Oak Hill Cemetery
Grand Rapids Township Quackenbush, Geo. H.; b.1834 d.1878 Quackenbush, Wm. H.; b.1864 d.1885' Quartel, Jennie (Mother); b.1866 d.1927; on lot with John Quartel, John (Father); b.1860 d.1926 Quick, Theodore; b.1845 d.1902 Quigley, Chas. B.; b.1859 d.1910 Quigley, Isaac Henry; b.1826 d.1915; Charter Mem. Grand River Lodge No. 34 Quigley, Mary Abbott; b.1839 d.1897; on lot with Isaac H. and Chas. B. Quimby, _______; inft. s. of Geo. I. and J.; d.Aug.30,1885; o.d. Quimby, Amos; d.Mar.24,1879; a.-42y 8m 18d Quimby, Geo. I.; d.May 15,1893; a.-41y Quimby, Hannah K.; w. of S.B.; d.June 24,1876; a.-73y; on lot with Sam'l B., Amos, Josephine, Geo. I. and Ichabod L. Quimby, Ichabod L.; d.Mar.24,1889; a.-66y Quimby, Josephine; w. of Geo. I.; d.Dec.28,1890; a.-38y Quimby, Julia B.; b.1891 d.1921 Quimby, Samuel B.; d.May 8,1872; a.-74y Quint, Adelaide (Mother); b.1867 d.1920 Quint, Cornelius (Father); b.1853 d.1930 Quint, Elizabeth (Mother); b.1859 d.1923; on lot with Cornelius; also
Quint, Peter (Father); b.1859 d.1924 Quint, Sadie; see Wierenga Quirk, Anna (Mother); b.1861 d.1917