Oak Hill Cemetery
Grand Rapids Township
~ Y ~
York, Agnes Atkins; b.1851 d.1924; on lot with Fred'k E.
York, Fred'k Embury; b.1845 d.1925
York, John J. M.D.; b.1875 d.1921
Yost, J. E. Tillotson; b.1857 d.1924
Yost, Mary (Mother); b.1844 d.1929
Young, Clarence B.; b.1894 d.1918
Young, Harriet E.; b.1834 d.1909
Young, Hattie C.; b.1865 d.1925; on lot with Mary Burleigh
Young, Jennie; d. of T.C. and Eliza; d.June 20,1883; a.-16y 11m
Young, Raymond A. M.D.; b.1886 d.1912
Ypma, Antje; see DeVlieg
Ypma, Haye (Father); b.1865 d.1925
Ypma, Jantje (Mother): b.1876 d.1928
~ Z ~
Zamaites, Barbara; b.1928 d.1929
Zandee, Peter; b.1906 d.1922
Zeeuw, Anne Mulder; b.1893 d.1924
Zeller, Carry (Mother); b.1866 d.1920
Zeller, G. R.; b.1898 d.1927
Zicter, Johanna Poort (Mother); b.1899 d.1930
Zimmer, Anna C.; b.1876 d.1895
Zimmer, Anna W. (Mother); b.1857 d.1922; on lot with Christian H. and Anna C.; also Wilhelm Lahann
Zimmer, Christian H. (Father); b.1849 d.1911
Zimmerman, Ida (Mother); b.1867 d.1928
Zorns, Ellen Insley (Mother); b.1853 d.1919
Zwaagman, Beatrice Anna; b.1919 d.1920
Zwaagman, Berend; b.1842 d.1912
Zwaagman, Henry; b.1870 d.1921
Zwier, Peter J. (Father); h. of Catherine Van Zytveld; b.1896 d.1928
Zylstra, Albert (Father); b.1842 d.1918