Oak Hill Cemetery
Grand Rapids Township O'Brien, Delia Howard; b.July 14, 1848 d.Jan.22,1926 Ockerblad, Fred'k O.; b.1888 d.1924 O'Connor, Mabel D.; b.1891 d.1922 O'Dell, Earl; b.1913 d.1916 Odell, Emily A.; b.1840 d.1917; on lot with M.M. and Mary E.O. Manley Odell, Mary E.; see Manley Odell, Ruth; b.1877 d.1877 Ogden, Sarah; see Dunn O'Harra, Jno.; n.d.; U.S. Soldier, Civil War Ohl, Minnie R.; b.1860 d.1920 Ohlman, Wm. H. (Father); b.1868 d.1923 Olds, Clarence H.; b.1858 d.1909 Olds, Minnie E.; b.1866 d.1923; on lot with Clarence Oliver, Thelma; b.1918 d.1920 Olsen, Nelson; b.1854 d.1923 Olthuis, Cornelia; see Veltkamp Oltman, Harriet; see Battle Oltman, Mary C. (Mother); b.1870 d.1928; on lot with Peter H. Oltman, Peter H. (Father); b.1866 d.1922 Oosta, Gertrude (Mother); b.1849 d.1926 Oosta, John (Father); b.1845 d.1927 Ooster, Haven Henry; d.Aug.19,1918; a.-13y Oostindie, Ella; b.1888 d.1919 Oosting, John Victor; b.1916 d.1923 Oosting, Sam'l P.; n.d.; Co. H, 32nd Mich. Inf. Opperman, Earl E.; b.1899 d.1921 Oriel, Wm. A.; b.1852 d.1928 Orn, Albert N. (Father); b.1831 d.1890 Orn, Elizabeth (Mother); b.1831 d.1900; on lot with Albert N. Orr, Robt.; b.1848 d.1914 Orth, Chas. C.; b.1868 d.1929 Ortt, Altha J.; w. of H.; b.1853 d.1914 Ortt, Henry; b.1847 d.1923 Ortt, Leslie D.; b.1872 d.1896 Osborn, Horace; n.d.; 23rd Mich. Inf. Osborn, Rose C. (Mother); b.1871 d.1921 Otte, Adriana; b.Mar.16,1825 d.Mar.11,1902 Otte, Helena; b.1823 d.1906; on lot with Peter, Adriana and Johannes Otte, Johannes; b.Apr.8,1825 d.June 7,1897 Otte, John; b.1855 d.1911 Otte, Mary; b.1856 d.19--; on lot with John Otte, Peter; b.1823 d.1899 Owen, Amelia Bell; b.1860 d.1925 Owens, Wm. Henry; o.d. Oct.31,1924; Mich. Corpl. Mil. Police 14th Div. Owings, Gulielmus; b.1842 d.1920 Owings, Mary A.; b.1848 d.1927; on lot with Gulielmus |