Oak Hill Cemetery
Grand Rapids Township Earle, Bertha; b.1877 d.1917 Earle, Frank S.; b.1848 d.1927 Earle, Ida; b.1857 d.1909; on lot with Frank S. and Bertha Earle, Louise A.; w. of Francis S.; d.Feb.3,1863; a.-22y;
Earle, Mary; see Hardy Earle, Rosabel; b.1865 d.1925; on lot with O.D. and Ella E. Sevan Eastman, Harold S.; b.1885 d.1912 Eastman, Jessie; b.1875 d.1923 Eastman, Mary Allida; b.1859 d.1927 Eastman, Wm.; b.1856 d.1925 Eaton, Ann; b.1840 d.1914; on lot with Homer Eaton, Della N. Fisk; w. of J.M.; b.Feb.5,1847 d.Jan.29,1889;
Eaton, Homer; b.1841 d.1889 Ebbo, Emma J.; b.1862 d.1923; on lot with Emory B. Ebbo, Emory B.; b.1862 d.1924 Eberhard, Clarence J.; b.1879 d.1914 Eckman, Tressa C.; b.1892 d.1920 Eddy, Ann Elida (Mother); b.Oct.19,1814 d.Mar.8,1901; on lot with
Eddy, Safford (Father); b.Apr.10,1810 d.Feb.25,1879 Edgcomb, Arthur D.; b.Apr.10,1862 d.Oct.22,1895 Edgcomb, Charlotte; b.May 22,1845 d.Dec.17,1914; on lot with Durand, Arthur D. and Gertrude D.; also L.A. and M.G. Dibble; also Clara and Mother Chapman. Edgcomb, Durand; b.Oct.31,1837 d.Sept.18,1876 Edgcomb, Gertrude Dibble; b.Apr.21,1866 d.Sept.26,1897 Edie, Nellie M. (Mother); b.1868 d.1921 Edson, Mary J.; b.1847 d.19--; on lot with Sylvester Edson, Sylvester; b.1848 d.1925 Edwards, Eliphalet G. M.D.; b.1833 d.1913 Edwards, Jas. Stevenson; b.1856 d.1916 Edwards, Margaret; w. of Eliphalet G.; b.1849 d.---- Edwards, Theodore; b.1861 d.1926 Eerdmans, Grace; b.1914 d.1917 Egbertson, Betsey O. (Mother); b.1839 d.1923; on stone with Wm. Edbertson, Wm. (Father); b.1847 d.1917 Egger, Daniel; b.Sept.27,1829 d.May 27,1865 Egger, Daniel; b.1859 d.1918 Egger, Frank P.; b.1856 d.1921 Egger, Fredericka (Mother); b.1827 d.1907; on lot with John G. and F.P. Egger, John G.; b.1861 d.1914 Eggleston, ____; inft. s. of A.J. and M.G.; o.d. Aug.3,1897 Eggleston, Albert J.; b.1870 d.1923 Eggleston, Gertrude; b.1866 d.1906; on lot with A.J. and inft. Ehlers, Karl C. (Father); b.1841 d.1925 Eikenhout, Phyllis Ann; b.1925 d.1927 Ekdal, Caroline (Mother); b.1850 d.1927 Ekdal, John P. (Father); b.1846 d.1914 Eligh, Augusta B.; b.1859 d.---; on lot with Edgar Eligh, Edgar; b.1852 d.1922 Ellens, Jan (Father); b.1849 d.1923 Elliot, Harriet; see Clay Elliott, Allie M. (Mother); w. of Andrew J.; b.July 29,1847
Elliott, Chas. H.; n.d.; Co. F 7th Mich. Cav. Elliott, Margaret E.; w. of Martin V.; b.1851 d.1906 Elliott, Martin V.; b.1842 d.1922 Ellis, Baladie; b.1891 d.1918 Ellis, Esther M.; w. of J.W.; b.1834 d.1902 Ellis, Frieda; b.1911 d.1917 Ellis, Geo. Edwin; b.1864 d.1921 Ellis, Mary Ellen; b.1872 d.19--; on lot with Geo. Edwin Ellis, Nancie; see Knapp Ellis, Nellington D.; n.d. Ellis, Ralph Edgar; b.1886 d.1918 Ellis, Rose; n.d. Ellis, Wm. T.; b.1908 d.1919 Ellwanger, Gordon W.; b.1912 d.1922 Elmer, Jane (Mother); b.1840 d.1913; on stone with Louis Elmer, Louis (Father); b.1828 d.1913 Elmore, Mahaly (Mother); b.1847 d.1916;
Elwell, Margaret (Mother); b.1855 d.19-- Elwell, Reuben (Father); b.1833 d.1924 Elzerman, Jacomina A.; d. 1918 o.d. Elzinga, Martin E.; b.1874 d.1922 Emery, C. Isabella; b.1849 d.1914; on lot with Wm. S., Margarethe B., and Wm. S. Jr. Emery, Margarethe B.; b.1869 d.19-- Emery, Wm. S.; b.1844 d.1926 Emery, Wm. S. Jr.; b.Aug.8,1903 d.Aug.16,1903 Endeman, Alfie; b.1880 d.1926 Endres, Margaret M.; b.1895 d.1922 English, Nellie; b.1868 d.1922 Esler, Alexander D.; b.1838 d.1910 Esler, Anna E. (Mother); b.1839 d.1902; on lot with Alexander D. Estabrook, Wm. H. (Father); b.1847 d.1920 Etheridge, Zera F.; b.1887 d.1915 Evangeline, Doris; o.d. Jan. 23,1916 Evans, Clyde H.; b.1895 d.1926 Evans, F. A.; see Barnes Evans, Howard E.; b.1869 d.1906 Evans, Melvin H.; b.1911 d.1920 Evans, Neva F.; b.1909 d.1920 Evenden, Emily J.; b.1835 d.1925; on lot with Samuel, Fanny, O.S.,
Everett, Cora; b.1875 d.1920 Everett, Delle E. (Dau.); b.Jan.12,1853 d.Mar.4,1881 Everett, Franklin; b.Jan.26,1812 at Worthington, Mass.
Everett, Linden W.; s. of F. and T.C.; b.June 12,1860 d.Mar.10,1861 Everett, Mildred; b.1888 d.1925 Everett, Thirza Cudworth; w. of Franklin; b.Sept.21,1816 d.July 3,1887 Everts, (or Evarts), Shadrack Hubbell;
Eyk, Peter (Father); b.1863 d.1929 |