Oak Hill Cemetery
Grand Rapids Township R----, S. E. (Mother); b.1852 d.1922 Raab, Fanny B.; see Blanding Raas, Amelia (Mother); b.1867 d.1920; on lot with Ulrich Raas, Ulrich (Father); b.1856 d.1926 Rader, Edwin H.; b.1846 d.1924 Rader, Ellen J.; b.1854 d.1925; on lot with Edwin H., Gertrude M., and Lester M. Rader, Gertrude M.; b.1884 d.1911 Rader, Lester M.; b.1880 d.1922 Radford, Clayton; d. 1917; o.d. Radford, Mae; d.1920; o.d. Randall, Elvira; see Thwing Randall, James W. (Father); b.1845 d.1922 Randall, Phebe L. (Mother); w. of James W.; b.1853 d.1907 Randall, Rose Lillian; b.1921 d.1927 Raniville, Clara McKay; w. of Eugene; b.1871 d.1895 Raniville, Felix; b.1836 d.1902; on lot with Clara M. Rapp, Bernhardt; b.1842 d.1912 Rapp, Catherine; b.1840 d.1922; on lot with Bernhardt Rasch, Alois (Father); d.Sept.5,1898; a.-58y 5m 21d Rasch, Edie; b.1867 d.1886 Rasch, Emma; b.1857 d.1876 Rasch, Helen; b.1859 d.1876 Rasch, Julius F.; d.Feb.18,1880; a.-37y 7m 2d;
Rasch, Louise b.Schindler (Mother); w. of Robt.; b.--.--,1837
Rasch, Louise; b.1861 d.1876 Rasch, Marie (Mother); b.1847 d.1926; on lot with Helen, Emma, Alois, R.G., and Julius F. Rasch, Minnie; b.1863 d.1881 Rasch, Robert (Father); b.1832 d.1908 Rasch, Robt. G.; b.1874 d.1900 Rathbun, Lnasing K.; b.1824 d.1898 Rathbun, Sally Ann; b.1829 d.1909; on lot with Lansing K. Rauser, Hazel Remington; b.1895 d.1930 Raymond, Cora S.; b.1860 d.1919; on lot with Geo. E.; also Henry and Annis S. Spring Raymond, Fred'k B.; b.1873 d.1920 Raymond, Geo. E.; b.1855 d.1920 Rayner, John T. (Father); b.1880 d.1925 Rayner, Robt. J.; b.1908 d.1926 Raynor, Geo. Henry; b.1863 d.1921 Read, Caroline J.; o.d. 1928; on lot with John H. Read, Emma J. (Mother); b.1857 d.1903 Read, John H.; b.1861 d.1902 Read, John H.; b.1878 d.1898 Read, Minnie; d. of E.J.; b.1882 d.1916 Reams, George (Father); b.July 31,1788 d.Jan.8,1892 Reams, Susan; b.1797 d.1873; on lot with George Reavley, Sennie A.; b.1847 d.1921 Redmond, Nellie; w. of J.J.; b.Feb.9,1875 d.Mar.10,1895; on lot with
Reed, Eliza A.; b.1846 d.1904 Reed, Elizabeth A.; w. of L.C.; d.Oct.11,1877; a.-30y 3m 21d Reed, Eugene W.; b.1854 d.1903 Reed, Fleetie G.; d. of Geo. and E.; d.Aug.18,1872; a.-4m 18d Reed, Geo. W.; b.1845 d.1919 Reed, Harrison H. (Father); b.1840 d.---. Reed, Joseph F.; b.1849 d.1919 Reed, Laura A.; w. of T.; d.Apr.15,1884; a.-74y 6m; on lot with T., Louisa, Elizabeth A., Fleetie G., R.F., Geo.W., May, Eliza A. and Harrison Reed, Lida; b.1845 d.19--; on lot with Joseph F. Reed, Louisa; w. of Wm. W.; d.Nov.21,1879; a.-24y Reed, May; b.1845 d.1917 Reed, Ray F.; s. of Geo. and E.; d.Aug.11,1876; a.-2y 6m 3d Reed, Robt.; b.1854 d.1915 Reed, T.; d.Feb.4,1886; a.-85y Reed, Wm. W.; n.d.; Co.F, 14th Reg. Mich. Inf. Reelman, Caroline; b.1849 d.1921; on lot with Jacob Reelman, Jacob; b.1846 d.1918 Reens, Harm; b.1915 d.1919 Rees, Elizabeth; b.1857 d.1925 Reeves, Rev. A. (Father); b.June 1,1818; d.Mar.11,1900 Reeves, Ann Maria (Mother); w. of Rev. A.; b.July 1,1822, d.Aug.28,1897 Reeves, Chas. S.; b.1853 d.--- (handwritten note: 1939) Reeves, Geo. Hubert; b.1876 d.1913; Co. G. 32nd Mich. Inf. Reeves, H. Augusta; b.1853 d.--- (handwritten note: 1939) Reily, Anna B.; b.1859 d.1869 Reily, Daniel W.; b.1855 d.1881 Reily, Ellen M.; b.1832 d.1916; on lot with Geo. B., Daniel W. and
Reily, Geo. B.; b.1825 d.1899 Reiners, J.; b.Aug.16,1873 d.Feb.22,1900 Reissing, Arnold J.; b.1880 d.1915 Remenga, Gerald; b.1908 d.1913 Remer, Geo. Douglas; b.1890 d.1928 Remington, Geo. W. (Father); b.1828 d.1878 Remington, Hazel; see Rauser Remington, Mildred; b.1902 d.1911 Remington, Statira H.; b.1842 d.1909; on lot with Geo. W. and Willie Remington, Willie; n.d. Renberg, Andrew; b.1859 d.1928 Renberg, Louise; b.1858 d.1930; on lot with Andrew Renkema, Katie Gazan; b.1887 d.1918 Renniman, James (Father); b.1846 d.1925 Renniman, Josephine (Mother); b.1857 d.1928; on lot with James Renwick, Alice M.; b.1861 d.1922 Reschke, Alice (Mother); b.1847 d.1926 Reschke, Wm.; b.1874 d.1900; erectedby Woodman of the World Retting, John R.; b.1842 d.1922 Retting, Marie; b.1842 d.1924; on lot with John R. Reynolds, Anna E.; b.1838 d.1926 Reynolds, H. Glenn; b.1869 d.1928 Reynolds, Herbert M.; b.1836 d.1924 Reynolds, Lavina; b.1812 d.1900; on lot with H. Glenn, Anna E. and
Reynolds, Lewis Seal; b.1878 d.1924 Reynolds, Richard; inft. (p.i.); o.d. May 12,1911 Rice, Amelia M. Fuller; w. of Judson E.; b.1846 d.1899 Rice, Chas. O.; b.1871 d.1921 Rice, Eber; b.1842 d.1910; G.A.R. Rice, Eliza Gernon (Gemon?); w. of Harvey A.; b.1831 d.1905 Rice, Frank D.; b.1860 d.1906 Rice, Geo. W.; b.1856 d.1926 Rice, Ida A. Haas; w. of Linsay W.; b.1868 d.1907 Rice, Col. Judson E.; b.1844 d.1914; U.S.Vol. Rice, Margaret L.; b.1845 d.---; on lot with Eber Rich, Chas. M.; b.1848 d.1926 Rich, Chas. O.; b.June 1,1862 d.Aug.31,1904; on lot with Nancy E. Furbish Rich, Hattie; see Garratt Rich, Mary Juanita; b.1895 d.1913 Richar, Augusta I. (Mother); b.1859 d.1924 Richar, Irving C. (Father); b.1858 d.1926 Richards, Alvin; n.d.; a.-66y Richards(?), Anna M.; b.May 7,1865 d.June 24,1874 Richards, Burton A.; d.Aug.31,1875; a.-16y 8m 22d Richards, Chas. F. T.; b.July 23,1858 d.Nov.30,1863 Richards, Edwin; d.June 29,1862; a.-49y Richards, Eliza; b.1812 d.1886; on lot with Myron, S.A., Loretta, B.A., Horace H., Elizabeth F., and Phebe; also Martha J. and Henry F. McCormick Richards, Elizabeth F.; w. of H.H.; b.Nov.6,1835 d.Mar.7,1906 Richards, Emeline S.; w. of John; d.Feb.6,1887; a.-70y 9m 4d Richards(?), Eva Pearl; b.1883 d.1883 Richards, Francis; n.d.; Co.B, 21st Mich. Inf. Richards(?), Frankie; b.1885 d.1885 Richards(?), Geo. E.; b.1876 d.1876 Richards, Geo. W.; b.Apr.15,1856 d.Jan.27,1857 Richards, Horace H. (Father); b.May 13,1830 d.May 28,1901 Richards, James E.; b.1881 d.1881 Richards, John; d.Aug.24,1880; a.-64y 3m 1d Richards, Julia A.; b.1829 d.1923; on lot with Theodore F., Geo. W.,
Richards, L. Josephine; d. of J. and E.; d.July 6,1863; a.-13y 11m 6d Richards, Loretta; b.1846 d.1926 Richards, Myron; d.Jan.14,1877; a.-67y 2m Richards, Phebe; d.July 29,1872; a.-47y 2m Richards, S. A.; b.1839 d.1907 Richards, Simeon; d.Dec.15,1872; a.-86y 9m 13d; on lot with John, Emeline S., and Josephine Richards, Theodore F.; b.1828 d.1890 Richardson, Ann; b.1853 d.1923; on lot with John W. Richardson, John W.; b.1856 d.1927 Richens, Avis A.; b.1912 d.1913 Richens, Eliza A.; b.1847 d.1926; on lot with Paul H., Avis A. and Freddie Richens, Freddie; b.1886 d.1893 Richens, Paul H.; b.1843 d.1927 Rickenbaugh, J. Clarence; b.1856 d.1905 Rickenbaugh, Margaret; b.1890 d.1904 Ridge, Mary Anna; b.1827 d.1918; on lot with B. Gulliford;
Riechel, Marie R.; b.1860 d.1915 Riegling(?), Nettie M.; see Payne Riekse, David M. Jr.; b.1888 d.1914 Rieth, Marie A. (Mother); b.1862 d.---; on stone with Paul R. Rieth, Paul R. (Father); b.1863 d.1923 Riker, Mary E. (Grandma); b.1839 d,1915 Rily, ------; n.d. Rindge, Ada; see Allen Rindge, Alice J.; w. of L.J.; b.May 16,1846 d.Sept.8,1893 Rindge, Cynthia A.; b.May 7,1816 d.Mar.9,1891; on lot with Warren O., Stanley L., Lester C., Alice J., and Lester J.; also Ada Rindge Allen Rindge, Lester C.; b.Nov.17,1877 d.Dec.16,1889 Rindge, Lester J.; b.Dec.6,1841 d.May 15,1913 Rindge, Stanley L.; b.Dec.25,1871 d.Oct.5,1872 Rindge, Warren O.; b.Mar.14,1816 d.June 12,1875 Rindge, Wm. A.; b.1857 d.1923 Ringelberg, Jennie; b.1867 d.19---; on lot with Vincent Ringelberg, Vincent; b.1869 d.1930 Rinvelt, Gladys J.; b.1902 d.1918 Ripley, Cornelia; b.1860 d.1926 Ripley, Delite Post; b.1829 d.1900; on lot with Willis J. and Cornelia Ripley, Willis J.; b.May 13,1822 d.May 16,1869 Ripstra, Mary E.; b.1858 d.1922 Ritchart, Anna; b.1825 d.1893; on stone with John B. Ritchart, John B.; b.1823 d.1905 Ritzema, Pieterke; b.1867 d.1921; on lot with Richard Ritzema, Richard; b.1861 d,1920 Rivers, Felix R.; b.1864 d.1927 Robbinson, Jeremiah (Father); b.1843 d.1906; Co.K, 29th Reg. Mich. Inf. Vol. Robbinson, Mary (Mother); w. of Jeremiah; b.1849 d.1927 Robe, Jennie; see Stevens Robens, Frankie; s. of G.G. and H.A.; b.June 16,1870 d.Aug.26,1872 Robens, Harry S.; b.1877 d.1918 Robens, Herbert J.; s. of Smith and Maggie; b.Aug.20,1874 d.Sept.17,1874 Robens, Margret; w. of Smith; b.1837 d.1921 Robens, Smith; b.1833 d.1892 Roberts, Allen C. (Father); b.1864 d.1929 Roberts, Helen; b.1831 d1907; on lot with W. D. and Helen A. Roberts, Helen A.; b.1861 d.1915 Roberts, Henry; b.1868 d.1930 Roberts, Ida G. (Mother); b.1853 d.1927 Roberts, Lottie B.; b.1876 d.1929; on lot with Henry and Raymond W. Roberts, Raymond W.; b.1898 d.1922 Roberts, W. D.; b.1820 d.1882 Robinson, __; inft.; o.d. 1911 Robinson, Addison; b.1877 d.1913 Robinson, Antoinette; b.1851 d.1922 Robinson, Eva; see Curren Robinson, Harry Parker; b.1861 d.1925 Robinson, Henry P.; b.1854 d.1920 Robinson, Josephine; see Buchanan Robinson, M. Elizabeth Steil (Wife); b.1872 d.1918 Robinson, Mary M. Nudd; b.1834 d.1913; on lot with Thos. Robinson, Maud Irene; b.Sept.16,1880 d.Aug.1,1889 Robinson, Thos.; b.1843 d.1910 Robinson, Wm. James (Father); b.Aug.6,1849 d.Aug.31,1883 Robinson, Wm. Jay; s. of W.J. and J.A.; b.Aug.18,1882 d.Feb.3,1883 Rodger, Jessie M.; b.1849 d.1921 Rodman, Washington J.; s. of N. and S.; d.Sept.16,1879; a.-3y 6m 24d Rogers, Ellen G.; w. of Jas. A. (p.i.); b.Dec.4,1836 d.Apr.8,1909 Rogers, Frank M. (Father); b.1844 d.1919; Reb. 189th Co.I Rogers, James A.; b.June 30,1833 d.May 25,1895 Rogers, Katherine; see Cutcheon Rogers, Margaret M. (Mother); b.1846 d.1918; on lot with Frank M. Rogers, Reatha F.; b.1899 d.1916 Rogers, Robt. C.; b.1854 d.1924 Roh, Chas. F.; n.d. Rolfe, Lura; b.1880 d.1928 Romeyn, Arie (Father); b.1868 d.1925 Romkema, Florence (Mother); b.1864 d.1928 Romkema, John (Father); b.1859 d.1926 Rood, Chas. Foster; b.1853 d.1914 Rood, Harriet Cobb; n.d.; on lot with Chas. F. Rood, R. Belle; b.1858 d.1908; on lot with Z.T. Rood, Z. T.; n.d.; Co.L, 15th N.Y. Engrs. Rooks, Gwendolin Alma; b.Aug.20,1907 d.Dec.15,1907 Rorabacher, Fredericka M.; b.1911 d.1918 Rosa, Isaac; s. of C.D. and M.; could not read dates Rose, Chas. D.; b.Dec.25,1834 d.Oct.7,1892 Rose, Frank; b.1884 d.1902 Rose, Fred L.; b.1885 d.1886 Rose, Gertrude (Mother); b.1874 d.1925 Rose, Gertrude M.; b.1859 d.1906 Rose, Rev. Henry A.; b.1825 d.1910 Rose, N. Victoria; d. of E.E. and E.C.; b.May 9,1892 d.May 1,1903 Rose, Wm.; b.1844 d.1921 Rose, Zada A. M.; b.1830 d.1906; on lot with Rev. Henry A., Fred L.
Rosema, Johanna; b.1908 d.1917 Rosen, Abraham; b.1873 d.1917 Rosen, Amelia; b.1842 d.1928; on lot with Levi, Abraham, Samuel and
Rosen, Levi; b.1831 d.1902 Rosen, Samuel; b.1857 d.1908 Rosen, Sophie; b.1870 d.1900 Rosenburg, ____ (Father); b.1845 d.1917 Rosenburg, ____ (Mother); b.1848 d.1917; on lot with grave marked Father Rosenfield, Hannah (Mother); b.Nov.17,1850 d.Mar.11,1912; on lot with Lippman Rosenfield, Lippman (Father); b.Nov.5,1842 d.Dec.20,1894 Rosenfield, Lu Ella; d. of W. and M.; b.Dec.1,1876 d.Oct.1,1879 Rosenquist, Clarence R.; b.1886 d.1906 Rosenquist, P. John; b.1856 d.1927 Rosenthal, Alma; b.1874 d.1921 Rosenthal, Bianca; b.1852 d.1915; on lot with Alma and Joseph Rosenthal, Joseph, b.1846 d.1927 Ross, Fern J.; b.Apr.23,1912 d.Mar.28,1927 Ross, Minnie C.; see Fullington Rowe, Hannah (Mother); b.1842 d.1904 Rowe, Wm. Robt.; b.Nov.7,1908 d.Nov.20,1908 Rowley, Chas. T.; b.Jan.4,1864 d.Mar.8,1927 Rowson, Lillian M.; b.1877 d.1928 Rowson, Marie; b.1878 d.1921 Rowson, Mary; b.1856 d.1920; on lot with Lillian, Marie and Wm.E. Rowson, Wm. E.; b.1876 d.1929 Royal, Sarah G.; n.d. Roys, Geo. M.; b.1856 d.1901 Rozema, Elizabeth; w. of Hilbrand; b.Jan.20,1828 d.Mar.6,1899 Rozema, Fred H.; s. of H. and E.; b.Aug.9,1869 d.Nov.1,1884 Rozema, Hilbrand; b.Oct.7,1822 d.Apr.10,1909 Rozema, Jacob (Father); b.1864 d.1919 Rozema, Sadie DeLoof; b.1904 d.1926 Rozema, Willie; s. of H. and E.; b.Sept.16,1857 d.Mar.17,1864 Ruben(?), Marks; b.1848 d.1928 Ruffle, Gottfried; b.1848 d.1912 Ruffle, Irene; see Wright Ruhoff, Arend J. (Father); b.1852 d.1929 Rumsey, Alice A. (Mother); b.1854 d.1913; on lot with Oscar F. Rumsey, Morey C.; b.1902 d.1928 Rumsey, Oscar F. (Father); b.1846 d.--- Rundell, Edwin; b.1832 d.1901 Rundell, Eveline; b.1842 d.1911; on lot with Edwin and Frank; also
Rundell, Frank; b.1866 d.1917 Runions, Emma P.; b.1857 d.1918; on lot with Peter W. Runions, Peter W.; b.1855 d.1911 Runneboom, Lambertus; b.1836 d.1923 Runyan, Chas. M.; b.1842 d.1917; Sergt. Battery L. 3rd Reg.U.S. Art. Ruple, Ethel Maude; b.1878 d.1921 Ryan, Chas. H.; b.1853 d.1918 Ryan, Edward F.; b.1886 d.1924 Ryan, Grace E.; b.1884 d.--- Rykert, Vernon F. Jr.; o.d. 1927 Rynbert, inft.; o.d.1918