Burials -- Rockford Cemetery
Plainfield Township, Kent County, Michigan Transcribed on or about 9 April 1929 by the Sophie de Marsac Campau Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (D.A.R.) Kane, ______ (Father); b.1817 d.1909 Kane, ______ (Mother); b.1818 d.1906; on lot with F.G. and grave marked Father. Kane, Frank G.; b.1859 d.1918 Keech, Rose May; o.d. 1911 Kennepp, David; b.1846 d.1900 Kennepp, Lucy J.; b.1847 d.1915; on lot with David; also Mary M. and David Lemon Kenney, James; b.-- in Canada; d.June 18,1891; a.-78y; Co. K, 1st. Mich. Cav. Kenney, John G.; d.May 6,1881; 32y 1m 3d Kenney, Martha Clark; w. of James; b.Feb.2,1812 in Ireland; d.May 2,1898 Kesson, Almira; see Spencer Kipp, Chas. M.; b.Oct.14,1864 d.May 4,1898 Kipp, Evelyn L.; b.May 16,1863 d.---- Kipp, Lilia V.; b.1868 d.1921 Kipp, Lorimer G.; b.1851 d.19-- Kirs, Barbara R.; b.1860 d.1917 Kirs, Henry; b.1854 d.1925 Kline, Embury E.; ch. of Philip and Una; d.Aug.9,1873; a.-5m Kline, Jennie M.; b.1857 d.1908 Kline, Philip; n.d.; Co. L, 21st. N.Y. Cav. Knorr, Francis; b.1840 d.1927; on lot with L.G. and L.V. Kipp Kutts, Anna K.; b.1842 d.1913 Kutts, Carrie M.; b.Nov.15,1880 d.June 7,1901 Kutts, Frank F.; b.1835 d.1906 Lamb, __; d. of G.T. and H.L.; o.d. 1918 Lamb, Adrian C.; b.1851 d.--- Lamb, Frances L.; b.1908 d.1908 Lamb, Georgia M. (Mother); b.1866 d.1918 Lamb, Lovisa Chaffee (Mother); w. of Thos. K.; b.Nov.4,1818 d.Mar.1,1899 Lamb, Lucy J.; b.1837 d.---; on lot with M.M. Lamb, Lydia M.; w. of A.C.; b.1850 d.1907 Lamb, Merritt M.; b.1845 d.1914 Lamb, Merritt U.; b.1892 d.1918; Capt. 125th Inf., died in France Lamb, Myrtie; b.1863 d.1925 Lamore, C.; b.Aug.14,1831 d.Nov.23,1904; Co. F, 152nd Ind. Inf. Lamore, Lewis; d.Jan.2,1901; a.-17y 11m 15d Lamore, M.; b.Oct.10,1838 d.---; on lot with M., also L. and B. Stanton Lane, Edgar W.; b.1853 d.1911 Lapham, Catherine; m. of Dicie Lapham Miner; (this biographical information
given on
Lapham, Dicie; see Miner Lapham, Smith; f. of Dicie Lapham Miner; (this biographical information
given on
Lapham, Stafford; s. of Smith and Catherine; d.Nov.9,1852; a.-24y 2d Larkin, Enos R.; b.Mar.28,1827 at Nassau, N.Y.; d.Jan.14,1892 at Rockford,
Larkin, Nellie; w. of Enos R.; b.1830 d.1919 Laughlin, Kenneth C.; b.1916 d.1926 Leach, Cyril H.; b.1827 d.1911 Leach, Mary A.; b.1841 d.1913 Leach, Olive A.; b.1861 d.1920 Lemon, David; b.1825 d.1907 Lemon, Mary M.; b.1827 d.1909; on lot with David; also Lucy J. and David Kennepp Leroy, ______; b.1895 d.1923; in our country's service Lester, Harriet E.; b.1843 d.1916 Lloyd, James F.; b.1838 d.1906 Lockerby, Bennajah; s. of E. and D.; d.Aug.18,1880; a.-9m 26d Lockerby, Ida; see Finley Lockerby, Mitchel M.; b.1849 d.1927 Long, Eunice M.; b.1897 d.1919; on lot with Wm. Henry Long, John; b.1833 d.1903 Long, Maria; b.1846 d.Jan.4,1892; a.-45y 9m 17d; on lot with John Long, Wm. Henry; b.1866 d.1917 Lovelace, Bertha C.; b.1873 d.1911 Lovelace, Ellen M.; b.1867 d.1927 Lovelace, Frank A.; b.1866 d.--- Loveless, Henry D.; n.d.; Sergt. Co. I, 20th Ill. Inf. Lunn, Eliza; w. of Wm. F.; b.June 10,1832 d.Apr.7,1912 Lunn, Lottie M.; d. of W.F. and Eliza; b.Jan.31,1873 d.Aug.1,1877 Lunn, Wm.F.; b.Apr.19,1830 d.Nov.5,1904 McArthur, Mary Marvin; b.June 10,1813 d.Apr.15,1901; on lot with L. N. and M.C. Rice McArthur, Olive D.; b.1857 d.1918 McArthur, Rial V.; b.1850 d.1925 McAulay, John E.; b.1851 d.1911 Mc Bane, J. B.; n.d.; Corp. Co. H, 13th Mich. Vol. Inf. Mc Bane, Orla G.; b.1879 d.1922 Me Connell, Gilbert C. (Father); b.Nov.20,1823 d.June 19,1899 Mc Connell, Mary P.; b.June 2,1826 d.Nov.19,1907 Mc Crory, Henry; b.1877 d.1918 McFarlan, Wallace; b.1852 d.1924 McMillan, Florence D.; w. of Neal; b.Sept.24,1852 at Cannon; d.Mar.21,1876;
McMillan, Neal; b.1845 d.1920 McMillan, Ruth Blossom; d. of Neal and Jeanie L.; b.1888 d.1894 MacQuarrie, Daniel; b.1825 d.1900 MacQuarrie, Elva V.; b.1854 d.1916; on lot with Daniel and Kittie E.;
also O.L., Diantha M.
MacQuarrie, Kittie E.; b.1882 d.1885 Magee, Jno.; n.d.; Co. C, 16th N.Y.H.A. Main, Ida R.; b.1857 d.1927 Major, Myrtle Dakin; b.1881 d.1903 Malam, James S.; b.1842 d.1913 Malam, Mary Chapin; b.1846 d.1900; on lot with James S. Mann, Adaline A.; w. of C. M.; b.1845 d.1912 Mann, Carrie; d. of C.M. and A.; d.May 24,1874; a.-1y 4m 6d Mann, Charles M.; b.1839 d.1914 Martin, Ensley; b.1835 d.1902 Martin, Harry; b.1878 d.1878 Martin, Maitland; b.1876 d.1877 Martin, Martha H.; b.1842 d.1919; on lot with Ensley, Maitland and Harry Marvin, Mary; see McArthur Mason, Malvina; see Hubbel Maynard, Wilbur W.; b.1873 d.1917 Meek, Alfred H.; b.1886 d.1925 Meek, Hazel; o.d. Mar.25,1884 Meek, Ina B.; b.1859 d.19-- Meek, James; b.1855 d.1925 Meek, Sarah; b.1820 d.1879 Melville, Loreta; d.Aug.20,1886; a.-4m 20d Merithew, Ida Lavina; b.Dec.20,1860 d.Feb.25,1899; on lot with Wm. A. and Caroline A. Danforth Metcalf, Samuel H.; b.Feb.1,1830 d.May 1,1885; a.-55y 3m Metzger, Christiana; w. of G.; b.1834 d.1906 Metzger, Gottfried; b.1831 d.1907 Mezger, Christian G.; b.--- at Vellingen, Esslingen, Wirtenberg;
Miller, ____ (Father); b.1846 d.1918; on lot with grave marked mother;
also Mary Miller,
Miller, ___ (Mother); b.1850 d.1920; on lot with grave marked father;
also Mary Miller,
Miller, Barbara C.; w. of G.C.; b.Dec.15,1836 d.Dec.3,1900 Miller, Catherine S.; w. of John D.; b.Jan.27,1828 d.Jan.25,1920 Miller, Geo. G.; d.Apr.21,1919; a.-66y 12d Miller, John D.; b.Sept.27,1825 d.July 31,1883 Miller, Mary Brantner; b.1824 d.1912; on lot with father and mother;
also John F. and
Miller, Sue A.; see Trowbridge Mills, Aaron; s. of Elizabeth Ford; (this biographical information given
on Elizabeth Ford's
Mills, Elizabeth; see Ford Mills, Elvira C.; d.Apr.28,1871; stone broken, age gone; on lot with Aaron; also Elizabeth Ford. Mills, Karl; s. of Chas. W. and Lizzie L.; n.d.; a.-7d Miner, Dicie; d. of Smith and Catherine Lapham; w. of Jed; b.Nov.12,1841 d.Dec.8,1872 Minion, Charlotte; b.1864 d.1910 Moe, Clarence R.; b.1865 d.1905 Moe, Irving W.; b.1843 d.1916 Moe, Mary E.; b.1851 d.1923 Moe, Mary Elizabeth; b.1852 d.1926 Moe, Ralph E.; b.1875 d.1905 Moe, Wesley Warren; b.1853 d.1917 Moore, Edward E.; s. of F. and J.A.; d.June 23,1865; a.-19d Moore, Jesse J.H.; s. of F. and J.A.; d.Nov.25,1879; a.-2y 9m 15d Moore, Lulu M.; b.Aug.4,1873 d.June 1,1901; on lot with Leo C., Tyler
W., Eugenia A.,
Moore, Maria M.; d. of F. and J.A.; d.Aug.25,1873; a.-4y 1m 21d Morgan, Geo. E.; b.1843 d.--- Morgan, Jennie H.; w. of Geo.; b.1848 d.1904 Morningstar, Hyrem; b.1856 d.1921 Morris, Edwin A.; b.1841 d.1926 Morris, James K. (Father); b.1812 d.1882 Morris, Josephine; b.1843 d.19-- Morris, Lutina K. (Mother); b.1814 d.1901; on lot with Jas. K., Edwin A., and Josephine Munro, Carrie; w. of David; d.Jan.30,1872; a.-23y Munro, James O.; b.1875 d.1915 Munro, Winifred W., b.1900 d.1908 Nash, Anson E.; d.Jan.25,1884; a.-70y 11m 29d Nash, Esther M.; w. of A.E.; d.June 1,1886; a.-68y 2m 10d Newcomb, Chas. B.; b.1877 d.1920 Northup, Mary M; b.1809 d.1894; on lot with Needham; also Volney Vanloon Northup, Alice D.; b.1856 d.1917; on lot with Robert, L.A. and W.A. Dockeray Nutter, John M.; b.Jan.10,1816 in Livingston Co., N.Y.; d.May 6,1895
at Cannon, Mich.;
Nutter, Matilda Chamberlain; w. of J.M.; b.Feb.7,1819 in Hunterdon Co.,
Nutter, Children of John M. and Matilda:
Olsen, Olof; b.1864 d.1916 |