Transcribed on or about 15 October 1928 by the
Sophie de Marsac Campau Chapter of the
Daughters of the American Revolution (D.A.R.)
Transcribed for the Internet by Debbi Manni Aa-Az Ba-Bz
Ca-Cz Da-Dz E-F
Ga-Gz Ha-Hz I-J
and Ronnie Aungst.
Ka-Kz La-Lz Ma-Mz
Na-Nz Oa-Oz P-Q
Ra-Rz Sa-Sz
U-V Wa-Wz Y-Z
Oakwood Cemetery
Transcribed by Evelyn Sawyer, 1997
Lowell, Kent County, MichiganA, Ba-Bl,
Bo-By, Ca-Cl, Co-Cz,
E-F, G, H,
I-J, K, L,
M, N-O, P-Q,
S, T, U-V, Wa-Wh,
Wi-Wy, Y-Z