Oak Hill Cemetery
Grand Rapids Township, Kent County, Michigan Kaechele, Christian; b.1873 d,19-- Kaechele, Hannah M.; b.1876 d.1928; on lot with Christian Kalmbach, Edith W. Kohlhepp; w. of Albert B.; b.May 29,1879
Kalmbach, Frederick A.; b.1869 d.1919 Kalmbach, Geo. W.; b.1868 d.1921 Kalmbach, J. Geo.; b.1835 d.1916 Kalmbach, Katie; w. of J.G.; d.Oct.27,1870; a.-27y. 3m. 25d. Kalmbach, Mary; w. of J.G.; d.Oct. 31, 1866; a.-21y 4m 23d Kalmbach, Rosina; w. of J.G.; b.1831 d.1906 Kalmbach, Unsere Emma; d. of G. and A.; b.Feb.9,1867 d.July 25,1867 Kamel, Elias (Father); b.1869 d.1929 Kamp, Agnes (Mother); b.1867 d.1921; on lot with John Kamp, John; b.1836 d.1916 Kamp, John (Father); b.1867 d.19-- Kamp, Maggie (Mother); b.1876 d.1923 Karel, Ella; b.1842 d.1929; on stone with Peter Karel, Peter; b.1841 d.1929 Karr, __; d. of H.G. and A.; d.Dec.18,1876; a.-1m 24d Karr, Albert; s. of Wm. and Elivra; d.Oct. 23,1866; a.-15y Karr, Statire Elvira (Mother); w. of Wm.; b.Apr. 23,1819 d.Mar.28,1914 Karr, Wm. (Father); b.Feb. 2,1818 d.Sept.23,1892 Katsma, Fetze (Father); b.1869 d.1926 Kayser, Barbara; b.1855 d.19--; on lot with Wm. Kayser, Wm.; b.1844 d.1924 Keeler, Herbert H.; b.1863 d.1919 Keeler, Isaac; b.1856 d.1923 Keenan, Joseph; b.1855 d.1911 Keeler, Robert; Civil War, 19th Mich Inf. - or Keller Keeney, Margaret Morton; w. of Willard F.; b.1870 d.1920 Keller, Lewis; b.1901 d.1912 Keller, Robt.; n.d.; 19th Mich. Inf. - or Keeler Kelley, Thos. E.; b.1870 d.1926 Kellogg, Chas. (Father); b.Oct. 15,1822 d.July 14, 1913 Kellogg, Hannah (Mother); b.1833 d.1902 Kellogg, Nancy E.; w. of Chas.; b.Aug.3,1834 d.Aug.16,1912 Kelly, Chas A. S.; b.1856 d.--- Kelly, Deborah; b.1829 d.1902; on lot with L.M. and Alice R. Smith Kelly, Emily T.; b.1865 d.1915; on lot with Chas. A. S. and M.L. Kelly, Geo. A.; b.1836 d.1915 Kelly, Henrietta E.; b.1842 d.1925; on lot with Geo. A. and grave
Kelly, M. Lucile; b.1897 d.1900 Kemmler, Henry; b.1872 d.1916 Kemp, Mary E.; see Berkey Kendall, Lyman H.; b.1842 d.1912 Kennedy, Lucile; see Varnum Kennedy, Wm. John; b.1860 d.1922 Kent, Nelle; see Garratt Kepler, Elaine J.; b.1895 d.1921 Kern, Anna Maria; b.Feb.24,1823 d.May 21,1884 Kernaghan, Jennette V.; b.1875 d.1924 Keukelaar, Cornelia; b.1876 d.1881 Keukelaar, Jacobus (Father); b.1838 d.1919 Keukelaar, Siert; b.1874 d.1876 Keukelaar, Tryntje (Mother); b.1837 d.1916 Keyes, Willis H. (Father); b.1868 d.1929 Khouri, George; b.1888 d.1924 Kidder, Marguerite V. Witherell; b.1895 d.1921 Kiefer, Clay H.; b.1893 d.1904 Kiefer, Edgar S.; b.1862 d.1927 Kievit, Gertrude (Mother); b.1869 d.1925 Kievit, Henry; b.1856 d.1930 Kievit, Mary M.; b.1859 d.19-- Kilgour, H. E. (Hus); b.1871 d.1910 Kilgour, Jane Ann (Mother); b.1834 d.1914; on lot with H.E.; also
Killmer, James H.; b.Aug._,1828 d.Feb._,1903 Killmer, Mary A. Woodman; w. of Jas. H.; b.1845 d.1930 Kilmer, Clara E. (Mother); b.1859 d.1919 Kimball, Corp. Herbert P.; b.1892 d.1918; Co. L 126th Inf.,
Kimberly, Louise B.; see Fuller Kimerly, Lottie E.; b.1872 d.1905 Kimerly, Luke S. (Father); b.1845 d.1922 Kimerly, Mary C. (Mother); b.1847 d.1917; on lot with Luke S. and
Kimm, Dirk; b.1842 d.1923 Kimm, Elizabeth; b.1837 d.1918; on lot with Dirk; also G.H., Reka,
King, Agnes A.; b.1850 d.1912 King, Leila M.; b.1890 d.1930 King, Mary E. (Sister); b.1858 d.1914; on lot with Anna S. and Edw. L. Lloyd; also Ella Montignani King, Minnie (Mother); b.1890 d.1915 King, Rosell D.; b.1867 d.1921 King, Thos. Benton 2nd.; b.1863 d.1926 King, Wm. S. (Hus); b.1892 d.1930 Kininment, Alex (Hus); b.Oct.20,1857 d.Sept.27,1902 Kininment, Greig J.; d.Sept.21,1893 or 1898; o.d. Kininment, John (Father); b.Mar.12,1824 d.May 3,1896 Kininment, John; d.June 26,1883; a.-34y 2m Kininment, Mary; o.d. 1869 Kininment, Mary; b.Mar. 29,1826 d.Feb.26,1909; on stone with John
Kininment, Thos.; d.Mar.3,1888; a.-36y 8d Kirby, Frank; b.1864 d.1922 Kirkhuff, Florence Louise; b.1891 d.1919 Kirkhuff, Jack Oliver; b.1916 d.1918 Kirkpatrick, Anna Maria (Mother); b.1833 d.1897; on lot with John D., Wm., and Isabella; also Catherine Powell; also James Dickson. Kirkpatrick, Isabella (Sis); b.1856 d.1911 Kirkpatrick, John D. (Bro.); b.1853 d.1918 Kirkpatrick, Wm. (Bro.); b.1863 d.1925 Kirn, Barbara C.; b.Oct. 25,1825 d.Jan.1,1902; on lot with Pauline K.
Kirn, Pauline; see Putnam Kirschman, Corpl. Andrew; n.d.; Co. I 3rd Mich. Inf. Kirtland, Ella; w. of Geo. H.; b.1846 d.1916 Klaassen, Janna (Mother); b.1838 d.1922; on lot with John Klaassen, John (Father); b.1843 d.1923 Klamer, Geertje; see Koster Klanderman, Gerrit; b.1842 d.1916 Klanderman, Louise; b.1877 d.1920 Klein, Edythe E.; b.1886 d.1921 Klein, Leonore R.; b.1903 d.1923 Kleinwaechter, Julius; b.1840 d.1907 Klevorn, Alice S. (Mother); b.1857 d.1915; on lot with Henry J.,
Klevorn, Doris M.; b.1898 d.1922 Klevorn, Harry J.; b.1885 d.1916 Klevorn, Henry J. (Father); b.1853 d.1929 Kleypoel, Maria; see De Young Klinck, Mina; b.1846 d.1926 Kline, Dan'l Z. (Father); b.1845 d.1918; Co. M 198th Penn. Vol. Inf. Kline, Wm. C.; n.d.; Co. B 205th Pa. Inf. Klinger, Donald E.; b.1897 d.1926 Klocksien, Christopher J.; b.1876 d.1911 Kloosterhuis, W. J.; b.1857 d.1929 Klyn, Geo. H.; b.1866 d.1899 Klyn, John; b.1843 d.1915 Klyn, Nellie; b.1843 d.1917; on lot with John, Reka and G.H.; also
Klyn, Reka; b.1871 d.1911 Knapp, Abigail B.; b.1819 d.1876; on lot with L.H. and Marina S.; also Edw. K. Webster Knapp, Henry; n.d.; Co.H 193rd N.Y. Inf. Knapp, L.H.; b.1815 d.1889 Knapp, Marina Sill; b.1855 d.1872 Knapp, Nancie Ellis; b.1836 d.1904 Knappen, Charlotte Amelia; b.Aug.2,1903 d.Aug.3,1903 Knappen, Edna Pilcher; b.1876 d.1913 Knecht, (Mother); b.1863 d.1922; on lot with May and Helen Knecht, Helen; b.1894 d.1922 Knecht, May; b.1885 d.1907 Knecttle(?); Addie O.; see Brown Knee, John S. (Father); b.1891 d.1926 Knight, Alice L.; see Wykes Knight, J. Edw.; n.d.; a.-10m Knight, Lillian M.; see Adams Knight, Ora L.; b.1891 d.1919 Knight, Perry (Father); b.1823 d.1872 Knight, Sarah A. Stevens (Mother); w. of Perry; b.1827 d.1903; on lot
Knighton, Rosa Currie; b.1840 d.1916 Knott, Heber A.; b.1860 d.1923 Knowles, Weston O. (Lieut.); n.d.; Co. F 27th Mich. Inf. Knox, Edith; see Mallette Knox, Harriet P.; see Nevius Knox, Sarah Collings; b.1849 d.1918 Koel, Irene (Mother); b.1869 d.1926 Kohlhepp, Edith W.; see Kalmbach Kohlhepp, Henry; b.Feb.18, 1851 d.Aug.11,1907 Kohlhepp, Ora G. L.; b.Dec.26,1880 d.July 22,1908; on lot with Henry; also Edith W. K. Kalmbach Kok, Anna C. A. (Mother); b.1856 d.1922 Koning, Heino (Father); b.1858 d.1916 Koning, Henry; b.1856 d.1928 Koning, John (Father); b.1851 d.1900 Koning, Sidney J.; b.1871 d.1920 Konkle, Franklin; b.1837 d.1911 Kooiman, Art (Hus); b.1865 d.1925 Kooiman, Wm. (Hus); b.Nov. 27,1886 d.June 15,1918 Kooistra, Jacob (Father); b.1840 d.1911 Kooistra, Rena (Mother); b.1839 d.1896; on lot with Jacob Koole, Marion Bertha; b.1919 d.1925 Koon, Rebecca S.; w. of Dr. C. E.; b.1848 d.1911 Koon, Thos. M.; b.1870 d.1915 Koopman, Leonard H.; b.1880 d.1919 Korten, Jana; b.1837 d.1922; on lot with Wm. Korten, Wm.; b.1847 d.1920 Kortenhoff, Sarah; b.1854 d.1897; on lot with Sytze and B. Van
Koster, Geertje Klamer (Mother); b.1849 d.1924 Kottelbrink, F. W. (Father); b.1849 d.1920 Kottelbrink, M.S.L. (Mother); b.1850 d.1930; on lot with F.W. Koutz, M. V.; see Norman Koutz, N. D.; f. of M.V. Nornam; (this biographical information given
Koutz, S. E.; m. of M. V. Nornam; (this biographical information given
*****the apparent misspelling of the name Norman in these above two
Koziol, Edith Avis; b.1906 d.1926 Kraus, Louis Joseph; h. of Sara; f. of Barbara; b.1874 d.1928 Krause, Bertha Leonard; b.1889 d.1928 Krause, Samuel; b.1862 d.1928 Krekel, Frederick; b.1832 d.1915 Krekel, Henry G.; b.1869 d.1929 Krekel, Magdalena; b.1842 d.1921; on lot with Frederick and Henry G. Kremer, Henry P. (Bro.); b.1859 d.1922 Kriekaard, Rev. C.; b.1848 d.1925 Kriekaard, Marie; b.1834 d.1922; on lot with Rev. C. Kromer, Cora E.; b.1860 d.1886 Kromer, Hannah R.; b.1841 d.1904 Kromer, Napoleon B.; b.1835 d.1917 Kromer, Sarah; b.1839 d.1860; on lot with Napoleon and Hannah R. Kroodsma, John; b.1863 d.1918 Krotz, Phillip; n.d.; U.S.S.; no regiment given Krueger, Elizabeth; b.1854 d.19--; on lot with Herman, Rachel and
Krueger, Herman; b.1856 d.1918 Krueger, Herman Jr.; b.1882 d.1922; lost at sea Krueger, Rachel; b.1856 d.1895 Kruisenga, Inez Hadden; b.1880 d.1924 Krupp, Alvin J.; b.1915 d.1918 Krusch, Karl; b.1865 d.1924 Kryger, Elizabeth (Wife); b.1845 d.--; on lot with T. Henry Kryger, T. Henry; b.1842 d.1910 Kuhlman, Emilie J.; b.1873 d.1915 Kuiper, Kathryn Junia; b.1919 d.1922 Kuiper, Renke; b.1857 d.1902 Kulms, Julius W.; b.1851 d.1925 Kunis, Nellie (and baby); b.1874 d.1914 Kuppenheimer, Albert; b.Feb.11, 1853 d.Sept.23,1894 Kuppenheimer, Augusta; b.Sept.17,1859 at Diedelsheim, Baden;
Kuppenheimer, Augustus; b.1849 d.1926 Kuppenheimer, Henry; b.Nov.12,1846 at Diedelsheim, Baden;
Kusterer, __; s. of C. and M.; d.Mar.24,1864; a.-1y 1m 25d Kusterer, Christian; b.1819 d.1905 Kusterer, Christina; w. of Jacob; d.Dec.26,1862; a.-4(?)0y very dim. Kusterer, Margaret; w. of Christian; b.1828 d.1901 Kusterer, Paul Y.; s. of J. and M.; b.Nov.14,1865 d.Aug.3,1867 Kutsche, Helen Louise; b.1912 d.1928 Kutsche, Herman J.; b.1837 d.1900 Kutsche, Margaret; b.1840 d.1914; on lot with Herman J. Kuyers, Mina E.; b.1871 d.1921 Kwant, Alyda; b.Jan.17,1926 d.Apr.30,1926