Oak Hill Cemetery
Grand Rapids Township Tannewitz, Clayton R.; o.d. 1908 Tatroe, Emmet E. (Father); b.1887 d.1918 Taylor, Agnes M.; b.1853 d.1911 Taylor, Alexander (Father); b.1855 d.1917 Taylor, Alice Maud; b.1865 d.1877 Taylor, E. J.; b.1862 d.1922 Taylor, Fred Fitch; b.1835 d.1905 Taylor, Henrietta W.; b.1841 d.1922; on lot with Fred F. and Alice M.;
Taylor, Jimmie F.; s. of A.W. and C.; b.Mar.27,1875 d.Feb.4,1881 Taylor, Susie M.; b.1876 d.1928; on stone with Wm. H. Taylor, Wm. H.; b.1867 d.--- Taylor, Wisner; b.1843 d.1926 Teele, Alice A.; b.1851 d.1920 Teele, Ella Flora; b.1856 d.1923 Teele(?), Ella May; n.d. Teele, Fay Colby; b.1890 d.1915 Teele(?); Libbie; n.d. Teele, Robt D.; b.1857 d.1925 Teele, Ruby M.; b.1832 d.1895; on lot with Alice, Ella F. and Robt. D. Teele(?), Willie; inft; n.d. Telford, Laura A.; b.1852 d.---; on lot with Lawrence F.;
Telford, Lawrence F.; b.1847 d.1906 Teller, W./U. Robert; buried 19 Mar 1956; Loveland Lot; Gr#12 Teller, Luella Mae; buried 4 Mar 1989; Loveland Lot; Gr#13 Templeton, Sarah; see Butterfield Ten Hoor-Kok, Elizabeth P.; b.Aug.27,1855 d.Oct.21,1915 Terpening, Rosanna C.; b.1862 d.1896; on lot with Jacob and Elizabeth Benedict Terrell, Charley; b.1856 d.19-- Terrell, Louise; b.1852 d.1925; on lot with Charley Thayer, Hattie; w. of M.E.; b.1859 d.1918 Thede, Dorothea (Mother); b.1846 d.1923; on lot with John Thede, John (Father); b.1835 d.1919 Thieleman(?), Alieta C.; b.1886 d.1918 Thobe, Benjamin; b.1849 d.1930 Thobe, Susan; b.1843 d.1911; on lot with Benj. Thoma, John E.; b.1868 d.1911 Thoman, Josiah E.; b.1858 d.1910 Thomas, Anna (Grd.Ma); b.1831 d.1916 Thomas, Grace M.; b.1895 d.1897 Thomas, Sheldon R.; b.1857 d.1918; on lot with Geo.W., Margaret E. and Wm. H. Lemon Thomasma, Marjorie Dennis; b.1905 d.1926 Thompson, Bishop S.; b.1852 d.1930 Thompson, Chester W.; b.1895 d.1922 Thompson, David; b.1836 d.1904 Thompson, Elizabeth; b.1862 d.1928 Thompson, Ernest G.; b.1887 d.1916 Thompson, Etta; b.1861 d.1928 Thompson, Frances A.; b.1837 d.1922; on lot with David and Stella Thompson, Geo. Sr.; b.1846 d.1913 Thompson, J. Walter; b.1882 d.1905 Thompson, Jane; see Clark Thompson, Lillian D.; b.Jan.26,1873 d.July 25,1910 Thompson, Mabel D.; b.1883 d.1903 Thompson, Mary A.; b.1839 d.1918; on lot with Jane Thompson Clark Thompson, Smith; b.1835 d.1923; Co.A, 12th Mich. Reg. Thompson, Stella; b.July --,1859 d.Jan. --, 1893 Thompson, Viola C.; b.1908 d.1925 Thomson, Abbie V.; b.1868 d.1920 Thomson, Gail E.; b.July 28,1908 d.Aug.10,1908 Thomson, John J.; b.July 20,1866 d.Mar.13,1924 Thomson, John N.; b.Mar.6,1867 d.Sept.18,1913 Thorn, Freddie S.; b.1883 d.1884 Thorn, Jacob(?); b.Nov.28,1852 d.Aug.13,1892; on stone with F.S.; also Stephen, Sarah, and Ann Peacock; also Robt. Mann Thorn, Phoebe E.; b.1835 d.1855; on lot with Hannah Thorn Streeter;
Thornton, Howard A.; b.1872 d.1914 Thurkettle, Wm.; b.1870 d.1918 Thurstin, Geo. H. (Son); b.1862 d.19--; on lot with H.M.T. Phillips Thurston, Wm. M.; b.1864 d.1928 Thwing, Elvira Randall; b.1834 d.1920; on lot with Geo. W. and Isabel
Thwing, Geo. Warren; b.1834 d.1925 Thwing, Isabel A. Judd; b.1853 d.1928 Tibbets, Alice F.; b.1858 d.1915; on lot with H. A. Chapman; also
Tibbs, Kate Hoag; b.1850 d.1924; on lot with Wm. H. Tibbs, Wm. H.; b.1850 d.1917 Tieleman, Rachel (Mother); b.1863 d.1920 Tiemersma, Riemke; w. of D.; b.1868 d.1913 Till, Cora (Mother); b.1875 d.1930 Till, John (Father); b.1873 d.1913 Tillema, Enne P. (Father); b.1852 d.1920 Tillema, Trientje (Mother); b.1864 d.1926; on lot with Enne Tillotson, Lillie M.; b.1874 d.1928 Timmer, Gelte (Father); b.1851 d.1923 Timmer, Gerard W.; b.1866 d.1927 Timmerman, Alice (Mother); b.1870 d.1919 Timmerman, Arnold (Father); b.1869 d.1924 Timmermans, Cornelius (Father); b.1847 d.1925 Timmermans, Gertrude (Mother); b.1850 d.1916; on stone with Cornelius Tinlin, Eli (Hus); b.1853 d.1920 Tipson, Agnes E.; b.1855 d.1924; on lot with Daniel and L.D. Tipson, Daniel; b.1845 d.1920 Tipson, Lee D.; b.1888 d.1919 Titus, D.; Co.D, U.S. Soldier, Civil War Tobey, Carrie S.; b.1864 d.1919 Tolsma, Minnie Maris; b.1878 d.1919 Tomer, Anna S.; d.June 2,1918 o.d. Tompkins, Sarah M.; w. of T.S.; b.Nov.18,1828 d.Mar.27,1895 Tompkins, T. S.; b.1823 d.1905 Tonnema, Maria; b.1846 d.1918; on lot with Ulbert Tonnema, Ulbert; b.1847 d.1917 Top, Rose; see De Groot Topping, Anna A. (Mother); b.1858 d.1921 Tornga, Gerald; b.1907 d.1924; world war vet (?) Torrey, Arthur Fuller; s. of A.C. and C.S.; d.Aug.23,1872; a.-3m 12d Torrey, Arthur L.; b.1844 d.1922 Torrey, Lucius E.; b.1868 d.1929 Totten, Hannah; w. of Sam'l C.; d.Aug.26,1870; a.-45y 4m 10d Towle, Laura A.; b.1850 d.1912; on lot with F., Mary M., Almira B.,
Townsend, Paul E.; b.1889 d.1913 Townsend, W. P.; b.1851 d.1905 Tracey, Henry; d.Feb.10,1875; a.-37y Tracy, B. C. Capt.; b.1832 d.1902 Tracy, Bessie I.; b.Feb.27,1887 d.Jan.9,1905 Tracy, Emma Hall; b.1852 d.1929; on lot with Fred I. Tracy, Fred I.; b.1851 d.1918 Tracy, Harriet A.; see Lyon Tracy, Harriet L.; b.1834 d.1910; on lot with Capt. B. C. Tracy, Lena B.; b.1883 d.1902 Tracy, Venneta B.; b.Jan.6,1905 d.Jan.20,1905 Trankla, Charles; b.1857 d.1930 Trankla, Ida Rose; b.1887 d.1899 Trankla, Mary W.; b.1856 d.1912; on lot with Chas. and Ida R. Trapp, August; b.1848 d.1919 Traver, Cynthia L.; b.1852 d.1922 Traver, Ida M.; b.1882 d.1923 Traver, Mary; b.1850 d.1917 Traver, Tilley; b.1843 d.19-- (handwritten note: '37 or before) Treur, Wilhelmina (Mother); b.1878 d.1918 Treusch, ____ (Mother); n.d. Treusch, Max (Father); d.Nov.27,1887; a.-65y 4m 12d Treusch, Morris H.; b.1854 d.1914 Treusch, Therese; b.1860 d.1916; on lot with Max, Morris H. and grave marked Mother. Trevett, Margaret (Mother); b.1854 d.1930 Trombly, Joseph; b.1843 d.1921 Trowbridge, Henrietta (Mother); b.1827 d.1875; on lot with Wm. S. Trowbridge, Just. K.; b.1857 d.1881 Trowbridge, Wm. S. (Father); b.1826 d.1889 Tubbs, Mary J.; b.1820 d.1890; on stone with Phebe M. Cummings; also Vienna and L. D. Morgridge Tubbs, Mildred I.; b.1904 d.1923 Tubergen, John B. (Father); b.1847 d.1917 Tubergen, John M.; b.1912 d.1913 Tucker, Earl S.; b.1887 d.1914 Tucker, Ethel Maud; b.1875 d.1909 Tucker, Jemima; b.1843 d.1909; on lot with Marion E. Diver Tucker, Joseph J.; b.1840 d.1923 Tucker, Mary; b.1853 d.1924; on lot with W.S. and Earl S. Tucker, Winfield S.; b.1852 d.1923 Turner, Ellen; see Wilson Turner, Emma; n.d. Turner, Flora; n.d.; on lot with Orlando and Emma Turner, Geo. L.; b.1831 d.1872 Turner, Louis G.; b.1857 d.1878 Turner, Lovica A.; b.1839 d.1915; on lot with Geo. L. and Louis G. Turner, Orlando; b.1868 d.1895 Turner, S. T.; b.1827 d.1905 Turner, Sarah; b.1835 d.1897; on lot with S.T. Turner, Sarah C.; b.1818 d.1901 Tusch, August; b.Nov.30,1846 d.Jan.28,1900; on lot with Chas. and Mary Walther Twamley, Alice; b.1817 d.1912 Twamley, Margaret; b.1825 d.1872 Twamley, Peter H.; b.1811 d.1842 Twamley, Sarah M.; b.1839 d.1879; on lot with Thos., Alice, Peter, and Margaret. Twamley, Thomas; b.1841 d.1911 Tyler, Fred C.; b.1859 d.1894 Tyler, Hazel Belle; b.1886 d.1887 Tyler, Wilfred C.; b.1883 d.1902 Tyroler, Matilda; d.Feb.6,1893; a.-40y; on lot with Sigo Tyroler, Sigo; d.Apr.12,1914; a.-78y Tyson, ___; inft.; o.d. Jan.9,1915 Tyson, Alletz K. (Father); b.1866 d.1927 Tyson, Marie K.; b.1868 d.1918; on lot with A.K. and inft. Tyssen, Susie (Wife); b.1892 d.1923