Oak Hill Cemetery
Grand Rapids Township La Chine, Martha J.; b.1843 d.1917 La Dor, Marvin (M.D.); b.1851 d.1921 Lahann, Wilhelm; b.1855 d.1925; on lot with Anna W., Christian H.,
Laird, Abbie Waters; b.Oct.15,1865 d.Feb.21,1890; on lot with Alfred E. and Carrie Waters; also Shubel and Abby E.W. Cross; also Abbie W. Laird. Lalone, Cora; b.Aug.7,1874 d.Nov.12,1895; on lot with Francis Lalone, Francis; n.d.; Co.P, 56th Mass. Inf. Laman, Jacob; b.1890 d.1925 Lambert, Elenorah A.; b.1872 d.1925 Lamphere, Garfield A.; b.1881 d.1923 Lampman, Albert E.; b.1831 d.1913 Lampman, H. Maria; b.1835 d.1913; on lot with Albert E. Landauer(?), Bertha; b.1860 d.1887 Landauer, Gustave A.; b.1845 d.1908 Landauer, Wilhelmine (Mother); b.July 21,1819 d.Apr.6,1883; on lot with Gustave A. and Bertha Landman, _____ (Father); b.1842 d.1910 Landman, _____ (Mother); b.1849 d.1920; on lot with John W., Glencora and grave marked Father Landman, Glencora; b.1869 d.1912 Landman, John W.; b.1871 d.1921 Lane, Ada S.; b.Apr.6,1844 d.May 13,1901; on lot with W.S. Lane, Wesley S.; b.1844 d.1927 Lang, Mary; w. of Mathias; d.Mar.16,1877; a.-26y Lang, Mathias; b.--.--,-- in Wurttemberg d.June 11,1889; a.-45y Lankaster, Anna S.; b.1862 d.1890 Lankaster, Cornelius; b.1860 d.1911 Lankaster, David; b.1835 d.1899 Lankaster, Johanna; see Hoebeke Lankaster, Lyda; b.1853 d.1914 Lankaster, Margaret; b.1835 d.1912; on lot with David, Anna S., Mary C., Cornelius, Peter, and Lynd; also Johanna L. Hoebeke Lankaster, Mary C.; b.1869 d.1899 Lankaster, Peter; b.1856 d.1928 Lapham, M.E.; b.1843 d.1893 Lappley, Dorothea S.; w. of Fred J.; d.Dec.8,1868; a.-23y 26d Lappley, Henry L.; s. of F.J. and M.A.; d.Mar.3,1877; a.-5w 3d Lappley, Mary A.; w. of F.J.; b.1850 d.1924 Larmer, John L.; b.1862 d.1912 Lass, Minnie Nagel; w. of Fred; b.1865 d.1894 Latchhaw, Geo. E.; b.1900 d.1927 Lathrop, Freeman; b.1837 d.1903 Lathrop, June W.; b.1881 d.1913 Laubenstein, Caroline (Mother); w. of Dr. D.A.; d.June 7,1889; a.-47y 10m Laubenstein, Dr. D.A. (Father); d.Jan.15,1896; a.-84y 4m Laubenstein, Jacob; s. of Dr.; b.Aug.9,1856 d.May 19,1873; a.-17y Lavangha(?), Georgia; d. of B. and A.T.; d.May 12,1870; a.-3y 1m 7d Lawrence, Annie Belfy; b.1846 d.1912; on lot with Horace Lawrence, Cecilia Woodmansee; b.1859 d.1924 Lawrence, Horace; b.1836 d.1915; O.V.I. Lawrence, John Strachan; s. of John and Cornelia Porter Lawrence;
Lawrence, Lizzie A.; see Ledward Lawson, John B. (Father); b.1860 d.1923 Lawson, John Leroy; b.1892 d.1920; World War. Leach, Corning L.;b.1835 d.1921; Quar. Master Sergeant Co.I, 9th Mich. Cav. Leach, Emma C.; b.1863 d.--; on lot with C.L. Leathers, Don J.; b.July 28,1844 d.Feb.11,1899 Leavenworth, Alonza D.; b.1846 d.1910 Leavenworth, Benn C.; b.1855 d.1925 Leavenworth, Edmund C.; b.1852 d.1914 Leavenworth, Frederick M.; b.1848 d.1888 Leavenworth, Lena R.; b.1859 d.1922; on lot with Benn C. Leavenworth, Mary; b.1820 d.1881; on lot with Frederick, Alonza D.,
Leavenworth, Susan E.; b.1846 d.1923 Ledeboer, Francois S. (M.D.); b.Jan.4,1845 d.June 12,1921 Ledeboer, Sara Annie Powers; w. of F.S.; b.Oct.30,1847 d.July 13,1898 in vault with Francois; also Chas., Sarah G., Louisa, and Wm. T. Powers Ledward, Lizzie A. Lawrence; w. of Thos.; b.1860 d.1883 Lee, ____; n.d. Lee, Chas. A.; b.1844 d.1916; Loomis Battery Co. A 1st Mich. Lt. Art. Lee, Eliza A.; b.1830 d.1899; on stone with Henry; also Joab Jones;
Lee, Henry; o.d. Dec.14,1890 Lee, Katherine W.; b.1848 d.1907; on lot with Chas. A. Lee, Ruth Rose; b.1886 d.1930 Lee, Sammie; s. of H.; d.Apr.12,1873; a.-13y Lees, Florence; see Hompe Lehfeldt, Frank E.; b.1858 d.1921 Lehman, Fred'k; d.Apr.9,1887; a.-47y Lehman, Rosina Weber; b.1847 d.1927; on lot with Julius Weber Lehmann, Arthur; s. of G. and C.; d.Oct.29,1879; a.-3y 5m 23d Lehmann, Christiana (Mother); b.Nov.6,1835 d.Apr.10,1887; on stone with J. Geo. Sr. Lehmann, Hugo; s. of G. and C.; d.Aug.5,1872; a.-3m 25d Lehmann, J. Geo. (Father); b.July 6,1832 d.Nov.11,1917 Lehmann, J. Geo.; b.1864 d.1924 Leichner, ___ (Mother); b.1830 d.1920; on lot with Louise, Emma C.,
Leichner, ___ (Father); b.1840 d.1929 Leichner, Edw.; b.1871 d.19-- Leichner, Emma C.; b.1865 d.1911 Leichner, Louise; b.1864 d.19-- Leichner, Wm. E.; b.1869 d.1928 Leishman, Pearl E.; b.1872 d.1915 Leising, Henrietta (Mother); b.1866 d.1929 Leitelt, Christina (Mother); b.1835 d.1891; on lot with Joseph F. and
Lemon, Forris D.; b.1905 d.1906 Lemon, Geo. W.; b.1851 d.1929 Lemon, Henrietta; b.1851 d.1920; on lot with John A. Lemon, John A.; b.1849 d.1926 Lemon, Margaret E.; b.1852 d.1925; on lot with Geo. W. and Wm. H.; also Sheldon R. Thomas Lemon, Samuel M.; b.1846 d.1912 Lemon, Wilder D.; b.1874 d.1922 Lemon, Wm. H.; b.1871 d.1873 Lenger, Jantje; b.Dec.30,1853 d.July 21,1918 Lenhart, Charles; b.1868 d.19-- Lenhart, Natillie; b.1868 d.1929; on lot with Chas. Lennington, Emma A.; b.1847 d.1906; on lot with Hiram Lennington, Hiram; b.1844 d.1917 Lenz, Wm. A.; b.1886 d.1916 Leonard, Bertha; see Krause Leonard, Mary M.; b.Aug.6,1829 d.Mar.4,1914; on lot with E.L. Goss; also Huldah Curtis Lett, Geo. R.; b.1889 d.1926 Levy, Abraham; b.1841 d.1886 Levy, Dora; w. of Abraham; b.1840 d.1905; on lot with A.; also Bertha Pitke Levy, Dorothy (Mother); b.1846 d.1914; on lot with Morris and Ida Levy, Ida; b.1884 d.1918 Levy, Jacob; d.Sept.30,1857; a.-28y 4m Levy, Morris (Father); b.1848 d.1920 Lewis(?), ____ (Mother); b.1849 d.1917; on lot with Grant, Wilda and
Lewis(?), ____ (Father); b.1851 d.1916 Lewis, Charlotte Shanks; b.1862 d.1923; on lot with G.W.; also Mark and Maria Shanks; also Elizabeth S. Lyon; also Charlotte E. Uhrich Lewis, Edw. Jr.; o.d. 1888 Lewis, Rev. Edw. Geo.; b.1855 d.1924 Lewis, Geo. R.; d.Jan.8,1878; a.-42y 3m 8d Lewis, Gilbert W.; b.1858 d.1923 Lewis, Grant; b.1884 d.--- Lewis, Kenneth; b.1895 d.1918; Cpt. Co. C, 6th U.S. Engs.; 3rd Div. A.E.F. Lewis, Leevia; b.1880 d.1909; on stone with Lewis Keller Lewis, Mary; b.1883 d.1913 Lewis, Nellie N.; d.Jan.18,1877; a.-5m 16d Lewis, Noomia (Neemia?) S.; d.Oct.1,1867; a.-56y; on stone with Geo.R. and Nellie N.; also John and Minnie Hoffert Lewis, Otis B. (Hus); b.1867 d.1906 Lewis, Ray E.; b.1882 d.1923; Pvt. Co. A 4th Inf. Lewis, Ruth M.; o.d. 1891 Lewis, Wilda Eva; b.1891 d.1918 Leyi, ____ (Mother); n.d. Leyi, ____ (Bro.); n.d. Liesveld, Henrietta; see Pauels Liesveld, Herman; b.1823 d.1877 Liesveld, Johanna; w. of Jacob; d.Nov.10,1865; a.-75y 8m Liesveld, Katherine D.; b.1859 d.1922 Liesveld, Maria; b.1828 d.1892; on lot with Herman, Johanna and Katherine D. Lindeboom, Geo.; b.1892 d.1916 Lindeboom, Josie; w. of Adam; b.1868 d.1917 Linderman, Albert T.; b.1847 d.1908 Linderman, Ella A.; b.1850 d.1922; on lot with Albert T. Lindley, ____; n.d. Lindley, Cornelia M.; see Wilder Lindsay, Chas. Robt.; b.1859 d.1923 Linington, Chas. M.; b.1840 d.1915 Linington, Cornelius G.; b.1836 d.1910 Linington, Mary H.; b.1838 d.1926; on lot with Cornelius G., Chas. M., and Melissa E. Linington, Melissa E.; b.1846 d.1927 Linnane, Helen L.; b.1905 d.1924 Littlefield, Cora May; b.1864 d.1888 Littlefield, Emma; b.1841 d.1929 Littlefield, Hattie; n.d. Littlefield, S. Otis; b.1831 d.1852; on stone with Cora M., Hattie, Emma, and Sam'l O.; also Jas., J.C., Olive L., W.D., Amelia C., F.O., Ida L., Margaret, A.L., C.P., J.W., S.P., Lydia, Emma, J.H., C.W., and E.L. Scott; also R.E., M.S., M.E., W.S., J.L., E.B., E., and E.B. Davis; also J.S., E.S., E., and C. Hampton Littlefield, Samuel O.; b.1834 d.1915 Livingston, Charley; b.May 18,1856 at Plainfield, Mich.
Livingston, Edwin; d.June 11,1868; a.-20y 7m Livingston, Mariah Miller; w. of J.M.; d.June 8,1852; a.-22y Livingston, Sarah J.; b.July 13,1854 d.Feb.3,1900; on lot with Charley Lloyd, Anna S. (Wife); b.1852 d.1927; on lot with Edw. L.; also Mary E. King; also Ella Montignani Lloyd, Edw. L. (Father); b.1851 d.1913 Locke, Edward W.; b.1830 d.1896 Locke, Frances W.; b.1834 d.1915; on lot with Edw. W. Locklin, Frank A.; b.Jan.29,1861 d.Jan.16,1862 Lockridge, Loren L.; b.1903 d.1921 Lockwood, Anna A. (Mother); w. of C.E.; b.1854 d.1909 Logan, Robt.; b.1832 d.1914 Lokerse, Peter; b.1904 d.1927 London, Cornelius; s. of D.; b.1914 d.1922 Long, Isabella C.; b.1849 d.1963 Long, Nancy J.; b.1849 d.19--; on lot with Wilber F. Long, Wilber F.; b.1846 d.1921 Longvrake, Chas. E. (Father); b.1872 d.1927 Longstreet, Philip J.; b.1878 d.1917 Loomis, Alice F.; b.Mar.12,1868 d.Sept.25,1919 Loomis, Emily M.; w. of Robt. B.; b.Mar.29,1826 d.Oct.11,1899 Loomis, Minnie S.; b.Apr.2,1857 d.May 19,1907 Loomis, Robt. B.; b.Feb.25,1832 d.Jan.16,1907 Lopez, Alonzo; b.1874 d.1885 Lopez, Florence V.; b.1876 d.1917 Lopez, Jennette; b.1849 d.1906; on lot with Alonzo and F.V. Louwerse, Lawrence (Father); b.1846 d.1921 Lovelace, Melvin Merton; b.1878 d.1926
Loveland, Lucius; b.1854 d.1910 (stone) Buried-28 Dec 1909; Son-Mary K.; E 1/2, Gr#3 Loveland, Mary K. (Manning/Wilson); b.1828 d.1915; on lot with Lucius; E 1/2, Gr#7; Hb-George B. Loveland Loveland, Ralph B.; b.1867 d.1909 Lowe, Verne A.; w. of Wm. W.; b.1880 d.1915 Lowell(?), Johnie; b.1870 d.1877 Lowell(?), Sarah H.; b.1836 d.1880; on lot with Johnie Lowing, Emely (Mother); b.May18,1828 d.Mar.1,1904; on lot with James Lowing, James O. F. (Father); b.May 20,1819 d.Sept.18,1890 Lowing, Ulysses M.; b.1858 d.1891 Lucas, Josephine Hartger; b.1891 d.1920 Luce, Hiram C. (Father); b.Feb.29,1828 d.June 14,1896 Luce, Hiram G.; b.1862 d.1922 Luce, Mildred H.; b.1887 d.1896 Luce, Sarah A. (Mother); w. of Hiram C.; b.Aug.8,1828 d.Dec.13,1913 Luce, Virginia W.; d. of H.C. and S.A.; d.Sept.29,185(6?); a.-4y Luchtmeyer, Denie (Mother); b.1854 d.1926; on lot with Wm. Luchtmeyer, Wm. (Father); b.1854 d.1928 Luedeman, Emilie; b.1861 d.1929 Luga, Frank G.; b.1901 d.1914 Lund, Matthew; b.1865 d.1926 Lundquist, Albert; b.Aug.4,1870 d.July 30,1899 Lundquist, Geo. M. (Hus); b.1876 d.1926 Lunt, Edward E.; b.1860 d.19-- Lunt, Teena; b.1862 d.1920; on lot with Edw. E. Luther, Fred M.; b.1865 d.1927 Lyman, Frank E.; b.1883 d.1924 Lyman, Hattie; see Jack (Hattie Jack) Lyman, Mary Elodie; b.1909 d.1912 Lynch, John L.; b.1856 d.1918 Lynch, Laura; b.1857 d.1921; on stone with Alfaretta Pember Lyon, Charles D.; b.1836 d.1917 Lyon, Elizabeth Shanks; b.1869 d.1917; on lot with Mark and Maria Shanks; also G.W. and Charlotte S. Lewis; also Charlotte E. Uhrich Lyon, Elwy T.; d. of S.W. and H.A.; d.Sept.22,1872; a.-4y 9m Lyon, Emma V.; b.1847 d.---; on lot with Chas. D.; also Wm., Judith,
Lyon, Harriet A. Tracy; w. of S.W.; b.1836 d.1906 Lyon, Sanford W.; b.1837 d.1927; Lieut. Co.A, 21st. Mich. Inf. Lyzen, Dan'l G.; b.1872 d.1924 Lyzen, Johanna; see Venema |