Oak Hill Cemetery
Grand Rapids Township Gale, Alice L. (Nurse); b.1897 d.1926 Gale, Caroline Watson; w. of T.J.; b.Dec.8,1830 at Skaneateles, N.Y.
Gale, Glen W.; b.1880 d.1914 Gallmeyer, Arthur D.; b.1887 d.1918 Gallmeyer, Chas. H. Jr.; o.d. Nov.28,1923 Gallmeyer, Lissette E. (Mother); b.1854 d.1923 Galloway, Andrew J.; b.1844 d.1923 Gamble, Marcella; b.1895 d.1918 Gamet, Alonzo M.; d.Dec.5,1863; a.-19y 10m 3d Gamet, Parley; d.Mar.22,1872; a.-63y Gans, Andrew (Father); b.1852 d.1923 Gans, Etje (Mother); b.1852 d.1925; on lot with Andrew Gardiner, Lionel H.; b.1896 d.1918; Gunners Mate, 1st Class U.S.N. Gardner, Ariadne D. Starbuck; b.1826 d.1910; on lot with Helen R.; also Chas. W., Alice S., Delia G.S., S.S., Sophia, J.S. and H.S. Bailey Gardner, Helen Rebecca; b.1863 d.1914 Garel, James T.; b.1882 d.1916 Garfield, Alice R.; b.1861 d.1892 Garfield, Evan J.; b.1853 d.1853 Garfield, Geo. M.; b.1843 d.1845 Garfield, Harriet Brown; b.1820 d.1911; on lot with S.M., Geo. M.,
Garfield, Hattie E.M.; b.1857 d.1862 Garfield, Henry J.; b.1846 d.1847 Garfied, Jennie L.; b.1860 d.1862 Garfield, Sam'l M.; b.1816 d.1876 Gargeau, Wardie Victor Jr.; b.1903 d.1908 Garratt, Hattie Rich; b.1854 d.1917; on lot with Thos. F. and Nelle K. Garratt, Nelle Kent; b.1884 d.1916 Garratt, Thos. F.; b.1852 d.1922 Garrick, Wm.; b.1852 d.1925 Garrison, Marian E.; b.1879 d.1916 Garvey, Percival B.; b.1867 d.1927; on lot with N. Henry, Samuel B. and Charlie Jenks Garwood, Don A.; b.1858 d.1924 Gast, Cornelius; b.1845 d.1912 Gast, Wm. C.; b.1875 d.1913 Gates, Minnie E.; eldest d. of G. and M.; d.Feb.28,1867; a.-11y 7m 16d Gazan, Jennie C.; b.1895 d.1903 Gazan, Katie; see Renkema Gazan, Peter C. (Father); b.1864 d.1928 Geary, Eva B.; b.1864 d.1926 Geelhoed, Joseph Jr.; b.1903 d.1924 Geelhoed, Nellie (Mother); b.1864 d.1930 Geibe(?), Marguerite; b.1897 d.1920 Geis, Benjamin (Father); b.May 26,1837 d.Sept.25,1875 Geis, Rosa N. (Mother); b.Oct.27,1841 d.Oct.11,1896; on lot with Benj. Geisel, Wm. J.; b.1883 d.1913 Gelock, Anthony M.; b.1872 d.1916 Gelock, Julia C.; b.1844 d.1929; on lot with Anthony M. Gelock, Pryna; see Herzog Gerbens, Jeannette; b.1908 d.1918 Gerechter, Eva; d. of Rev. Emanuel and Lena; d.Aug.7,1878; a.-7y 9m Gerechter, Gertrude; d. of Rev. Emanuel and Lena; d.Aug.20,1878 Gernon, Eliza; see Rice Gerritsen, Juurt; see Balk Gestel, John W.; b.1886 d.1918; on lot with C.M. Pel; also G. A.
Gezon, ____ (Mother); b.1854 d.1921 Gezon, Roger M.; b.1910 d.1917 Gibbs, Amelia E.; b.1842 d.1916; on lot with Josiah H. Gibbs, Josiah H.; b.1837 d.1919 Gibson, Bessie M.; b.1854 d.1922; on lot with Geo. S. Gibson, Geo. S.; b.1852 d.1927 Gibson, Laura L. K.; b.1851 d.---; on lot with Warren H. Gibson, Warren H.; b.1848 d.1912 Gibson, Wm. N. (Father); b.1879 d.1928 Giddings, Charlotte E.; see Works Giddings, Eliza Eunice; b.1823 d.1906; on lot with Jonathan A.; also
Giddings, Jonathan Allen; b.1814 d.1894; Oak Hill cemetery platted,
Giddis, ____; n.d. Gies, Anna; b.1854 d.1923 Gies, Mary J. (Mother); w. of John A.; b.1867 d.1897 Gilbert, Myrtle; see Slemons Gilbertson, Emily H.; s. of M.; b.Jan.28,1862 d.May 5,1890 Gildas, Azelie; b.1892 d.1920 Gilder, John (Father); b.1842 d.1926 Gilder, Maria (Mother); b.1850 d.1911; on lot with John. Gildner, Henry; b.1848 d.1927 Gildner, Minnette C.; b.1890 d.1916 Gill, Florence U.; b.June 19,1857 d.Sept.9,1914 Gillet, Mary; d. of A. and E.P.; d.Aug.12,1882; a.-4m 4d; on stone
Gillisse, Paul (Father); b.1855 d.1917 Gior, Sarah; see Powers Glass, Rev. Francis; b.Apr.25,1812 at Oreve, Ire. d.Dec.11,1893 Glass, Mary L.; b.July 16,1826 d.July 29,1916; on lot with Rev. F. Gleason, Clark H.; b.1847 d.1927 Gleason, Marie; b.1889 d.1918 Gleye, Paul H.; b.1859 d.1921 Glezen, Stella A.; see Dickinson Glidden, Mildred M.; b.1905 d.1923 Glidden, Oscar F. (Father); b.1842 d.1908; on lot with J.M., J.B.,
Glympse, Frank; b.1851 d.1922 Gmelich, Lizette; b.1854 d.1919; on lot with W.F. Gmelich, Wilhelm F.; b.1844 d.1917 Godfrey, Florence B.; b.Dec.10,1877 d.Dec.17,1914 Godfrey, Lavinia H.; b.May 16,1876 d.Sept.7,1876 Godfrey, Louise J.; b.Mar.3,1875 d.May 12,1878 Godfrey, Silas F.; b.Feb.26,1829 d.Dec.8,1899; on lot with Florence B., Louise J. and L.H. Goebel, Amalie M. (Mother); b.1840 d.1925; on lot with Paul Goebel, Chas.; n.d.; Corp. Co. D 117th N.Y. Inf.; on lot with Henry M. and Edw. M. Goebel, Edw. M.; b.1856 d.1879 Goebel, Henry M.; b.1838 d.1930 Goebel, Mabel; inft., d. of Nellie; n.d. Goebel, Nellie; b.1873 d.1917 Goebel, Paul (Father); b.1833 d.1906 Goedgeluk, Mary; b.1846 d.1916; on lot with G. and Sarah Flanders;
Goings, S. H.; n.d.; Co. C 102nd U.S.C.I. Golder, Lena; see Starkey Goldsborough, Willard J.; b.1870 d.1922 Goldsmith, C. Herbert; b.1869 d.1926 Goldsmith, Ferdinand A.; b.1861 d.1920 Goldsmith, Rosa I.; b.1879 d.1927 Goldstein, Alfred E.; o.d. June --,188- Goodrich, Charles H. (Hus); b.1845 d.1916; Com. 5th Mich. Cav. Sergt. Goossens, Henderika (Mother); b.1862 d.1927 Goostrey, Alzada; b.1855 d.1928; on lot with Wm. Goostrey, Wm.; b.1852 d.1926 Gootes, Fred K. (Hus); b.1880 d.1904 Gordon, Lillie; d. of A.E. and Maria; b.Apr. 13 or 23, 1863
Gordon, Mary; see Dudley Gorham, Ella E.; b.1849 d.1914 Gorham, Elvira A.; d.Mar.6,1874; a.-15y 3m 3d Gorham, Harriet; d. of J.M. and Mary C.; n.d. Gorham, John M.; d.Aug.5,1881; a.-57y Gorham, Lottie; d. of J.M. and Mary C.; n.d. Gorham, Mary E.; d.Mar.7,1877; a.-11y 4m 6d Gorham, Minnie; d. of J.M. and Mary C.; n.d. Gorham, Nettie A.; d.Mar.13,1877; a.-12y 4m 13d Gorham, Polly (Mary C.?); d.Jan.11,1892; a.-58y; on stone with John M., Elvira A., Mary E., Nettie A., Harriet, Lottie and Minnie. Goss, E.L.; b.Nov.21,1821 d.Jan.18,1873; on lot with Mary M. Leonard; also Huldah Curtis Gould, J. Thayer (Father); b.1840 d.1911 Gould, Lucy A.; b.1835 d.--- Gould, Rebecca (Mother); b.1847 d.1911; on lot with J. Thayer and Lucy A. Graf, Edw. F.; b.1884 d.1930 Graham, Annie; b.1856 d.19-- Graham, Edgar A.; b.1849 d.1912 Graham, Hannah M.; b.1836 d.1891; on lot with Rev. John Graham, Rev. John; b.1835 d.1920 Graham, Martha A.; b.1846 d.1926; on lot with Edgar A. and Wm. M. Graham, Robert D.; b.1855 d.1926 Graham, Wm. McLean; b.1856 d.1905 Granger, Laura C.; b.1827 d.1907; on lot with Joshua and Anna G. Speed. Grant, Chas. T. (Hus); b.1879 d.1914 Grant, Fred E.; s. of J.A. and J.A.; b.Dec.15,1879 d.Sept.19,1900 Grant, Jane A. (Mother); w. of John A.; b.1847 d.1912 Grant, John A. (Father); b.1844 d.1902 Grant, Nellie M.; d. of J.A. and J.A.; b.Apr.19,1876 d.Nov.7,1898 Graves, Andrew W.; b.1833 d.1889 Graves, Dell; b.1863 d.1893 Graves, Gracie Cole; b.1882 d.1899 Graves, Harry D.; b.1888 d.1913 Graves, J. Augustus; b.1831 d.1914 Graves, Martha A.; b.1836 d.1914; on lot with A.W.; also Herman and L.E. Barlow; also N.G., Crawford, A.B., Mary M., and F. Angell; also Laura A. Towle. Graves, Nellie; see Angell Graves, Rebecca B.; b.1832 d.1924; on lot with J. Augustus Grebenstein, Geo.; b.1836 d.1906 Grebenstein, Mary A.; b.1846 d.1922; on lot with George Green, Chas. A. (Father); b.1856 d.1926 Green, Welch A.; b.1851 d.1916 Greenbaum, Arnold (Father); b.1869 d.1927 Greenbaum, Augusta Behrends; d.Dec.25,1917; o.d. Greenbaum, Isaac; b.1833 d.1911 Greenbaum, Rudolphine; b.1840 d.1903; on lot with Isaac and Augusta B. Greenway, Prynie Maris; w. of Geo. W.; b.1875 d.1927;
Gregory, Arlington L.; b.1889 d.1913 Gregory, Etta M.; b.1861 d.1920 Gregory, Hiram D.; b.1851 d.1908; on lot with Arlington L. and Wm. M. Gregory, Louisa; b.1847 d.1928 Gregory, Wm.; b.1869 d.1929 Gregory, Wm. M.; b.1879 d.1922 Gregory, Zoa; see Micklin Greig(?), J.; d.Sept.21,1893 or 1898; o.d. Greig, Lydia; b.1839 d.1928; on lot with Mary V. Greig(?), Mary; o.d. 1869 Greig, Mary V.; b.1878 d.1912 Gremel, Anna B. (Mother); b.1846 d.19-- Griffith, Esther (Mother); b.1849 d.1913; on lot with Pharess Griffith, Myrtie A.; b.1878 d.1924 Griffith, O.W.; n.d.; Copl. Co. F 14th Mich. Inf.
Groatveld, Gilbert; b.Apr.21,1858 d.Aug.15,1900 Groesbeck, Rose E. (Mother); b.1856 d.1902 Grombacher, Louis; b.1870 d.1928 Grosart, Herbert M.; b.1878 d.1924 Gross, Florence; b.1850 d.1923 Gruber, David J. (Father); b.1863 d.1929 Gruber, Maggie (Mother); b.1862 d.1923; on lot with David J. Guenther, Mary (Mother); b.1853 d.1926 Guest, Jennie C.; b.1849 d.1911; on lot with Jeannette C. Welch;
Guibert, Sarah A. (Mother); b.Nov.12,1824 d.Jan.11,1904 Guild, Claude M.; b.1891 d.1912 Guild, Edward; b.1795 d.1871 Guild, Francis E.; b.1833 d.1919; on lot with Horace H. and Claude M. Guild, Grace; d. of A.H. and R.W.; d.Oct.24,1874; a.-5y 5m Guild, Horace H.; b.1833 d.1918 Guild, Phila; b.1794 d.1871; on lot with Edward and Ralph H. Guild, Ralph H.; s. of Wm. E. and Etta; d.July 9,1895; a.-3y 5m 10d Gulliford, Blossom; b.1890 d.1890 Gulliford, Olive; see Neely Gutman, Lena; d. of Saml. and Rosa; d.June 13,1873; a.-11y 3m 2d Gutman, Julius; b.1865 d.1923 Gyde, Caroline; see Cutter