"W" Oak Hill Cemetery
Grand Rapids Township Waddell, Anna; b.1854 d.1927; on lot with John Waddell, John; b.1850 d.1923 Wade, Carrie Scott; b.1857 d.1920 Wagemaker, Isaac; b.1870 d.1923 Wagenborg, John Bertus (Father); b.1875 d.1929 Wagenmaker, Cornelius; b.1874 d.1920 Wagenmaker, Leonard Ransom; b.1883 d.1926 Wagner, Julius J.; b.1855 d.1924 Waite, Eugene O.; b.1868 d.1926 Waite, Vince; w. of E.O.; b.1873 d.1899 Walch, Gertrude S.; b.Sept.6,1878 d.Feb.4,1879 Walch, Henry F.; b.July 19,1848 d.Sept.12,1920 Walch, Hugh M.; b.Nov.18,1812 d.Apr.27,1873 Walch, Mary S.; b.May 22,1851 d.May 1,1928; on lot with Henry F.,
Walch, Sarah B.; b.May 10,1810 d.Apr.29,1896 Waldron, Abby E.; see Cross Walker, Dilla; b.1859 d.1922 Walker, Elizabeth; b.1837 d.1918 Walker, Henry D.; s. of E. and R.; d.Jan.16,1874; a.-1y 11m Walker, Joseph H.; b.1830 d.1910 Walker, Loranca S. (Mother); b.1843 d.1922; on lot with Joseph H. Walker, Sarah Ann; b.1838 d.1899; on lot with Jessie and James H.
Walker, Wm.; b.1867 d.1916 Wallace, Amy Janes; w. of Allen; b.1864 d.1924 Wallace, Amy Louise; d.June 5,1925; o.d. Wallace, Geo. A.; b.1885 d.1917 Wallder, Anna M.; b.Sept.23,1851 d.Dec.1,1914; on stone with Frank W. Wallder, Frank W.; b.Dec.29,1849 d.Feb.3,1902 Walling, Caroline F.; b.1843 d.1929; on lot with Samuel A. and Maud Walling, Maud; b.1889 d.1889 Walling, Samuel A.; b.1832 d.1907 Wallize, Dora L.; o.d. 1860; on lot with Silas H. Wallize, Silas H.; b.1848 d.1923 Walsworth, Donald J.; b.1907 d.1916 Walter, Archie O.; b.1882 d.1915 Walter, Eliza Jane (Mother); w. of Jacob W.; d.Feb.5,1907; a.-73y 10m 18d; on lot with J.W. and Jos. W.; also Wm. H. Monroe Walter, Jacob W. (Father); d.May 17,1906; a.-84y 3m 3d Walter, Jos. W.; s. of Jacob W. and Eliza J.; d.Mar.25,1909; a.-47y 5m 13d Walter, Oscar; b.1859 d.1928 Walther, Chas.; b.Apr.1,1841 d.June 27,1928 Walther, Mary; b.Dec.25,1840 d.Nov.13,1926; on lot with Chas; also
Wanamaker, Cyrus J.; b.1851 d.1914 Wanamaker, Mary J.; b.1851 d.1927; on lot with Cyrus J. Ward, Horace V.; b.Oct.14,1854 d.Jan.12,1898 Ward, Lettie C.; see Pettis Ward, Nathan D.; b.1836 d.1907 Ward, Nona; b.1880 d.1924 Warner, Cornelis; b.1862 d.1918 Warner, Wm. M.; b.1859 d.1916 Warren, A. H.; n.d.; Co.H, 46th Pa. Inf. Warren, I. E.; d.Oct.2,1861; a.-39y Waters, Abbie; see Laird Waters, Alfred E.; b.July 29,1842 d.Jan.22,1887 Waters, Carrie; w. of A. E.; b.Apr.30,1844 d.Oct.12,1902; on stone with Alfred E.; on lot with Shubel and Abby E. W. Cross; also Abbie W. Laird Waters, Lillian; b.1864 d.1926 Watts, Martin; Civil War, 6th Heavy Artillery Watzek, Susnna N.; b.Dec.20,1848 d.Oct.23,1912; on lot with L.A. Wawee, Guster; b.Aug.9,1912 d.Nov.28,1916 Webb, Chas. V.; b.1920 d.1923 Webber, Annie L.; b.1856 d.---; on lot with Frank M. Webber, Frank M.; b.1854 d.1925 Weber, Julius; b.1876 d.1904 Weber, Rosina; see Lehman Webster, Andrew J.; b.1844 d.1929; Co. I, 3rd Reg. Mich. Vol. Inf. Webster, Arthur L.; b.June 11,1800 d.Jan.12,1872 Webster, Edw. K.; b.1872 d.1872; on lot with L.H., Abigail B., and
Webster, Ruth Powers; w. of A. L.; b.Jan.13,1800 d.Oct.10,1872 Webster, Susan E.; b.1844 d.1927; on stone with Andrew J. Weda, Jacob; b.1862 d.1909 Weeks, Ida Odelia; w. of Jas. M.; b.1867 d.1906 Weeks, James M.; b.1858 d.1908 Weeks, Nathaniel U. (Father); b.1833 d.1901; on lot with James M. and Ida O. Weemhoff, Jacob; b.1846 d.1922 Weigel, May; b.1881 d.1920 Weil, Annie Marie; b.1838 d.1911; on lot with Henry Weil, Henry; b.1836 d.1888 Weinzer, ______ (Father); b.Feb.26,1845 d.Aug.9,1918 Weinzer, Solomon M.; b.JUly 28,1876 d.July 25,1895 Weiss, Ella Farma; b.1858 d.1920; on lot with John H. and G.M. Weiss, Eugene; b.June 30,1900 d.July 12,1900 Weiss, Grover M.; b.1892 d.1896 Weiss, John Heinrich; b.1855 d.1907 Weiss, Louis W. (Father); b.Jan.15,1859 d.Aug.31,1900 Welch, Benjamin B.; n.d.; U.S. Soldier; Civil War Welch, Dorothy Elizabeth; b.1896 d.1920 Welch, Ella; b.1856 d.1924 Welch, Jeannette C. (Ph.D.); b.1865 d.1906; on lot with Jennie C.
Welfair, Hattie; d. of Edw. and Ann; d.July 29,1873; a.- 11y 2m 27d Weller, Eliza K.; b.1861 d.1922 Wellman, Mary; b.1873 d.1923 Wells, Amanda J.; b.1842 d.1927; on lot with Robt. L. Wells, Francis A.; b.1870 d.1916 Wells, J.W.; f. of Sadie M. Meigs; (this briographical information
Well, L.A.; m. of Sadie M. Meigs; (this briographical information given
Wells, Margaret M.; b.1869 d.1921; on lot with Francis A.;
Wells, Mary E.; b.1841 d.1883 Wells, Robt. L.; b.1836 d.1916 Wells, Sadie M.; see Meigs Welmerink, Barend J. (Father); b.1842 d.1919 Welmerink, Henry; b.1876 d.1914 Welmerink, Hermina (Mother); b.1850 d.19--; on lot with B.J. Welmerink, Peter; b.1917 d.1927 Welmers, Anthony G. (Father); b.1864 d.1922 Welmers, Catherien; b.1902 d.1918 Welnack, John F.; b.1868 d.1926 Welsh, D. Emmett; b.1858 d.1926 Welsh, Edw. J.; b.1881 d.1924; Am. Legion (U.S.) Welsh, Elizabeth Wilson (Mother); b.Nov.11,1854 d.May 29,1897;
Welsh, James; b.1885 d.1923 Welter, Eliz. E. (Mother); b.1863 d.1918 Wenham, John G.; b.1825 d.1909 Wenham, Nellie M.; b.1859 d.1862 Wenham, Sarepta M.; b.1835 d.1914; on lot with John C., N.M. and Wm.B.; also Marana Burroughs; also W.P. Bliss; also H.P. Robinson Wenham, Wm. B.; b.1856 d.1871 Wennerstrom, Sarah L.; b.1838 d.1915 Wensink, Gerrit J.; b.1861 d.1918 Wenzel, Loa; b.1896 d.1918 Werner, Anna; w. of Gustave; d.Feb.6,1900; a.-71y 7m Werner, Anna; d.Dec.7,1867; a.-9y 4m 20d Werner, Gustave; d.July 2,1883; a.-58y West, Lovisa J.; b.1817 d.1907 Westbrook, Frances; see Dilley Westergard, Andrew C.; b.1885 d.1922 Westerhouse, John (Father); b.1871 d.1925 Westfall, Clara M.; b.1894 d.1918 Westley, Franklin W.; b.1904 d.1905 Westover, Eugenia E.; w. of Geo. D.; b.1869 d.1902 Westveld, Kriena; b.1866 d.1925 Wever, Roelof; b.1839 d.1925 Wever, Roelofje; b.1836 d.1916; on lot with Roelof Weygandt, Chas.; b.1861 d.1915 Weys, Annie; see Van Singel Weys, Gerrit J.; b.1861 d.1924 Weys, Hermina (Mother); b.1829 d.1915; on lot with Theodore, Gerrit J., and Wienes; also Sietse and Annie W. Van Singel Weys, Theodore M. (Father); b.1821 d.1893 Weys, Wienes; b.1858 d.1929 Whaley, Louisa; b.1847 d.1928 Wheeler, Edgar W.; b.1844 d.1910 Wheeler, Electa C.; b.1834 d.1906 Wheeler, Elmer; b.1880 d.1911 Wheeler, Mellisa A.; b.1844 d.1915; on lot with E.W. and Elmer Whelan, Alpha G.; b.1871 d.1923 Whinery, Edward T.; b.1873 d.1920 Whinery, Fannie B.; w. of Dr. J.B.(p.i.); b.1865 d.1924 Whinery, John; b.1836 d.1913 Whinery, Rebecca A.; b.1842 d.1920; on lot with John, Edw. T. and Rose W.S. Whinery, Rose W. Simons; b.1869 d.1928 White, Allie A.; b.1872 d.1917 White, Chas. E. (Father); b.1868 d.1924 White, Chas. W.; b.1858 d.1873 White, De Ettie; b.1866 d.1882 White, Elijah A.; n.d.; Co.L, 2nd N.Y. Mtd. Rifles White, Geo. D.; b.1878 d.1925 White, John P.; b.1826 d.1894 White, Lena; see Dewey White, Mary E.; b.1854 d.1910 White, O.D.; b.1847 d.1924 White, Oliver; b.1884 d.1912 White, Orion; b.1848 d.1923 White, Safford; b.1835 d.1910 White, Sara M.; see Peck White, Sarah M.; b.1839 d.1912; on lot with Safford and D.E.; also
White, Susan A.; b.1827 d.1903; on lot with John P. and Chas. W.;
White, Victor; b.1858 d.1893 White, Wesley L.; b.1872 d.1923 White, Wm. Ellsworth; b.1860 d.1925 Whitman, Lilian C.; b.1886 d.1913 Whitney, Charlie; b.1857 d.1892 Whittemore, Chas. A.; b.1850 d.1903 Whittemore, Emma M.; b.1852 d.1911 Whittemore, Rebecca P.; b.1822 d.1902; on lot with Chas. A. and Emma M. Whittier, Bentley F.; b.1916 d.1924 Whittier, Bentley M.; b.1880 d.1914 Whittlesey, Geo. A.; b.July 27,1821 d.Oct. 20,1886 Whittlesey, Louisa D.; w. of G.A.; d.Apr.17,1859; a.-33y Whittlesey, Sarah A.; w. of G.A.; b.Dec.1,1823 d.July 31,1897; on stone with G.A., Louisa D., and Willie; also Adda L. Utley; also Lewis G. Dudley Whittlesey, Willie; n.d. Whitworth, Annie E.; b.Nov.6,1854 d.Sept.24,1855 Whitworth, Geo. G.; b.Sept.14,1850 d.Dec.20,1925 Whitworth, John; b.Oct.10,1824 d.Feb.3,1891 Whitworth, Margaret M.; b.Mar.2,1852 d.May 22,1921 Whitworth, Millicent; b.Dec.4,1819 d.Oct.21,1902; on lot with John,
Wibber, John H.; b.May 31,1826 d.Apr.13,1869 Wibber, Rachel; b.Sept.1,1800 d.Jan.28,1868 Wibber, Ziba; b.July 6,1800 d.Sept.8,1868; on stone with Rachel and
Wickes, W. B.; n.d.; Capt. Co. E, 21st Ohio Inf. Wicks, Emily M.L.; d. of D.A. and A.L.; b.Aug.21,1857 d.Apr.20,1860 Wicks, Lilian M.; b.1869 d.1918 Widdecomb, Gladys A.; w. of Wm. Jr.; b.1890 d.1914 Widger, Harriet P.; b.1847 d.1924 Wiebert, Chas. (Father); b.1856 d.1910 Wiebert, Martha M.; b.1896 d.1921 Wielsma, Charlotte Sophia Vander Mark; w. of John; d.July 1,1922; o.d. Wierenga, Sadie Quint; b.1884 d.1926 Wierenga, Thos. J. (Father); b.1875 d.1926 Wiersma, Gerrit R.; b.1897 d.1925 Wiersma, Jouke (Father); b.1860 d.1926 Wiese, Frederick (Father); b.1849 d.19-- Wiese, Hugo E. (Son); b.1887 d.1918 Wiese, Louise (Mother); b.1855 d.1910 Wiese, Louise M. (Mother); b.1851 d.1927; on lot with Frederick, Marie A., and Hugo E. Wiese, Marie A. (Dau.); b.1875 d.1925 Wilber, J.; buried 1969; Loveland Lot, Gr#6 Wilber, Julia; died/buried 1968; Loveland Lot, Gr#4 Wilber, R.; no dates; Loveland Lot, Gr#5 Wilbur, Curtis H.; b.1854 d.1922 Wilcox, Anna E.; b.1850 d.1913 Wilcox, Hartwell B.; b.1882 d.1920 Wilcox, James M.; b.1848 d.1921 Wilcox, Mary E.; b.1850 d.19--; on lot with Jas. M. Wildeboer, Ella; b.1876 d.1923 Wilder, Cornelia M. Lindley; w. of Horace; b.1818 d.1894 Wilder, Eliza M.; d. of P.R. and T. Bowman; w. of H.H.; d.Nov.12,1864; a.-29y 7m 28d Wilder, Horace; b.1816 d.1907; 1st M.E. and M. Cor. Co. C, Custer Post No.5 Wilder, Marinda A. (Wife); b.1850 d.1921; on lot with Marion Wilder, Marion (Hus); b.1843 d.1932(p.i.); Sgt. Maj. 1st Mich. Eng.
Wildshut, Klaas; b.1917 d.1920 Wileman, Emily J.; w. of M.; d.Nov.4,1873; a.-55y; on lot with Fred'k
Wileman, Fred'k S.; n.d.; Co.B, 21st. Mich. Inf. Wileman, Margaret F.; w. of F.S.; b.Dec.21,1848 d.Jan.21,1891 Wilhelm, Lena; b.1850 d.1900 Wilhelm, Marie; b.1851 d.1922 Wilkinson, Dr. James I.; d.May 18,1894; a.-41y Wilkinson, Jane; b.1823 d.1904; on lot with Dr. James I. and L.
Wilkinson, L. Gwendolyn; b.1885 d.1885 Wilkinson, O.W.; b.Nov.1,1846 d.Jan.7,1902 Willard, Bradley; b.Nov.28,1888 d.Feb.9,1901 Willard, Dorothy; b.Oct.20,1891 d.Nov.2,1902 Willard, Eleanor Withey; b.June 5,1858 d.Dec.2,1927; on lot with
Willard, Harriet Fox; b.1859 d.1922 Willemsen, Nellie (Mother); b.1879 d.1916 Willet, Clara E.; b.1866 d.1924 Willet, Edwin O.; b.1861 d.1929 Willet, Emeline (Mother); b.1839 d.1911; on lot with Geo., Geo W.,
Willet, Geo. M.D. (Father); b.1837 d.1927 Willet, Geo. W.; b.Aug.5,1876 d.Jan.29,1908 Willet, Maxine W.; b.Aug.26,1922 d.Dec.1,1924 Willey, Anna Bruskey; b.1891 d.1920 Willey, Elmer Morell; b.1863 d.1916 Willey, Forrest A.; b.1884 d.1923 Willey, Luella Pearl; d. of E.M. and S.E.; d.July 31,1886; a.-7m 5d Willey, W. Fred; b.Feb.10,1861 d.Feb.3,1899 Williams, D.C.; b.1834 d.1910 Williams, Emma R.; w. of J.E.; b.1857 d.1900 Williams, Florences M.; b.1854 d.1922; on lot with Alice F. Tibbets;
Williams, Geo. A.; b.1867 d.1869; on stone with L.R.; also Chas.,
Williams, Geraldine May; b.1922 d.1925 Williams, Lotia R.; b.1867 d.1869 Williams, Marie R.; w. of Thos.; b.1830 d.1892 Williams, Martha J.; w. of D.C.; b.1834 d.1900 Williams, Rhoda; w. of Benj.; b.1849 d.1927 Williams, Sellij; s. of Abe and J.; d.Apr.15,1875; a.-8m 15d Williams, Sylvia; see Payne Williams, Thos. R.; b.1825 d.1872 Williams, Violet; b.1901 d.1913 Williamson, Mollie; w. of Wm.; b.1865 d.1902 Williamson, Wm.; b.1854 d.1927 Wilson, ____; n.d. Wilson, Amelia (Mother); b.1844 d.1911; on lot with Geo. B. and Geo. C. Wilson, Chas. S. (Father); b.1843 d.1924; Co.D, 3rd Wis. Wilson, Eliza; see Sligh Wilson, Elizabeth; see Welsh Wilson, Ellen Turner; b.1844 d.1918 Wilson, Emilie V. (Mother); b.1852 d.1926; on lot with Chas. S. Wilson, Gala; see Monroe Wilson, Geo. B. (Father); b.1837 d.1901 Wilson, Geo. C.; b.1863 d.1926 Wilson, Geo. D.; s. of W.L. and Martha; d.June 21,1874; a.-14y 6m 15d Wilson, Helen; see Newton Wilson, Kittie; b.1866 d.1920 Wilson, Levi; b.1849 d.19-- Wilson, Lucy H.; b.1852 or 1853 d.1922 Wilson, Mary E. (Mallot); no dates; Married James H. Wilson, brother of Mary
K. (Wilson) Loveland Wilson, Mary Jane Davison; w. of W.L.; b.Apr.27,1841 d.Apr.15,1910 Wilson, Minnie B.; see Curtiss Wilson, Richard R.; b.1877 d.1921 Wilson, Robt. M.; b.1898 d.1919 Wilson, Wm. L.; h. of Mary Jane Davison; d.Feb.25,1917; a.-79y 10m 13d Wilzinski, Abraham (Father); b.1841 d.1903 Wilzinski, Theresa (Mother); b.1846 d.1903; on lot with Abraham Winchell, Benjamin W.; b.Oct.27,1811 d.June 27,1893 Winchell, Justus; b.1816 d.1902 Winchell, Lucy; b.1827 d.1902 Winchell, Sarah (Mother); w. of J., Sr.; d.Spet.22,1873; a.-86y 8m;
Winchester, Wilhelmina Shaddelee; b.1870 d.1929 Winkels, John; b.1828 d.1913 Winkels, Mary; b.1844 d.1918; on lot with John; also David W. Stafford Winsor, Annella L.; b.1844 d.1919 Winsor, Chas.; b.1846 d.1917 Winsor, Eugene E.; b.1833 d.1919 Winsor, Harriet P.; b.1822 d.1899; on lot with Jacob W., Katherine,
Winsor, Jacob W.; b.1816 d.1874 Winsor, Katherine; b.1847 d.1907 Winsor, Sarah M. Budington; b.1842 d.1901 Winter, Alida; b.1863 d.1918; on lot with Sytze and B. Van Koningsveld; also Sarah Kortenhoff Winter, Elias; b.1850 d.1929 Winter, Fred'k Earl; b.1917 d.1920 Winter, Nancy; b.1854 d.1923; on lot with Elias Winter, Sarah (Mother); w. of L.J.; b.1844 d.1915 Winter, Solon Edw.; b.1889 d.1922 Winton, _____; b.1845 d.1919 Wiskerke, Ed. W.; b.1890 d.1921 Witherell, Marguerite V.; see Kidder Withey, Adelaide M.; b.Dec.30,1848 d.Jan.1,1853; on lot with Edw. Wm., Thurber C.; also Eleanor W., Dorothy and Bradley Willard. Withey, Edward Wm.; b.Dec.25,1852 d.Mar.9,1889 Withey, Eleanor; see Willard Withey, Lewis Hinsdill; b.1847 d.1925 Withey, Marion Lovise; b.1829 d.1891; in vault with Lewis H. and
Withey, Solomon Lewis; b.1820 d.1886 Withey, Thurber Conant; b.1902 d.1920 Wolcott, Alfred; b.1858 d.1908; Circuit Judge 1900-1908 Wolcott, Nina; n.d. Wolf, ___; inft.; o.d. 1891 Wolf, Abraham I.; b.1864 d.1923 Wolf, Amanda R.; b.1864 d.1903 Wolf, Clara (Mother); b.1826 d.1902; on lot with Jacob, Joseph and
Wolf, David; b.Apr.4,1856 d.July 16,1929 Wolf, Jacob (Father); b.1826 d.1914 Wolf, Joseph; b.1860 d.1876 Wolf, Katharine; b.Apr.11,1895 d.Oct.2,1895 Wolf, Solomon; b.1824 d.1880 Wolff, C. Myrtle; b.1889 d.1892 Wolff, J. Milton; b.1888 d.1912 Wolff, Marguerite G.; b.1893 d.1899 Wolff, W. Alvin; b.1887 d.1891 Wolff, Wm. A. (Father); b.1861 d.1919 Wolford, Dr. Curtis T.; b.1866 d.1930 Wolford, Helen C.; b.1868 d.1917 Wolthoom, Wubbina Potjer (Mother); b.1855 d.1925 Wolthoorn, Heiko A.; b.1869 d.1928 Wolthoorn, Johannal; b.1874 d.1918; on stone with Heiko Wood, Clara; see Mingins Wood, Harriet; see Plumb Wood, Margaret; b.1846 d.1925; on lot with Wm. H. Wood, Mary (Mother); b.1846 d.1928 Wood, Mary Gertrude; b.1820 d.1899; on lot with Sarell; also Gertrude V.W. and Sarell W. Beal. Wood, Nancy McIntosh; b.1829 d.1918; on lot with Uri Wood, S.S.; b.1847 d.1901; stone erected by the Woodmen of the World Wood, Sarell; b.Feb.18,1817 d.Apr.2,1869 Wood, Uri; b.Jan.12,1831 d.July 7,1901 Wood, Wm. H.; b.1842 d.1919; 25th Mich. Inf. Woodman, Mary A.; see Killmer Woodmansee, Cecilia; see Lawrence Woodward, F.M.; b.July 29,1880; a.-55y 4m 23d Woodward, John Henry; b.1897 d.1917 Woodward, Mary; b.1873 d.1922 Woodworth, Adelbert O.; b.Feb.15,1867 d.Mar.15,1867 Woodworth, Alfaretta A.; b.Aug.30,1860 d.Feb.20,1869 Woodworth, DeWitte H.; b.Apr.12,1851 d.Dec.25,1852 Woodworth, Emily M.; b.Mar.3,1863 d.May 18,1866 Woodworth, Eugene O.; b.Aug.30,1852 d.Feb.25,1853 Woodworth, Eugenia C.; b.May 30,1853 d.Dec.15,1854 Woodworth, Helen M.; b.Feb.11,1825 d.May 27,1889; on stone with Jas.H., DeWitte H., Jas. C., Emily M., A.O., E.O., A.A., H.H., and E.C. Woodworth, Henry H.; b.Oct.10,1857 d.May 13,1867 Woodworth, James C.; b.Oct.10,1857 d.Apr.15,1858 Woodworth, James H.; b.1823 d.1904 Wooster, Benj. C.; b.1877 d.1923 Worden, Chas. H.; s. of H.M. and N.J.; d.Aug.25,1855; a.-1y 1m 23d Worden, Henry M.; d.Sept.15,1870; a.-44y 9m 18d Workman, Isadora Mann; w. of Thos. A.; b.Nov.1,1858 at Grand Rapids, Mich. d.Feb.24,1896 at Grand Rapids, Mich.; a.-37y 3m 23d Works, Addison Milton; b.1847 d.1893 Works, Charlotte E. Giddings; b.1843 d.1928; on lot with Addison M.; also Jonathan A. and Eliza E. Giddings Works, Fred D.; b.1880 d.1931 Worley, Ellen E.; b.1847 d.1926; on lot with Jonathan B. Worley, Jonathan B.; b.1843 d.1922 Worth, Lilly C. (Mother); b.1868 d.1920; on lot with Robt.
Wren, Kate Bonnell; b.1866 d.1923; on lot with Wm. C. Wren, Wm. C.; b.1860 d.1909; Maj. 12th U.S. Inf. Wright, Irene Ruffle; b.1877 d.1910 Wright, John; b.1871 d.1918 Wright, Martha L.; b.1852 d.1914; on lot with Mary S. Uhl Wright(?), Minnie L.; b.1878 d.1922 Wright, Silas Mc Keen; b.1857 d.1928 Wright, Verna V.; b.1920 d.1921 Wuerfel, F. (Father); b.Oct.8,1825 d.Apr.14,1900 Wurster, Margaretha; b.July 20,1811 d.Dec.22,1890 Wurzburg, Frank; b.1855 d.1923 Wurzburg, Mary A.; b.1856 d.1901; on lot with Frank. Wykes, Alice L. Knight; w. of Thos. E.; b.1853 d.1906; on lot with
Wykes, Ora K.; b.1875 d.1926 Wykes, Thos. E.; b.1849 d.1928 Wykstra, Nellie Slagboom; w. of Gerrit; b.1882 d.1918 Wylie, James R.; b.1849 d.1915 Wylie, Jeannette Curtis; w. of Jas. R.; b.1855 d.1929 Wyma, Henrietta A.; b.1924 d.1925 Wyngaarden, Agatha; b.1895 d.1919