Oak Hill Cemetery
Grand Rapids Township ~ U ~ Uekert, Rudolph (Father); b.1866 d.1930 Uhl, Mary S.; b.1852 d.1921; on lot with Martha L. Wright Uhrbrock, Sarah; w. of Chas.; d.Mar.31,1905; a.-45y; on stone with
Uhrich, Charlotte E.; o.d. 1911; on lot with Mark and Maria Shanks;
Uhrich, John E.; b.1875 d.1929 Upthegrove, Hattie S. (Mother); b.1854 d.1926; on lot with Peter A. Upthegrove, Peter A. (Father); b.1861 d.1921 Urquhart, Jean; b.1912 d.1919 Urquhart, Roy T.; b.1877 d.1925 Utley, Adda L.; b.Apr.22,1849 d.Mar.9,1895; on stone with Geo. A.,
Utter, May J.; b.1857 d.1904 Van Alten, Maria (Mother); b.1861 d.1923; on lot with Cornelius and
Van Antwerpen, Bastiane (Mother); b.1874 d.1930 Van Antwerpen, Susie (Mother); b.1853 d.1928 Van Auken, Ann; w. of Moses; d.Dec.3,1876; a.-75y; on lot with Lucy O., James, Willard C., Chas. A., and Charley Van Auken, Chas. A.; s. of Jas. and L.O.; d.Apr.23,1863; a.-2y 7m 8d Van Auken, Charley; b.1863 d.1865 Van Auken, James; b.1828 d.1883 Van Auken, Lucy O.; b.1838 d.1921 (handwritten: w. of Jas.) Van Auken, Willard C.; b.1864 d.1918 Van Buren, Agnes R.; b.1862 d.1922 Van Buren, Catherine; see Butler Van Campen, Fred. M.; b.1859 d.1923 Vance, Arthella L.; b.1838 d.1912 Vance, Austin B.; b.1875 d.1916 Vandenberg, Aaron; b.1838 d.1912 Vandenberg, Alpha Hendrick; b.1843 d.1926; on lot with Aaron and
Vandenberg, Cora M.; b.1867 d.1920 Vandenberg, Edna E. G.; b.1888 d.1918 Vandenberg, Elizabeth Watson; w. of Arthur H. (p.i.); b.1881 d.1917 Vandenberg, Hermine; w. of Gillis Jr.; b.1890 d.1924 Vandenberg, Leonard; b.1842 d.1920 Vandenberge, Cornelius D.; b.1873 d.1910 Vandenberge, Edw. (Father); b.1860 d.1924 Vandenberge, Ida M.; b.1846 d.1926; on lot with Ida M.M., Cornelius, and Jas. H. Vandenberge; also Lida Jane Halladay Vandenberge, Ida M. Miller; b.1890 d.1913 Vanden Berge, Jacob (Father); b.1853 d.1919 Vandenberge, James H.; b.1845 d.1925 Vandenberge, James H.; b.1868 d.1918 Vanden Berge, Johanna (Mother); b.1849 d.1916; on lot with Jacob Vanden Bos, John L.; b.1879 d.1921 Vanden Bos, Martin; b.1856 d.1916 Vanden Bosch, Jennie Mae; b.1876 d.1918 Vanderbeek, Anzonette W.; b.1869 d.1923 Vanderboegh, John B.; b.1865 d.1919 Vander Honing, Leonard; b.1897 d.1918; he died in the service of his
Vander Honing, Hattie; b.1892 d.1928 Vander Jagt, Joe; b.1883 d.1924 Vanderlaan, ___; inft.; o.d. 1923 Vanderlaan, Fanny (Mother); b.1869 d.1918 Vander Laan, Fred; b.1864 d.1925 Vanderlaan, Jacob (Father); b.1868 d.1926 Vanderleest, Jacob; b.1896 d.1918; Pvt. Co. A, 151st Mich. Gn. Btn. Vanderleest, Richard; b.1875 d.1920 Vanderleest, Wm.; b.1894 d.1917; on lot with Jacob; also Mary M.
Vander Mark, Charlotte Sophia; see Wielsma Vander Meer, Jennie (Mother); b.1867 d.1920 Vandermei, Johannes (Grd. F.); b.1837 d.1916 Vandermode, John; b.May 12,1869 d.Apr.6,1899 Vander Molen, Ida; b.1823 d.1918 Vandermyde, Louis J.; b.1865 d.1918 Vanderpool, Carrie V.; w. of C.R.; b.1862 d.1910 Vander Schoor, Cornelius (Father); b.1849 d.1923 Vandertil, Kathryn Lucele; b.Apr.3,1917 d.Oct.31,1918 Vandervere, Martha (Mother); b.1871 d.1923 Vandervisse, Johanna (Mother); b.1866 d.1930 Vandervisse, Peter (Father); b.1864 d.1926 Vandervliet, Adriana (Mother); b.1834 d.1910; on lot with Cornelius and Martin Vandervliet, Cornelius (Father); b.1836 d.1911 Vandervliet, Martin; b.1874 d.1896 Vandervorst, Adriana; n.d. Vander Wal, Renso; b.1898 d.1918 Vanderwal, Romke F. (Hus); b.1869 d.1925 Vander Weide, Peter (Father); b.1846 d.1929 Vanderwerp, Donald Jr.; b.Jan.31,1928 d.Feb.1,1928 Vander Werp, Frederick; b.1846 d.1929 Vanderwerp, Geo.; b.1886 d.1922 Vanderwerp, Geraldine (Mother); b.1847 d.1920; on lot with Rev. Henry and Geo. Vanderwerp, Rev. Henry (Father); b.1846 d.1918 Vanderwoude, Tjitske; b.1877 d.1920 Van Deusen, Marian; b.1844 d.1928; on lot with Robt. Van Deusen, Robt.; b.1849 d.1927 Van Domelen, Alecia M.; b.1859 d.1926; on lot with Bert Van Domelen, Bert; b.1863 d.19-- Van Domelen, Cornelius (Father); b.1838 d.1913 Van Domelen, Margaret (Mother); b.1841 d.1915; on lot with Cornelius Van Domelen, Wm.; b.1871 d.1920 Van Dooren, Hielkje Doedenia (Mother); b.1856 d.1928 Van Dor Ven, Jacob; b.1831 d.1909 Van Dor Ven, Zwaantje; b.1832 d.1908; on stone with Jacob Van Dyke, Dena; b.1894 d.1919 Van Dyke, Duke J.; b.1852 d.1914 Van Dyke, Henrietta (Mother); b.1858 d.1929 Van Dyke, Henry (Father); b.1843 d.1923 Van Dyke, Jas. W.; b.1875 d.1911 Van Dyke, Jay; b.1917 d.1918 Van Dyke, Johanna (Mother); b.1851 d.1927; on lot with Henry and Jas. W. Van Dyke, John (Father); b.1867 d.1923 Van Dyke, Lillian; b.1865 d.1920 Van Dyken, Anje Mekkes; b.1853 d.19--; on lot with Gerard, Anna,
Van Dyken, Anna; b.June 5,1907 d.May 17,1908 Van Dyken, Cora; b.Nov.6,1912 d.Nov.12,1912 Van Dyken, Gerard; b.1849 d.1920 Van Dyken, Gertie (Mother); b.1878 d.1925 Van Dyken, Hermanes; b.Oct.17,1886 d.Mar.15,1900 Van Dyken, John S.; b.1910 d.1928 Van Every, ____ (Father); b.1824 d.1904 Van Every, ____ (Mother); b.1825 d.1902; on lot with Leslie and grave marked Father. Van Every, Leslie; b.1869 d.1870 Van Faasen, Nellie Schuitema; b.1890 d.1917 Van Gorder, H.E.L.; b.1868 d.1923 Vangorgon, Howard; b.Jan.21,1914 d.July 20,1926 Van Hammen, Katie (Mother); b.1857 d.1917 Van Hammen, Leonard J.; b.1896 d.1925 Van Hattum, Roelof (Father); b.1871 d.1923 Van Helden, Altie R.; b.1871 d.1918 VanHelden, Hattie (Loveland); buried 10 Jun 1925; Loveland Lot, Gr#11 Van Heulen, Barbara A.; b.1907 d.1916 Van Koningsveld, Boukje; b.1825 d.1909; on lot with Sytze; also Sarah Kortenhoff; also Alida Winter Van Koningsveld, Sytze; b.1824 d.1896 Van Laar, Alida C. (Mother); b.1861 d.1929; on lot with Susie and John Van Laar, Gerrit; b.Feb.16,1876 d.Nov.3,1923 Vanlaar, Hermanus (Father); b.Aug.8,1862 d.June12,1929 Van Laar, John; d.Sept.2,1918; a.-28y Van Laar, Susie; d.May 18,1922; a.-27y Van Louten, Eli; b.1849 d.1921 Van Malsen, Helen (Mother); b.1867 d.1926; on lot with Peter. Van Malsen, Peter (Father); b.1897 d.1929 Van Mourik, Wm.; b.1881 d.1920 Vann, John T.; b.1851 d.1923 Vannamee, _____ (Mother); b.1853 d.1918 Vannamee, _____ (Father); b.1856 d.--- Van Oeveren, Peter; b.1880 d.1920 Van Olst, Maria; b.1872 d.1924 Vanopstall, Harry (Hus); b.1880 d.1923 Van Otteren, C'n (Father); b.1833 d.1917 Van Otteren, Tannette (Mother); b.1839 d.1922; on lot with C'n Van Portfleet, James; b.1857 d.1920 Van Putten, Johannes; b.1851 d.1915 Van Singel, Annie Weys (Mother); b.1854 d.1922; on lot with Sietse;
Van Singel, Sietse (Father); b.1845 d.1928 Van't Hof, Cornelia (Mother); b.1866 d.1927; on lot with Jacob Van't Hof, Jacob (Father); b.1856 d.1920 Van Tuinen, Hattie (Mother); b.1872 d.1925 Van Vechten, Cornelia E.; b.1844 d.1924 Van Wert, Lizzie M.; b.1861 d.19--; on lot with Simeon C. Van Wert, Simeon C.; b.1853 d.1924 Van Wyk, Cornelia; b.1862 d.1921 Van Zoeren, Gertrude (Mother); b.1855 d.1929; on lot with Jacob and
Van Zoeren, Jacob (Father); b.1851 d.1930 Van Zoeren, Marinus J.; b.1880 d.1930 Van Zoeren, Marvin; b.1916 d.1923 Varenhorst, Jennie; b.1882 d.1898 Varenhorst, John; b.1854 d.1912 Varenhorst, Minnie; b.1858 d.1907; on lot with John and Jennie Varnum, Lucile Kennedy; b.1894 d.1927 Vasbinder, Carri P.; d.Aug.27,1903; a.-23y 10m 10d Vedders, H.A.; n.d. Veenendaal, Hilda (Mother); b.1865 d.1924; on lot with Laurens Veenendaal, Laurens (Father); b.1862 d.1919 Veldman, Janna (Grd.Ma); b.1834 d.1916 Veltkamp, Cornelia Olthuis (Mother); b.Mar.2,1872 d.June 18,1929; on lot with Edward Veltkamp, Edward (Father); b.Mar.12,1869 d.-------- Venema, Albert (Father); b.1863 d.1927 Venema, Anje (Mother); b.1840 d.1918 Venema, Anna A.; b.1880 d.1910 Venema, Johanna Lyzen; b.1838 d.1915 Venlet, Theodore; b.1904 d.1920 Verburg, Cornelius; b.Dec.17,1828 d.Feb.26,1920 Verburg, Dennis (Father); b.1866 d.1927 Verburg, Geertje. nee Dunnink; b.Aug.8,1834 d.Apr.29,1895 Verburg, Jacob; b.Mar.24,1858 d.Apr.4,1900 Verburg, Tryntje; b.July 5,1839 in Province Vriesland, Ned.
Verdonk, Adrian; b.1888 d.1930 Verdonk, Lena (Mother); b.1853 d.1927 Verdonk, Margaret M.; b.1892 d.1917 Verdonk, Mary C.; b.1889 d.1918 Verhey, Egbert; b.July 6,1876 at Helder, Holland
Vermeulen, John; b.1864 d.1923 Verolme, Anthony (Father); b.1882 d.1913 Verolme, Cornelius; b.1903 d.1913 Verschoor, Leonard; b.1860 d.1922 Versluis, Toos; b.1852 d.1925 Verstay, Chas.; n.d.; Co.E, 1st Mich. L.A. Verstay, Cordelia (Mother); b.1846 d.1928; on lot with Chas. Verstay, Harry (Father); b.1871 d.1926 Ver Wijs, Johannes; b.Nov.30,1888 d.Jan.28,1913 Ver Wijs, Wm.; b.Dec.12,1897 d.Sept.15,1926 Vick, Hiram; n.d.; Co.G, 102 U.S.C. Inf. Vickerman, Arthur L.; b.1915 d.1917 Viger, Augusta; b.1865 d.1915 Virgil, Clifford E.; b.1879 d.1913 Virgil, J.E.; b.1838 d.1904; Co.H, 92nd Ill. Inf. Virgil, Josephine; w. of J.E.; b.1850 d.1915 Vis, Wilhelmina; see Stoel Visfer, Peter; b.1846 d.1918 Visser, Minnie (Mother); b.1866 d.1922 Vivian, Dorothea Mae; b.1909 d.1913 Vivian, Richard G.; b.1903 d.1908 Voet, Fannie (Mother); b.1868 d.1926; on lot with Gerrit H. Voet, Gerrit H. (Father); b.1858 d.1930 Vogel, Chas. N.; b.1856 d.1915 Vogel, Wilhelmine F. (Mother); b.1853 d.1928 Voigt, Carl G. A.; b.Dec.5,1833 d.Sept.8,1908; on lot with Wurster,
Voigt, E. Lilly; d. of C.G. and E.S.; b.Feb.6,1879 d.Dec.2,1880 Voigt, Frank A.; b.Aug.2,1861 d.Jan.24,1927 Voigt, May C.; b.Oct.21,1857 d.Dec.21,1913 Voigt, Wurster; b.July 6,1841 d.May11,1929 Vonck, Menno (Father); b.1843 d.1929 Vonk, Anna (Mother); w. of A.; b.1831 d.1900 Vonk, Arie (Father); b.1832 d.1924 Vonk, John C.; b.1894 d.1918; U.S. Service 1918 Vonk, Reka; w. of A.C.; b.1872 d.1908 Voorhis, Elizabeth H.; b.1835 d.1917; on lot with Geo. Voorhis, Geo.; b.1830 d.1909 Voorwinde, Adrianus; b.1850 d.1929 Vrieland, Julia Marie; b.1916 d.1918 Vroegindewey, Klass (Father); b.1846 d.1918 Vruggink, Aren Diena; d. of H. and G.D.; b.Apr.27,1861 d.Apr.26,1873 Vulgares, Nick W.; b.1878 d.1924 Vulgaris, Peter W.; b.1888 d.1924