Cemetery (GR 20)
Plainfield Township Cemetery visited and headstones transcribed by the Daughters of the American Revolution (D.A.R.) on or about November, 1925 Andrews; family monument, small stones marked: Mother, Roy, Low. Barker, Charles L.; b.July 17, 1830 d.1899 Barker, Elmer E.; b.Jan.19,1861 d.June 7,1898 Barker, Ezra; d.Oct.31,1886; a.-62y Barker, Jane; w. of Chas. L.; b.Sept.26,1849 d.June 18,1880 Barker, Nancy; w. of Chas. L.; b.Sept.1,1831 d.July 13,1872 Barrett, Anna May; b.1873 d.1923 Braford, Leman W.; s. of Abner and Martha; d.Mar.16,1863; a.-5y 5m 3d Braford, Spencer D.; s. of Abner and Martha; d.June 23,1864; a.-11y
Brooks, Andrew; b.1871 d.1919 Brooks, James; b.1844 d.1921 Carpenter, Dennis H.; s. of Timothy and Melinda; d.Nov.19,1842; a.3y
Carpenter, Melinda; w. of Timothy; d.Aug.11,1888; a.-83y 6d Carpenter, Timothy; d.Feb.17,1870; a.-73y 5m 8d Carpenter, Wm. M.; s. of Timothy and Melinda; d.July 11,1847; a.3m 9d Chilson, Ezra F.; d.Sept.8,1869; a.-49y 1m 11d Chilson, Spencer; d.Aug.20,1862; a.-76y 6m 18d Clark, Abigail; a.-4y; n.d. Clark, Catherine Powley; b.Oct.27,1799 d.Mar.10,1897 Clark, Isabelle; d. of L.P. and E.; d.Feb.12,1856; a.3m 5d Clark, James; b.Jan.31,1799 d.June 24,1867 Clark, James; d.Jan.14,1868; a.-71y 3m 29d Clark, Lewis P.; a.67y 9m; n.d. Clark, Mathilde A.; see Cobb Clark, Susan A.; w. of James; d.Jan.21,1867; a.-70y 11m 16d Cobb, Fanny Hanford; w. of Edwin; d.Apr.16,1863; a.-53y 10m 16d Cobb, Mathilde A. Clark; w. of Minor H.; b.1836 d.1908 Cobb, Minor; b.1831 d.1914 Colby, Adeline; b.1845 d.1922 Colby, Truman W.; b.1844 d.19-- Cook, Blanche Ella; d. of Josiah M. and Phebe A.; d.Apr.6,1860; a.-1y
Cowan, Alex T.; d.Nov.29,1877; a.-38y 1m 10d Cowan, Andrew J.; d.Apr.5,1918; o.d.; Mich. Pvt. 28th Inf., 1st Div.;
Cowan, Heziah D.; w. of Thomas M.; d.Mar.1,1876; a.-62y 2m 12d Cowan, Isabelle S.; d.Jan.17,1869; in her 69th y. Cowan Lodica T.; b.1849 d.1906 Cowan, Mrs. M.; d.Oct.7,1881; a.-72y Cranston, Alice A.; o.d. 1850 Cranston, Alsteade; b.1834 d.1880 Cranston, Betsey E. Eldred; w. of Thos.; b.1807 d.1879 Cranston, Emeline; b.1833 d.1844 Cranston, Fannie; b.1831 d.1882 Cranston, Fay; d. of C.H. and Lora N.; a.-3y 10m; o.d. Cranston, Fern; d. of C.H. and Lora N.; a.-7y; o.d. Cranston, Gardner; b.1838 d.1920; Sergt. Co. F, 6th Mich. Cav. Cranston, Martha J.; b.1845 d.1846 Cranston, Rhoda A.; b.1836 d.1837 Cranston, S. Chastain; o.d. 1847 Cranston, Thomas; b.1801 d.1889 Cranston, Thomas; o.d.1843 Cranston, William H.; b.1841 d.1863; Co. B, 21st Mich. Inf. Crossman, Nancy L.; b.1834 d.1919 Darling, Freddy; s. of John and Mary C.; b.1871 d.1878 Darling, John; b.1827 d.1908 Darling, Mary C.; w. of John; b.1826 d.1873 Dyball, Esther M.; b.Jan.19, 1821 d.Jan.1,1879 Eldred, Betsey E.; see Cranston Gray, Daphen; d.May 4,1887; a.-66y 8m 17d Gray, Dency M.; w. of Ogden; d.May 18,1894; a.-62y 5m 24d Gray, Homer; d.Mar.30,1876; a.35y 6m 15d Gray, Nancy; w. of Daphen; d.May 8,1894; a.62y 5m 25d Gray, Ogam; d.May 4,1887; a.-66y 8m Gray, Ogden; d.May 4,1887; a.-66y 8m 7d Hanford, Fanny; see Cobb Houghtaling, Emma; d. of Ransom and Susan; d.Sept.10,1869; a.-6y 2m 5d Houghtaling, Fayett; d.Nov.4,1869; a.30y 4m 5d Hyser, Jeannette; b.1832 d.1922 Hyser, William; b.1826 d.1909 Johnson, Sarah A.; w. of Corydon G.; d.Jan.13,1871; a.-19y 4m 7d Johnson, Sarah R.; d. of Mary and Aretas; d.Jan.11,1863; a.-6y 10m 2d McLain, Mary L.; d. of George and Catherine H.; d.Aug.8,1863; a.3y
Miller, Ivis W.; d.Apr.25,1899; a.-64y 10m 28d Miller, Lois V.; d.Apr.25,1899; a.-64y 10m 28d
Mizner, Flag; s. of John; d.Nov.29,1863; a.31y Mizner, James; s. of Abner and Jane; d.Oct.29,1852; a.-19y 2m Mizner, John; s. of Abner and Jane; n.d. Mizner, Louisa; w. of John; d.Dec.11,1854; in her 73rd year. Mudge, Jesse H.; s. of J.J. and J.L.; d.Jan.27,1867; a.-4y 11m 22d Muller, Sarah; w. of Harry; d.Nov.22,1888; o.d. Omans,; inft. s. of L. and Nancy; d.Oct.31,1867; a.-5d Omans, Anson; s. of Levi and Nancy; d.Sept.12,1864; a.-3y 5m 7d Omans, Elon F.; s. of Elon G. and Fanny J.; d.Dec.12,1863; a.3y Omans, Erwin S.; s. of L. and N.M.; d.May 14,1868; a.-19y 23d Omans, Fanny; b.1836 d.1897 Omans, Fanny J.; b.1836 d.1897
Omans, Nancy M.; w. of Levi; d.Sept.5,1883; a.-50y 7m 21d Omans, Polly (Mother); w. of G.; d.Oct.27,1875; a.-77y 2m 22d Omans, Russell E.; s. of L. and N.; d.Dec.24,1858; a.-11m 9d Peck, James; d.Aug.1,1868; a.-64y 11m Pelton, Lucy Almira; d. of Chauncey and Maria C.; d.Nov.25,1855; a.-1y
Powley, Catherine; see Clark Reed, Ursula; see Twadill Reeves, Mary B. S.; w. of Lafayette; d.Nov.4,1870; a.-36y 10m 3d Russell, Feliar; d.Oct.9,1871; a.-42y 4m 11d Russell, Wealthia; d.July 3,1876; a.-43y 8m 15d Schermerhorn, Catherine M.; w. of M.R.; o.d. July 2,1849 Schermerhorn, Martin R.; b.Mar.6,1842 d.Nov.7,1907 Seymour, Jane L.; b.1827 d.1910 Shepard, Bertie; n.d. Solomon, Eddie; n.d. Solomon, Joseph S. (Father); b.1820 d.1911 Solomon, Marium A. (Mother); b.1829 d.1922 Spaulding, (Mother); b.1838 d.1908; this grave by side of Jerry
Spaulding, Ada M.; w. of Henry; b.Aug.11,1858 d.Jan.12,1899 Spaulding, Charles; s. of Jerry; b.Mar.6,1864 d.Feb.8,1881 Spaulding, Henry; b.1857 d.1906 Spaulding, Jerry (Father); b.Mar.1,1834 d.Nov.1,1897 Spaulding, Jerry; s. of Jerry; b.Mar.8,1874 d.Mar.30,1875 Stout, A. D. W.; d.Jan.28,1885; a.-85y Stout, Phebe; w. of A.D.W.; d.Aug.14,1880; a.-73y Tomilson, Isaac (Father); d.Mar.29,1882; a.-73y 9m Tomilson, Mary C.; w. of Isaac; d.Nov.19,1881; a.-73y 3m Tomilson, Willard; s. of Stephen and Annie; d.Nov.19,1872; a.3y 8m 16d Twadill, Elmer A.; s. of John and Ursula; d.June 3,1863; a.-6w Twadill, Elton L.; s. of John and Ursula; d.June 20,1865; a.-10w 3d Twadill, John; d.July 8,1873; a.-41y 8m 18d Twadill, Ursula Reed; w. of John; d.May 16,1879; a.-40y 4m 26d Vandellen, Egberdina; b.1853 d.1922 Wakeman, Lottie E.; b.1842 d.1913 Wakeman, Stephen A.; b.1838 d.19-- Weller, Sarah E.; w. of Sidney; d.Mar.22,1883; a.29y 4m 4d Wells, Laura; b.1810 d.1887 Wells, Robert; b.1805 d.1883 Wells, Robert Deloss; b.1837 d.1915 Whitney, Jane; w. of Zerah; d.June 25,1843; a.-54y 6m 3d Wondergem, Elsie; b.1897 d.1923 |