d.Jan.8,1908 Smith, Harriet E. Whipple; w. of Lyman; b.1826 d.1916 Smith, James L.; b.1840 d.1884 Smith, James Malcolm; b.1838 d.1909 Smith, Julia Wilkinson; b.1846 d.1903 Smith, Lyman; b.Dec.22,1807 at Spafford, Onondago Co., N.Y.
Smith, Mary E.; b.1842 d.1921; on lot with Matie, James L., Nettie, and Susie Smith, Matie R.; b.1863 d.1915 Smith, Mannie; b.1871 d.1889 Smth, Nellie; b.1865 d.1866 Smith, Ola R.; d. of Inman and Edith; b.Oct.22,1887 d.Aug.18,1888 Smith, Susie; b.1869 d.1872 Snyder, Helen; b.1900 d.1917 Snyder, Lois O.; b.1902 d.1907 Snyder, Mary Eggleston; b.July 7,1828 d.July 27,1898 Snyder, Walter R.; b.1865 d.1906 Sowerby, Ann; w. of John; d.Sept.1,1880; a.-73y 8m Sowerby, Edward; s. of John and Ann; b.Sept.29,1850 d.Mar.15,1901 Sowerby, Jane; w. of Thos.; d.Apr.22,1889; a.-54y 2m 16d Sowerby, John; .d.Dec.25,1881; a.-75y 7m 7d Sowerby, Joseph; s. of T. and J.; d.Aug.19,1869; a.-1y 8m 18d Sowerby, Thomas; b.June 5,1831 d.June 20,1893 Spaulding, Elizabeth; b.1829 d.1901; on lot with L.A. and W.S.; also Mary Spaulding Groat. Spaulding, L.A.; b.1830 d.1877 Spaulding, Mary; see Groat Spaulding, W.S.; b.1817 d.1892 Spencer, Almira Kesson; b.1828 d.1884; on lot with Geo., Geo., J. Madison;
also Jennie
Spencer, Amanda J.; b.Feb.18,1851 d.May 8,1911; on lot with Homer M.,
Claud B.
Spencer, Claud B.; b.Jan.28,1877 d.July 12,1909 Spencer, Effie May; b.Mar.2,1885 d.Feb.10,1902 Spencer, G. Stanley; b.1888 d.1927 Spencer, Geo.; b.1823 d.1893 Spencer, Geo.; b.1856 d.1902 Spencer, Geo. H.; b.Aug.24,1851 d.May 22,1893; a.-42y 9m 21d Spencer, Homer M.; b.May 9,1851 d.Nov.18,1897 Spencer, J. Madison; b.1860 d.1883 Spencer, Jennie Davis; b.1863 d.1924; on lot with J.M., Geo., Geo., and Almira Kesson Spencer. Sepncer, Verna; d. of G.H. and M.M.; d.June 6,1891; a.-2m 7d Spore, Clara A.; b.1848 d.1911 Spore, Harry J.; b.1874 d.1879 Spore, Judson M.; b.1848 d.1910 Spore, Lilly; w. of J.C.; d.Dec.19,1867; a.-42y 9m 8d Spring, Albert J.; b.1843 d.1911 Spring, Catharine Cronk; w. of J.S.; d.Mar.13,1883; a.-76y 2m 2d Spring, Dora R.; b.1852 d.1928; on lot with Albert J. Spring, Flora M.; b.1878 d.1921 Spring, Frances L.; n.d. Spring, Hazen A.; s. of Willis B. and Mabel M.; d.July 5,1905; a.-8y 2m 1d Spring, J. Gilbert; b.1832 d.1917 Spring, Jared S.; b.July 24,1803 d.July 30,1891; pioneer of Cannon in 1844 Spring, Lida; d. of Geo. and Anna; d.Jan.2,1888; a.1y 10m 11d Stanton, B.; b.Feb.29,1801 d.Oct.19,1868 at Kendallville Stanton, L.; b.Nov.24,1806 d.Apr.1,1880 at Cadillac; on lot with B., also M. and C. Lamore Stegman, Chas. H.; b.1884 d.1921; buried in Montana Stegman, Henry F.; b.1859 d.1925 Stegman, Sarepta A.; b.1858 d.19--; on lot with H.F. and Chas. H. Stinson, Eleanor C.; b.1818 d.1904 Stinson, H.N.; n.d.; Lt. Co. D, 6th Mo. Cav. Stocum, Daniel R.; b.Nov.20,1841 d.Mar.19,1891 Stocum, Nettie; w. of D.R.; b.Sept.16,1848 d.May 7,1882 Stocum, Rowana; w. of Orrin Day; b.Feb.1,1804 d.Sept.2,1875 at Middletown, Delaware Co., N.Y. Stoner, John I.; b.1818 d.1876 Stoner, May J.; w. of J.I.; b.1825 d.1907 Stoop, Mary; w. of J.A.; b.1860 d.---- Stoop, Nettie M.; d. of J.A. and M.A.; b.1885 d.1904 Stoops, James; b.1846 d.1924 Stoppard, Edwin; n.d.; Co. B, 160th N.Y. Inf. Strand, Louis; b.1853 d.1921 Sturgis, Rev. Arthur H.; b.1862 d.1923 Sutton, Aaron; f. of Austa Sutton Whitworth; (this biographical information given on Austa Sutton Whitworth's gravestone); see Whitworth, Austa Sutton Sutton, Austa; see Whitworth Sutton, Betsey; m. of Austa Sutton Whitworth; (this biographical information given on Austa Sutton Whitworth's gravestone); see Whitworth, Austa Sutton Taber, Ella M.; b.1881 d.1912 Taber, Ella May; b.1878 d.1879 Taber, James; b.1888(?) d.1888 Taber, Lucia; w. of James; d.Feb.6,1884; a.-47y 9m 1d Taber, N.A.G.; b.Oct.10,1834 d.Oct.20,1873 Taylor, Ada B.; w. of H.C.; b.Mar.23,1854 d.Feb.1,1886 Teesdale, Albert A.; b.1847 d.1925 Teesdale, Sophrona D.; b.1856 d.1918; on lot with Albert A. Teneyck, Eleanor; b.1910 d.1921 Teneyck, Hepsy A.; b.1847 d.1923; on lot with Jos. S. Teneyck, Joseph S.; b.1827 d.1912 Terry, Dewitt C.; b.1855 d.1925 Terry, Hiram; d.Jan.14,1863; a.-38y 7m 8d; Lt., Co. C, 13th Mich. Inf. Terry, Inez Adella; d. of Hiram and Minerva; b.Mar.28,1857 d.Aug.22,1874 Terry, Minerva M. (Mother); w. of Hiram; b.Jan.16,1829 d.Dec.28,1887 Thew, John (Husband); b.1871 d.1904 Thomas, Anaziah; n.d.; Co. A, Mich. Provo. Grds. Thornton, Lutina S.; w. of Chas. E.; b.Nov.3,1848 d.Jan.24,1880 Tiffany, Albert D.; b.1853 d.1920 Tompsett, Sarah S.; w. of Geo.; b.1858 d.1915 Toms, Mary L.; w. of A. W.; d.June 12,1902; a.-56y Topping, Zilla; see Downey Totten, G.W.; b.1854 d.1909 Totten, Maria; b.Apr.20,1844 d.Aug.3,1910 Tower, Adelbert; b.1847 d.1915 Tower, Lodecia; b.1856 d.1922 Trowbridge, Sue A. Miller; w. of C.S.; b.Dec.16,1853 d.Apr.5,1880; on
lot with John D.
Tryon, Adelaide; b.1848 d.--- Tryon, Friend E.; b.1844 d.1917 Tubbs, Rebecca; b.1834 d.1916 Turner, Catharine; b.1826 d.1855; on stone with Wm., Wm. Jr., Emiline and Everett R. Turner, Clarissa; w. of Henry; b.-- at Owego, N.Y.; d.Apr.26,1892 at
Cannon, Mich.;
Turner, Elma; b.1884 d.1887 Turner, Emiline; w. of Wm.; b.1822 d.1899 Turner, Everett R.; b.1844 d.1880 Turner, Harvell; b.1852 d.1925 Turner, Louise; b.1862 d.1920 Turner, Wm.; b.1797 d.1851; on stone with Wm. Jr., Emiline, Catharine and Everett R. Turner, Wm. Jr.; b.1821 d.--- Tuttle, Martin H.; b.1852 d.19-- Tuttle, Minnie E.; b.1857 d.1923; on lot with Martin H. |