Burials -- Rockford Cemetery
Plainfield Township, Kent County, Michigan Transcribed on or about 9 April 1929 by the Sophie de Marsac Campau Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (D.A.R.) Farrell, Emily; b.1842 d.1907 Farrell, Timothy; b.1842 d.1918 Felter, Augustus J. (Father); b.1852 d.1924 Felter, Cloe J.; b.1882 d.1923 Felter, Rose M. (Mother); b.1852 d.1918 Fenton, Elizabeth; b.1843 d.1862 Fenton, Ella; b.1849 d.1862 Fenton, G. M.; n.d.; Lt. Co. G, 1st. Mich. H. A. Fenton, Hattie; b.1847 d.1917 Fenton, Katherine; b.1810 d.1905; on lot with Samuel, Elizabeth, Ella,
Fenton, Samuel; b.1814 d.1881 Fenton, Silas; b.1855 d.1898 Fenton, Thomas; b.1840 d.1927 Ferry, Sarah Judson; b.1842 d.1911 Finley, Ida Lockerby; b.1859 d.1915 Finster, W. H.; b.1878 d.1908 Fisher, Elias P.; b.Feb.26,1832 d.June 15,1878 Fisher, Elsie S.; b.1869 d.1909 Fisher, Frank; b.1863 d.1919 Fisher, Harry T.; b.1889 d.1912 Fisher, Rachel; see Wellbrook Fitch, Charlie; n.d.; a.-9y Fitzgerald, Lena Wells; b.1884 d.1908 Fitzpatrick, Julia A.; b.1873 d.1920 Fletcher, Lillie L.; w. of O.O.; d.Dec.9,1874 at Rockford; a.-22y Foote, Metta B.; b.1874 d.1923 Force, Britton (Father); b.1819 d.1901 Force, Eliza (Mother); b.1822 d.1905; on lot with Britton and Irving;
Force, Irving; b.Jan.22,1850 d.Mar.29,1896 Ford, Elizabeth; m. of Aaron Mills; d.Oct.7,1867; a.- stone broken Ford(?), Leo; b.1903 d.1909 Forrest, Wm. W.; b.1860 d.1907 Fuller, Henrietta; see Wilson George, Donald D.; s. of Z. and R.; b.1901 d.1903 George, Sophia (Mother); b.1833 d.1892; on lot with Rev. T.T., Donald
George, Rev. T.T. (Father); b.1830 d.1919 George, Rev. Zenas W.; b.1860 d.1907 Gilbert, Edgar S.; b.Oct.26,1847 d.June 16,1892 Gilbert, Martha A.; w. of Smith; b.May 22,1825 d.May 2,1902 Gilbert, Smith; b.Oct.22,1810 d.Dec.1,1888 Gilchrist, Plyna (Mother); d.Aug.29,1904; a.-73y 9m Gillatt, Maria; see Whitworth Gilman, J.M.; b.Jan.16,1812 d.Apr.2,1888 Gilman, Lucy; w. of J.M.; b.May 4,1816 d.-------- Girodat, Louis; n.d.; Co. H, 1st. Mich. Inf. Goodrich, Arthur C.; b.1870 d.19-- Goodrich, Emma; b.1871 d.1922; on lot with Arthur C. Goodrich, Emma J.; b.1846 d.1925 Gormell, Emma; b.1861 d.1896; on lot with Geo. V. and Harry Gormell, Geo. V.; b.1854 d.19-- Gormell, Harry; b.1894 d.1894 Gormell, Martha L.; b.1881 d.1916 Graves, Herman S.; b.1891 d.1918; Pvt., Co. K, 28th Inf. Greiner, Hiram C.; b.1859 d.-- Greiner, Lena M.; b.1865 d.1927 Groat, Mary Spaulding; b.1866 d.1902 Groat, Nicholas; d.July 7,1896; a.-91y 10m 9d Gross, Frank; b.1846 d.1917; 6th Mich. Cav. Gross, Henry; b.Oct.16,1807 d.Sept.16,1893 Gross, R. Amelia; b.1852 d.1916 Gross, Wendel; b.1820 d.1856 Haag, Julia G.; d. of Peter and Fannie; b.Nov.26,1895 d.Nov.4,1901; a.-5y 11m 9d Hagenah, John; b.1838 d.1916 Hammon, Harriet; see Inman Haner, Chas. A.; b.1842 d.1918; Corp. Co. D, 14th Mich. Inf. Haner, Frances C.; b.1846 d.1922 Hartmann, Catherine Alber (Mother); b.1861 d.1922; on lot with John, Elizabeth and Kathryn Hartmann, Elizabeth; b.1886 d.1900 Hartmann, John; b.1853 d.1890 Hartmann, Kathryn; b.1888 d.1907 Haskell, Mary A.; b.1858 d.1908 Haskell, Mary K.; b.1884 d.1923 Havens, Christena; b.1882 d.1919 Hawkins, G. W.; n.d.; Co. F, 10th N.Y. Inf. Hayden, Nellie C.; d. of Chas. and Nellie; d.Sept.1,1882; a.-1y Hayden, Willie; s. of Chas. and Nellie; d.Oct.15,1870; o.d. Helsel, James H.; b.1898 d.1921 Helsel, Walter J.; b.1894 d.1910 Helsel, Zoa; o.d. Mar. --- 1900 Hency, David; n.d.; Co. B, 29th Ind. Vet. Vols. Hency, Henry; s. of D. and C.; b.Oct.6,1857 d.Feb.18,1897 Hendrickson, Jane E.; b.Mar.13,1815 d.Oct.30,1887; on lot with Lydia and Harrison Wilcox Hennagin, Frances J.; w. of Geo. E.; d.Sept.28,1874; a.-25y 7m 3d Herrick, Ruth T. (Sister); b.Oct.10,1822 at West Randolph, Vt.; d.Nov.10,1874
at Rockford;
Hessenius, Fred; b.Nov.18,1833 d.June 3,1910 Hessler,
Hewitt, Clarence M.; s. of J.B. and G.M.; d.Oct.4,1861; a.-3y 3m 4d Hewitt, Edith V.; d. of J.B. and G.M.; d.May 4,1873; a.-5y 5m 17d Hewitt, L. Ophelia; b.1857 d.1922 Hewitt, Olive; see Shaw Hicks, Rhoda; w. of S.F.; b.June 10,1820 d.Jan.10,1894 Hicks, Stephen F.; b.June 20,1820 d.Mar.12,1892 Hill, Elvin G.; b.June 17,1809 d.Feb.8,1901 Hill, Hannah; w. of E.G.; b.Nov.22,1811 at St. Stephens, N.B.; d.May 18,1878; a.-66y 5m 26d Holden, Horatio S.; b.1847 d.1895 Holden, Sarah A.; b.1852 d.1918; on lot with H.S. Hooper, Samuel; n.d.; Co. I, 5th U.S. Art. House, Alonzo; d.Apr.1,1911; a.-80y House, Andrew; b.Sept.24,1806 d.Sept.22,1873 House, Charlie H.; s. of J.W. and G.A.; d.Dec.11,1870; a.-1y 9m 9d House, James W.; b.1834 d.1914 House, Juliett E.; w. of Alonzo F.; d.May 1,1887; a.-51y 8m 3d House, Milinda; see Davis House, Robert M.; d.Oct.5,1874; a.-55y House, Sarah V.; w. of Andrew; b.Aug.15,1804 d.--- Hubbel, Elmon Sumner; b.Apr.29,1829 at North Brookfield, N.Y.; d.Sept.18,1898 Hubbel, Homer E.; s. of E.S. and M.; d.May 1,1871; a.-2y 1d Hubbel, Malvina Mason; w. of Elmon S.; b.Sept.24,1829 at Stockbridge,
N.Y.; m.Sept.25,1852;
Hubbel, Sarah L.; d.May 18,1881; a.-22y 1m 28d Hulbert, Elizabeth; b.Jan.18,1842 d.Jan.10,1907 Hulbert, Marshall; b.1898 d.1912 Hunting, Edna L.; b.1875 d.1915 Hunting, Geo. S.; b.1839 d.1910 Hunting, Horatio S.; b.1863 d.1928 Hunting, Mary; b.1852 d.1927 Husted, M. Blanche; b.1865 d.1912 Hutchings, Clyde; b.Feb.24,1885 d.Jan.17,1887 Hutchings, Eliza Ann; d. of Geo. and Isabella; d.Aug.25,1861; a.-17y 5m 3d Hutchings, Ellen Margaret; d. of Geo. and Isabella; d.Sept.15,1901;
Hutchings, Ernest H.; b.Aug.16,1871 d.Feb.7,1898 Hutchings, Geo. (Deacon); d.June 14,1886; a.-85y 6m Hutchings, Isabella; w. of Geo.; d.Jan.15,1892; a.-70y 7m Hutchings, J. Russell; b.Nov.3,1896 d.May 28,1897 Hutchings, Lewis George; b.1866 d.1928 Hutchings, Mary A.; b.Dec.26,1841 d.Mar.21,1895; on lot with Robt. M., E.H., J.R. and Clyde. Hutchings, Melbourne Hal; b.1897 d.1914 Hutchings, Robert M.; b.Jan.12,1842 d.Dec.5,1890 Hyde, Alvin C.; b.1833 d.1908 Hyde, Chas. G.; b.1821 d.1906 Hyde, Eliza A.; b.1820 d.1910; on lot with Chas. G. and Willis H. Hyde, Hugh P.; b.1876 d.1919 Hyde, Julia; b.1810 d.1893 Hyde, Mary A.; b.1848 d.1926 Hyde, May; d. of C.N. and M.A.; d.Dec.12,1876; a.-7y 5m Hyde, Oscar F.; b.1817 d.1902 Hyde, Oscar F.; s. of C.N. and M.A.; d.Dec.29,1874; a.-1y 10m Hyde, Willis H.; b.1857 d.1915 Inman, Harriet Hammon; w. of H.D.; b.Nov.26,1820 in Orange Co., N.Y.;
m. Feb.27,1845
Inman, Rev. Henry D.; b.Feb.28,1822 at Newport, N.Y.; d.Dec.4,1907 at
Grand Rapids, Mich.;
Inman, Chn. of H.D. and H.H.;
Irons, Harold F.; s. of Wm.A. and Alice J.; d.Aug.22,1873; a.-1y 17d Ives, Chas. W.; b.1856 d.1911 Ivinson, Ann; w. of Thos.; d.June 26,1888; a.-40y 10m 26d Ivinson, Idelya; b.1846 d.19-- Ivinson, Thomas; b.1840 d.1926 Ivinson, Wm. E. (Father); b.1866 d.1926 Jacobs, W.S.; n.d.; Co. F, 6th Mich. Cav. Jaqua, Chas. D.; b.1848 d.1917 Jaqua, Emra D.; b.1853 d.1923 Jaqua, Flora A.; b.1856 d.1923 Jaqua, Nelson; d.Feb.6,1872; a.-29y 1m 6d Jean, Jeremiah; b.1837 d.1906 Jean, Mary J.; b.1840 d.1914; on lot with Jeremiah Jenne, Katie; b.1872 d.1923 Jewell, Geo. S.; b.1849 d.1925 Jewell, Laura R.; b.1819 d.1888; on lot with Rodolphus D., Geo. S., Orpha D., and Leroy H. Jewell, Leroy H.; b.1883 d.1885 Jewell, Lumus B. (Father); b.1827 d.1876 Jewell, Melinda (Mother); w. of Lumus; b.1830 d.1906 Jewell, Orpha D.; b.1859 d.1925 Jewell, Rodolphus D.; b.1817 d.1899 Johnson, ___; d.Dec.8,1874; a.-8d Johnson, ___; d. of F. and M.; d.Jan.23,1899; a.-12d Johnson, Ernest W.; s. of W.B. and J.A.; b.Aug.22,1870 d.Mar.8,1907 Johnson, Fred U.; b.1879 d.--- Johnson, Jennie A.; w. of W.B.; b.Aug.22,1844 d.Mar.13,1892 Johnson, Leonis E.; d. of J.W. and Ginevra; d.Dec.20,1880; a.-3y 4m 8d Johnson, Luzerne; s. of Fred and May; d.Sept.25,1899; a.-2y 9m 23d Johnson, Marion E.; b.May 8,1840 d.Mar.11,1905 Johnson, Mary; b.1855 d.1922 Johnson, Seth A.; b.1845 d.1916 Johnson, Spencer E.; b.May 26,1842 d.Jan.25,1889 Johnson, W. B.; b.Mar.10,1842 d.Aug.14,1886 Judson, Ida; see Skelling Judson, James F.; b.1832 d.1874 Judson, Maude S.; b.1869 d.1880 Judson, Sarah; see Ferry June, Hanford; d.Dec.29,1885; a.-50y 11m June, Minnie; w. of Hanford; b.Oct.9,1851 d.Nov.16,1901