Oak Hill Cemetery
Grand Rapids Township Jack, Hattie Lyman; b.1864 d.1927 Jackson, Cynthia S.; b.1851 d.1917; on lot with O.F. Jackson, Jane; d. of L. and N. Plants; w. of Rev. F.C.R.;
Jackson, Louis M.; b.1868 d.1918 Jackson, Lydia A.; see Denison Jackson, O. F.; b.1848 d.1908 Jackson, Rhoda Ann; see Chesebro Jacobs, Hiram; b.1863 d.1927 Jacobs, Mildred; b.1911 d.1921 Jacoby, Isodor; b.1862 d.1902 Jacoby, Julius; b.1835 d.1905; on lot with Louis and Isodor Jacoby, Louis; b.1866 d.1929 Jaehne, Wilhelmina; b.1832 d.1908; on lot with Louis and Harold Dietz Jandorf, _____ (Father); b.1835 d.1901 Jandorf, _____ (Mother); b.1845 d.1900; on lot with Carl E., Eugene A., and Harold; also grave marked Father Jandorf, Carl E.; b.1897 d.1920 Jandorf, Eugene A.; o.d. 1895 Jandorf, Harold; b.1899 d.1900 Janes, Amy; see Wallace Jansen, D.M.; b.1845 d.1915 Jansen, Heiman; b.1858 d.1921 Jarvis, Hattie; n.d.; on lot with Jennie C. Guest; also Jeannette C. Welch Jarvis, Johanna; w. of Wm. B.; b.1869 d.1906 Jaynes, Ada M.; b.1859 d.1920 Jeffers, Pearl; b.1894 d.1916 Jenison, Betsey; see Hanchett Jenison, Sarah A.; b.1837 d.1926; on lot with Benj. S. and Betsey J.
Jenkins, _____ (Mother); d.May 28,1893; o.d.; on lot with Arthur H.N. Jenkins, Arthur H. Newton (Father); d.jan.27,1911; o.d. Jenks, Charlie; b.Dec.12,1889 d.Jan.2,1890 Jenks, N. Henry; b.1865 d.1872 Jenks, Samuel B.; b.1837 d.1912; on lot with N.H. and C.; also Percival B. Garvey Jennings, Edith; w. of Frank R.; b.1884 d.1910 Jennings, Marie; see McGunigle Jennings, Wm. H.; b.1836 d.1922 Jensen, Louise; b.1901 d.1929 Jerdon, Mable A.; b.1891 d.1928 Jesdyk, John Stout; b.Oct.23,1851 d.Aug.27,1913 Jesdyk, Wilhelmina; b.Mar.30,1853 d.Apr.13,1924; on lot with John S. Jesselson, Fannie; w. of Rabbi F.W.; b.1837 d.1915 Jesselson, Rabbi Felix W.; b.1839 d.1920 Jesselson, Isaac; b.1866 d.1904 Jewett, Henry (Father); b.Aug.5,1814 d.Aug.30,1886 Jewett, Mary W. (Wife); b.May 24,1816 d.Feb.23,1875; on lot with Henry Jocoy, Chas. W. (Father); b.July 25,1844 d.Dec.8,1900 John, Alvin; d.July 8,1917; a.-69y Johns, Geo. T.; b.1863 d.1909 Johns, Mary; b.1863 d.19--; on lot with Geo. T.; also G. and Sarah
Johnson, ____; inft.; o.d. 1920 Johnson, Bert J.; b.1871 d.1924 Johnson, Emma A.; b.1885 d.1930 Johnson, Emma G. (Wife); b.1878 d.1924 Johnson, Florence G. (Wife); b.1885 d.1924 Johnson, Henry S.; n.d.; Co.F, 13th Mich. Inf. Johnson, Harrison; b.1840 d.1924; on stone with Chas. and Eliza Shearn Johnson, Harry; b.1888 d.1923 Johnson, James; n.d.; Co.D, 11th Mich. Inf. Johnson, John B.; b.1855 d.1910 Johnson, Kenneth H.; b.1916 d.1917 Johnson, L. June; b.1892 d.1908 Johnson, Lucia K.; b.Feb.1,1817 d.Nov.22,1863; she died caring for
Johnson, Margaret; b.1879 d.1909 Johnson, Margaret E.; b.1921 d.1923 Johnson, Mary; b.1826 d.1919; on stone with Rev. W.W. Johnson, Mary A. (Mother); b.1847 d.1926; on lot with Peter M., Emma G. and Florence G. Johnson, Minnie A.; b.1866 d.1905 Johnson, Peter M. (Father); b.1847 d.1922 Johnson, Rev. Welcom W.; b.1817 d.1900;
Johnston, Betty L.; b.1919 d.1921 Johnston, Marguerite; b.1899 d.1921 Johnston, Wm. T.; b.1846 d.1914 Joldersma, Alford Cornelius; s. of Rev. R.H.; b.1884 d.1885 Joldersma, Della Duiker; w. of Rev. R.H.; b.1862 d.1921 Joldersma, Henry J. (Father); b.1856 d.1927 Joldersma, R. H. Rev.; b.1851 d.1913 Joldersma, Sye H.; b.1856 d.1930 Jones, Achsa; see Stowell Jones, Clarissa G.; b.1896 d.1921 Jones, Cornelia; b.1855 d.1927; on lot with Wm. Jones, Rev. Evan; d.Feb.20,1861; a.-63y; native of Kidderminster,
Jones, Harmon R. Pvt.; b.1899 d.1918; Co.K, 126th Inf. Jones, Joab; b.1824 d.1869; on stone with Henry and Eliza A. Lee;
Jones, John Wm.; b.1860 d.1928 Jones, Laura M.; see Cook Jones, Laverne F.; b.1855 d.1924 Jones, Nettie C.; b.1865 d.1922 Jones, Philip A.; b.1846 d.1911 Jones, Rhoda A.; b.1848 d.1929; on lot with Philip A. Jones, Wm.; b.1855 d.1922 Jonker, Jacob (Father); b.1870 d.1927 Jonker, Johanna; b.1834 d.1913; on lot with Martin Jonker, Martin; b.1830 d.1913 Joppe, Cornelius; b.1845 d.1923 Joppe, Johanna H. (Mother); b.1859 d.1917 Jordan, Ernest; b.1867 d.1920 Jordan, Henry Simpson; b.1843 d.1915 Joscelyn, Freddie C.; b.1908 d.1917 Joseph, Effie F.; b.1867 d.1910 Judd, Harriet Eliza; b.1840 d.1901 Judd, Isabel A.; see Thwing Judson, Ella Barnhart; b.1860 d.1914; on lot with Wm. Judson, Wm.; b.1854 d.1926 Jurris, Henry; b.1880 d.1918