Oak Hill Cemetery
Grand Rapids Township Ickler, Fannie (Mother); b.1831 d.1897; on lot with Henry Ickler, Henry (Father); b.1823 d.1901 Idema, Eltje; d.Oct.7,1885; a.-71y 9m Idema, Hilje geb Schumber; d.Mar.19,1886; a.-70y 7m 26d; on lot with Eltje Ike, Florence (Mother); b.1865 d.1930 Ingalls, Lawrence B.; b.1877 d.1925 Ingersoll, Nellie M. (Mother); b.1883 d.1927 Ingle, Louisa; w. of Robt. W.; b.Feb.10,1857 d.Nov.30,1913 Ingle, Robt. W.; b.Mar.9,1854 d.Oct.7,1900 Ingraham, Thirza M.; b.Aug.14,1823 d.Oct.19,1846; on lot with Chloe
Ingram, John S.; b.1848 d.1907 Ingram, Lovada M.; b.1859 d.1921; on lot with John S. Inman, Freeman W.; b.1898 d.1925 Inman, Minnie M.; b.1869 d.1922; on lot with Seaman D. and Freeman W. Inman, Seaman D.; b.1862 d.1924 Innis, Elizabeth G.; b.1852 d.1925 Inslee, Marguerite V.; b.1847 d.1908 Insley, Ellen; see Zorns Irish, Austin P.; b.1851 d.1918 Irwin, Elizabeth; b.1840 d.1926; on lot with Robt. W. and Nana E. Irwin, Nana E.; b.1865 d.1928 Irwin, Robt. W.; b.1833 d.1907 Isaac, Wm. J.; b.1867 d.1905 Isbell, Athella; b.1842 d.1908; on stone with Zeno; also Arthur W.,
Isbell, Zeno; b.1836 d.1907 Ives, Hattie M.; b.July 18,1848 d.Jan.20,1928 Ives, Thane H.; b.1916 d.1922