Nelson Cemetery (G.R.29)
Nelson Township Cemetery visited and headstones transcribed by the Daughters of the American Revolution (D.A.R.) on or about October 11, 1927 ____, Irene L.; b.1871 d.1913 Arnold, Abram H.; b.Oct.11,1827 d.Mar.2,1904 Arnold, Claude; n.d. Arnold, Esther A. Thomas; w. of Abram H.; b.June 18,1835 d.Sept.30,1911 Avery, Charlotte; w. of Robt.; b.July 18,1816 d.Aug.24,1893 Avery, Jacob; b.Aug.22,1845 d.Dec.25,1884 Avery, Katie Florence; b.1906 d.1918 Avery, Robert (Father); b.Feb.15,1817 d.Mar.22,1885 Baird, Anna; d. of S.H. and R.A.; d.Dec.31,1878; a.-10m 20d Benjamin, Earl; s. of W.D. and H.E.; b.June 13,1891 d.Sept.24,1891 Benjamin, Wm. C.; d.Aug.11,1870; a.-48y 9m 22d Borst, Andrew J.; s. of P. and M.A.; d.Oct.21,1879; a.-2m 20d Borst, Maggie A.; w. of Philo; d.Jan.27,1892; a.-48y 5m 1d Borst, Philo; b.1841 d.1912; Co. C, 107th N.Y. Inf.; Co. A, 50th N.Y. Eng. Bunn, Eva; d.May 1,----; a.-1m 9d Bunn, Howard W.; d.Feb.13,1884; a.-6y 4m 27d Campbell, Alfred; s. of F. and A.; d.June 5,1873; a.-2y 7m Campbell, Gurtruge M.; ch. of F. and A.; d.May28,1873; a.-5y 9d Campbell, Mary E.; w. of P.; d.July 20,1895; a.-84y 4m 23d Campbell, Peter; s. of M.E.; d.June 4,1871; a.-10y 8m 27d Campbell, Peter; d.Aug.10,1897; a.-79y 10m Cargill, David; b.Feb.28,1825 d.May 5,1904 Church, Gephas; n.d.; Co. G, 19th Mich. ---- Conant, Marion A.; b.1840 d.1879 Cook, Cornelia E.; d.Jan.25,1884; a.-58y 1m 15d Cook, Ezra; d.May 12,1899; a.-75y 4m 12d Cook, Ida C.; d. of E. and C.; d.Apr.23,1871; a.-12y 4m Cook, John S.;b.Apr.14,1850 d.Apr.29,1910 Cook, Lena May; d. of J.S. and G.M.; d.Feb.13,1885; a.-12y 6m 29d Cowles, Shepard B.; o.d. 1826 Cowles, Sylvester M.; b.1836 d.1884 Crandall, Belle; b.1860 d.1925 De Cou, Frank; b.1837 d.1912 De Cou, George W.; d.Mar.6,1882; a.-47y 5d De Cou, James C.; s. of Geo. and Mary; d.Oct.20,1888; a.-27y De Cou, Julia Ann; d. of Geo. and Mary; d.Sept.5,1873; a.-11m 5d De Cou, Louise; w. of Frank; b.1849 d.1907 De Cou, Margaret; w. of Frank; b.1839 d.1904 De Cou, Mary A.; b.1839 d.1923 Douglass, Hattie M.; d. of R. and J.; d.Nov.27,1886; a.-10y 2m 26d Douglass, Julia E. (Mother); b.Mar.14,1835 d.Feb.7,1907 Douglass, Robert (Father); b.Mar.17,1822 d.Apr.2,1911 Durfey, C. A.; b.1857 d.19-- Durfey, George W.; b.1877 d.1893 Durfey, John A.; b.July 11,1850 d.May 3,1886 Durfey, M.J.; b.1830 d.1892 Durfey, Minnie F.; b.1859 d.1916 Durfey, Sarah M.; b.1835 d.1898 Durfey, Walter F.; b.1897 d.1898 Earl, James J.; b.Mar.16,1836 d.Apr.21,1897 Easton, Paulina; w. of C. A.; b.Jan.17,1835 d.May 11,1876 Easton, Rebecca R. Pierce; b.Oct.13,1813 d.Nov.11,1891 Eurich, Leonhardt; b.1836 d.1913 Fish, Lilly; d. of Ellon and Martha B.; d.Feb.23,1871; a.-2y 10m 20d Fletcher, Louise J.; b.1832 d.1863 French, _____; d. of G.S. and R.J.; d.May 26,1892; a.-4m 22d French, Frankie; s. of J.W. and O.L.; d.May 24,1885; a.-2m 21d French, John Wesley; b.Dec.1,1832; o.d. French, Maggie E.; d. of J.W. and O.L.; d.May 13,1875; o.d. French, Olive L.; w. of J.W.; b.Oct.12,1842; o.d. Furner, Carrie A.; b.1861 d.1927 Furner, G. Frank; b.1856 d.1919 Furner, Sophia (Mother); w. of Stephen; b.Dec.7,1830 d.July 15,1891 Furner, Stephen (Father); b.July 19,1826 d.July 18,1889 Grant, Harry A.; s. of O. and M.; d.Dec.6,1899; a.-2y 5m 7d Harder, Anna E.; w. of Gilbert J.; d.Aug.28,1881; a.-27y 3m Hauscom, Geneva B.; d. of Z.J. and Sarah; d.Feb.26,1821; a.-3y 7m Hauscom, Sarah H.; n.d. Hauscom, Zebulon J.; d.Dec.29,1892; a.-76y 10m 2d Hig_by, Clarence; s. of Albert and Esther; b.Aug.6,1876 d.July 20,1903 Higby, Ester C.; b.1860 d.1921 Hillman, Elizabeth R.; w. of Sam B.; b.Mar.15,1835; o.d. Hillman, Samuel B.; b.Oct.4,1830 d.Sept.6,1902 Hunter, Mary; w. of J.; b.Mar.31,1850 d.Aug.1,1873 Hutchins, Warren T.; d.Mar.17,1868; a.-17y 5m 12d Kilts, George L.; d.Aug.20,1891; a.-19y 9d Kilts, Lucinda; w. of W.H.; b.1850 d.1911 Knight, Laura B.; d.July 23,1883; a.-60y Knight, Lura; d.Nov.10,1878; a.-24y La Bar, Crystal E.; d. of C.E. and N.L.; b.Jan.18,1899 d.Sept.12,1899 La Bar, Gerald J.; s. of C.E. and N.L.; b.Jan.12,1895 d.Sept.10,1899 La Bar, Homer E.; s. of C.E. and N.L.; b.1893 d.1918; Co. G, 14th Amm.
Lockerby, Ora A.; s. of Jacob and Anna; b.Apr.6,1883 d.Mar.18,1901 Mallary, Butler T.; s. of M.B. and M.C.; d.Feb.16,1871; a.-7y Mallary, Editha; d. of M.B. and M.C.; d.Feb.8,1871; a.-8y Meisner, Henry; d.July 15,1877; a.-52y Mulford, Elsie Ann; w. of Thos.; b.Sept.16,1815 d.July 20,1893 Mulford, Thomas; b.Mar.5,1808 d.June 23,1896 Newman, Hannah; b.July 1,1834 d.Sept.27,1898 Newman, Lewis; b.Jan.8,1832 d.Feb.25,1904 Newman (?), Lola; n.d. Otterbacher, Helen S.; w. of C.M.; b.Aug.18,1798 d.May 23,1888 Overley, Alex N.; b.1859 d.1918 Overley, David A.; b.Sept.6,1854; o.d. Overley, Elizabeth; b.July 7,1855 d.Oct.21,1896 Overley, Emmaline; w. of Thos.; d.Aug.7,1881; a.-64y Overley, Grace; d. of D.A. and E.; b.Jan.4,1894 d.Sept.8,1894 Overley, Jennie L.; b.1864 d.19-- Overley, Martin V.;b.1837 d.1913 Overley, Mary F.; b.1843 d.1917 Overley, Roy; s. of D.A. and E.; b.Mar.10,1890 d.Sept.10,1890; a.-6m Overley, Zella; d. of D.A. and E.; b.Oct.17,1896 d.May 2,1899 Overlie, George W.; b.Apr.12,1861 d.July 31,1899 Pangborn, Lula; b.1887 d.1908 Pangborn, Matilda; b.1858 d.1910 Parks, Beriah G.; b.Aug.28,1826 d.May 28,1912 Parks, Elbert E.; b.Sept.25,1858 d.May 6,1883 Parks, Mary A.; w. of B.G.; b.Nov.1,1825 d.Dec.19,1900 Pierce, Rebecca R.; see Easton Plumb, Ellen; w. of John; b.1849 d.1871 Plumb, Eugene C.; s. of John and Ellen; b.1869 d.1887 Plumb, John; b.1840 d.1924 Plumb, Martha A.; w. of John; b.1857 d.19-- Plumb, Rufus F.; s. of John and Martha; b.1872 d.1907 Pomeroy, Arvilla; w. of J.L.; b.1849 d.1910 Porter, Catherine E.; b.1848 d.1925 Porter, Martilles (Father); b.1838 d.1913 Porter, Raphael (Grandfather); b.1789 d.1881 Randall, Betsy; w. of Abram; d.Sept.9,1867; a.-79y Reams, Mary Jane; w. of Wm.; d.June 9,1876; a.-32y Reynolds, Lura; see Skinner Rivett, Harry; s. of E. and M.; b.Mar.21,1892 d.Feb.9,1903 Roberts, Jas. H.; n.d.; Co C, 13th Mich. Inf. Sabin, Daniel; b.1816 d.1880 Sabin, Mary; w. of Daniel; b.1817 d.1893 Schmidt, William F.; b.1850 d.1915 Sipple, Alvah; b.Nov.19,1878 d.Aug.3,1903 Sipple, Fredrick; b.1860 d.19-- Sipple, Kate; w. of Wm.; d.May 20,1889; a.-39y Sipple, Nettie; b.1867 d.1925 Skinner, Daniel McRay; d.Nov.24,1864; a.-82y Skinner, Henry E.; d.Apr.27,1852; a.-27y Skinner, John R. M.; d.July 15,1879; a.-59y Skinner, Lura Reynolds; d.July 21,1868; a.-75y Skutt, Betsy; w. of Peter; b.Mar.24,1792 d.Oct.24,1873 Skutt, Myron H.; b.1845 d.1904 Skutt, Peter; b.Feb.9,1789 d.Nov.24,1866 Skutt, Sarah E.; b.1847 d.1914 Spaulding, Thomas J.; b.1847 d.1914 Squires, Chas. W.; b.1851 d.1926 Squires, Emeline; b.1830 d.1907; on same lot as Jason R. Squires, Eunice A.; w. of C.W.; b.1856 d.1896 Squires, Freddie E.; s. of J. and H.; d.July 22,1890; a.-10y 11m Squires, Gideon; b.May 29,1832 d.Mar.7,1893 Squires, Jason R.; b.1825 d.1900 Thomas, Esther A.; see Arnold Tisdel, Jesse O. (Father); b.1887 d.1926 Tompsett, Patient; w. of Jesse; d.Mar.5,1886; a.-68y Trill, David P.; b.1840 d.19-- Trill, Margery; w. of David P.; b.1841 d.1912 Trill, Nina; n.d. Trill, Samuel; n.d.; Sergt. Co. E, 1st Mich. Cav. Trill, T. F.; n.d. Wall, Della; b.1889 d.1908 Wheeler, Betsey; w. of Wm. B.; d.Mar.23,1876; a.-71y 6m 22d Wheeler, Harriet A.; b.1833 d.1916 Whitney, George F.; d.Aug.20,1887; a.-28y 1m 14d Whitney, Minnie; w. of George F.; d.July 5,1886; a.-23y 4m 14d Whitney, Solomon; d.Aug.20,1886; a.-77y Whitney, William Ray; d.Aug.14,1867; a.-77y Wilkinson, Mrs. Helen J.; (b.)Aug.22,1826; a.-71y 8m 21d Willocox, George M.; b.Nov.18,1896 d.June 17,1914 Wilmarth, Caroline P.; d.Sept.22,1863; a.-6y 14d Wilmarth, Darius A.; d.Apr.14,1882; a.-62y 1m 11d Wilmarth, Ida M.; d.Mar.13,1871; a.-10y 3m 26d Wilmarth, Sarah A.; w. of Darius; d.Aug.27,1875; a.-45y 1m 25d Wilmarth, Sarah F.; d.Sept.5,1863; a.-9y 2d Wilson, Daniel Warren; d.Feb.14,1888; a.-33y 5m 14d Wilson, Johnie; s. of Henry and Jane; d.Dec.3,1873; a.-17y 5m 18d Wingard, Frank H.; b.1868 d.1924 Wingard, Lydia A.; b.1876 d.19-- Woodworth, A.J.; n.d. Woodworth, Eleota; b.1805 d.187