Oak Hill Cemetery
Grand Rapids Township C---, A.; n.d. C---, A. B.; b.1862 d.1898 C---, Alf.; n.d. Cadwell, Effie; b.1863 d.1923 Cady, Henrietta; b.1855 d.1924 Cady, Sarah T.; o.d. 1913; on lot with Winthrop R.; also Phoebe E.
Cady, Winthrop R.; b.1823 d.1898 Caesar, Julius Jr.; b.1869 d.1906 Cain, Annie; b.1841 d.1925; on lot with C.O. Cain, C.O.; b.1847 d.1927 Cairns, Mary; w. of Walter; b.1858 d.1922 Calder, Alexander; b.Feb.27,1842 d.Jan.10,1903 Calder, Annie; b.Feb.7,1840 d.Mar.26,1899; on lot with Alexander. Callaghan, Elizabeth; b.1833 d.1916; on lot with Reuben and Margaret
Cameron, Milan J.; b.1908 d.1923 Camp, Catherine P.; b.1834 d.1878 Camp, Fanny; b.1796 d.1881; on lot with Samuel, Orrin S. and Catherine P.; also Emily J. Evenden; also Henry C., Julia A. and Hoyt C. Post. Camp, Henry; b.1869 d.1921 Camp, John; b.1840 d.1913 Camp, Mary C.; b.1846 d.1917; on lot with John. Camp, Orrin S.; b.1824 d.1891 Camp, Samuel; b.1796 d.1874 Campau, Andrew S.; b.1839 d.1921 Campau, Mary E.; b.1860 d.1916; on lot with Andrew S. Campbell; inft.; n.d. Campbell, _____ (Mother); b.1841 d.1926; on lot with Daniel Campbell, Alice H.; b.1894 d.1921 Campbell, Daniel (Father); b.1836 d.1913 Campbell, Esther E.; b.1855 d.1917; on lot with James Campbell, James; b.1845 d.1910 Campbell, M.B.; b.1871 d.1920 Campbell, Rose May; b.1863 d.1922 Canfield, Fred C.; b.1866 d.1927 Canfield, Fred E.; s. of Fred and Grace; b.1899 d.1901 Cannon, Orville; b.1900 d.1924 Carew, Robt.; b.1843 d.1917 Cargill, Agnes; b.1870 d.1920; on lot with Frank K.; also Yula C., G.
Cargill, Frank K.; b.1861 d.1923 Carlson, Clara; b.1891 d.1919 Carlton, Lewis M.; b.June 29,1838 d.Apr.1,1916 Carlton, Mary E.; w. of L. M.; b.Nov.14,1843 d.Feb.26,1912 Carlton, Myron; s. of L.M. and M.E.; b.Oct.15,1863 d.May 17,1901 Carlyle, Anna M.; b.1872 d.1926 Caro, Lona F.; b.1859 d.1910 Carpenter, Alvey D.; b.1873 d.1926 Carpenter, Anna; b.1866 d.1928 Carpenter, Esther; b.1831 d.1910; on lot with H.D.; also A.C., Daisy
Carpenter, H. D.; b.Jan.20,1827 d.Aug.2,1888 Carr, Anna; b.1847 d.1929 Carr, Carrie E.; b.1872 d.1923 Carrier, Ezra N.; b.1848 d.1903; on lot with Ruth Carrier Frey Carrier, Ruth; see Frey Carroll, Adelia Anne; w. of Frank; b.Dec.29,1849 d.June 2,1875 Carroll, Frank; b.Dec.1,1843 d.Aug.8,1896 Carroll, Joseph J.; b.1858 d.1921 Carter, Cornelia; see Denison Carter, John F.; b.1854 d.1924 Cary, Helen G.; b.1862 d.1893 Cary, Leander; b.Nov.8,1832 in Orleans Co., N.Y.
Cary, Leo Louise; b.1882 d.1894 Caser, Frederika; b.1849 d.---. Cast, Margaret; b.1877 d.1920 Caswell, Leo C.; b.1866 d.1928 Caulfield, Louis; b.1845 d.1922 Caverly, Derl A.; b.Mar.23,1876 d.Apr.7,1908 Chadwick, Geo. W.; b.1838 d.1900 Chadwick, Lucy M.; b.1836 d.1923; on lot with Geo. W. Chaffee, Beatrice; b.1896 d.1904 Chaffee, Guy; b.1873 d.1913 Chaffee, James; b.1898 d.1899 Chaffee, Laila; b.1876 d.1923 Chaffee, Rachel; n.d. Chaffee, Thelma; n.d. Chamberlain, Esther J.; b.1844 d.1910 Chamberlain, Marilla; n.d.; a.-7y 5m Chamberlain, Paul; b.1898 d.1918 Chan, Grace; b.1923 d.1925 Chapin(?), Anna A.; b.1861 d.1922 Chapin, Grace Bennett; w. of M.J.; b.1873 d.1915; on lot with Cora B. Clark; also Aaron L. and Mother Bennett Chapman, Alice C. (Mother); b.1866 d.1922 Chapman, Clara; b.Dec.9,1849 d.June 5,1913 Chapman, Emma J.; d. of W. and E.; b.Sept.23,1877 d.Apr.11,1896 Chapman, Florence M.; b.1854 d.1917; on lot with Leman H. Chapman, Frances W.; b.1890 d.1922 Chapman, Frederick A.; b.1862 d.1924 Chapman, Herbert A.; s. of Florence M. Williams (p.i.); b.1875 d.1917 Chapman, Leman H.; b.1849 d.1912 Chapman, Selina; b.1872 d.19--; on lot with Frederick A. Chapman, Wm. H.; b.1872 d.1914 Chappell, Imogene Barker; b.1865 d.1929 Chappell, Royal A.; b.1893 d.1924 Chapton(?), Louis W.; b.1876 d.1929 Charles, James; d. Aug.13,1876; a.-50y 7m 13d Charles, Joseph D. (Bro.); n.d. Charles, Olive I.; inft. d. of James and O.; o.d. Mar.13,1861 Charles, Olive O. Mesnard; b.Apr.15,1840 d.Aug.7,1895; on lot with
Chase, Esther Ione; b.1905 d.1921 Chesebro, Allen D.; b.Apr.18,1822 d.May 13,1902 Chesebro, E. Grant (Hus); d.Feb.13,1888; a.-24y Chesebro, Edward W.; b.Aug.11,1819 at Knox, N.Y. d.Jan.31,1862 at Grand Rapids, Mich.; late principal of Union School Chesebro, Estella; d.Aug.16,1893; a.-30y; on stone with E. Grant and
Chesebro, Geo. J. S.; d.Apr.4,1865 at Goldsboro, N.C.; a.-35y Chesebro, Isabella; see Bale Chesebro, Mary O. Hill; w. of A.D.; b.May 28,1818 d.Dec.16,1902;
Chesebro, Rhoda Ann Jackson; w. of Allen D.; b.Oct.15,1829
Chickering, Frank; b.1840 d.1927 Chickering, Sarah M.; b.1850 d.1908; on lot with Frank Child, Fern Hart; b.1881 d.1922 Childs, Mrs. Kezia; b.1833 d.1910; on lot with Perry L., Esther B.,
Chipman, Amanda A. S.; w. of Dr. O.H.; d.Feb.23,1860; a.-42y; on lot with Dr. O.H. and Hobart H.; also Louise A. Earle Chipman, Hobart H.; d.Sept.25,1876; a.-33y Chipman, Dr. O.H.; d.July 2,1897; a.-91y Chisler, Harold G.; b.1908 d.1928 Christensen, Fred'k; b.1847 d.1919 Christensen, Laura; b.1837 d.1925; on lot with Fred'k Christenson, Evalena; n.d. Christenson, Frederick; n.d. Christenson, John C.; b.1838 d.1906; on lot with J. Julius, Evalena,
Christenson, Homer W.; n.d. Christenson, J. Julius; n.d. Christian, Richard A.; b.1858 d.1910 Christie, John (Father); b.1837 d.1910 Christopoulou, Amalia; b.1923 d.1924 Church, A.M.; n.d.; Co.A, 14th N.H.A. Church, Emma Peters; b.1876 d.1926; on lot with Isac R. Church, Isac R.; b.1845 d.1909 Cilley, Daniel (Father); b.1824 d.1911; on lot with A.S., and Emily
Clare, Ralph E.; b.1882 d.1928 Clark, Alice H.; b.Nov.2,1876 d.Aug.14,1901 Clark, Benj.; d.Mar.24,1876; a.-62y Clark, Benj. (Father); b.Dec.19,1806 d.May 30,1895; on lot with Hattie and Benj. Clark, Cora; b.1881 d.1929 Clark, Cora Bennett; w. of Walter; b.1869 d.1913; on lot with Grace B. Chapin; also A.L. and Mother Bennett Clark, Cornelia; b.1832 d.1925; on lot with Wm. M. and Louise Clark, Earl J.; b.June 15,1902 d.June 10,1920 Clark, Fred A.; b.1854 d.1897 Clark, Capt. Gardner; n.d.; Co. C, U.S.S. Clark, George; b.1847 d.1911 Clark, Grace; see Sohn Clark, Grace M.; d.Nov.13,1893; a.-17y 6m 27d Clark, Hattie; d. of Chas. and Sarah; d.Oct.27,1877; a.-15y 10m 27d Clark, Henry; b.1842 d.1915 Clark, Jane Thompson; b.1850 d.--; on lot with Mary A. Thompson. Clark, John; b.1842 d.1926 Clark, Lida M.; b.1856 d.1916; on lot with Geo. and Fred A. Clark, Louise; b.1864 d.1918 Clark, Maria; see Pelton Clark, Marrilla L.; b.1831 d.1881 Clark, Minnie (Mother); b.1881 d.1916 Clark, Susannah; b.1845 d.1927; on lot with John Clark, Wm. M.; b.1829 d.1913 Clark, Wilmer S.; b.1870 d.1924 Clark, Zella M.; w. of Geo. F.; b.1880 d.1915 Clarke, Maria A.P.; b.1865 d.1892 Clarke, Robt. S.; b.1909 d.1909 Clay, Col. George; b.Jan.3,1801 d.Apr.7,1856; on lot with Harvey J. and Martha C. Hollister; also McGeorge Bundy Clay, George Francis; b.1883 d.1904; midshipman U.S.Navy Clay, Geo. Goodhue; b.1846 d.1925 Clay, Harriet Elliot; b.1853 d.1927 Clay, Sarah H.; see Powell Cleghorn, Elizabeth; see Sligh Clement, Frederick D. (Father); b.1861 d.1928 Clines, Wm.; b.1863 d.1911 Coats, Freeman H.; n.d.; U.S. Navy Cobb, Harriet; see Rood Cody, Darwin D.; b.1838 d.1924 Cody, Helen L.; b.1880 d.1881 Cody, Martha L.; b.1840 d.1910; on lot with Darwin D. and Helen L. Coe, Rachel; see Cummins Coe, W. H.; b.Jan.26,1834 d.Aug.26,1900 Coffey, Gilson K. (Father); b.1860 d.1924 Coffey, Roy S.; b.1888 d.1927 Coffinberry, Andrew B.; b.1837 d.1907; Capt. Co. H., 1st. Mich. Eng. Coffinberry, Jane B. Beach (from autobiography of husband); b.1805
Coffinberry, Julia F.; b.1842 d.1926 Coffinberry, Lucia H.; b.1837 d.1908 Coffinberry, Rebecca J.; b.--.--,1840 d.Nov.12,1930 Coffinberry, W. L.; b.1807 d.1889; Capt. Co. C. 1st. Mich. Eng. Coffman, Frances L.; b.1893 d.1915 Cognon, Basil; b.1847 d.1922 Cognon, Martha C.; b.1854 d.1918; on lot with Basil Coit, Charles W.; b.Dec.14,1840 d.Oct.23,1901 Coit, Clara Merrill; b.May 5,1850 d.Dec.23,1915; on lot with Chas. W. Colbom, Joseph Wm.; b.1857 d.1915 Colbom, Miriam Eleanor; b.1905 d.1908 Colborn, S. W.; b.1854 d.1929 Colby, Benj. F.; b.1859 d.1918 Colby, Fay; see Teele Colby, Harlan Page; b.1841 d.1925 Colby, Margaret Spraker; b.1845 d.1928; on lot with Harlan Page Cole, Arthur; b.1887 d.1923 Cole, Delta Duane; b.1915 d.1926 Cole, Edward; s. of W. and F.C.; b.1861 d.1888 Cole, Ezra; b.1842 d.1901 Cole, Frances A.; w. of Wilna; b.1835 d.1913; on stone with Wilna, Mary R., Edw., Minnie, and W.; also Sidney W. Sherman Cole, Guy H.; b.1878 d.1923 Cole, Mary Roxana; d. of W. and F.C.; d.Jan.28,1880; a.-20y 4m Cole, Minnie; n.d. Cole, Sarah M.; b.1843 d.1928; on lot with Ezra Cole, Willis; n.d. Cole, Wilna; b.1827 d.1918 Coleman, Mary L. Beebe; w. of O.P.; b.1852 d.1922; on lot with O.P.; also Chas. Beebe; also Sadie E. Beebe Bartlett. Coleman, Nettie; w. of E.S.; b.Aug.3,1861 d.Mar.14,1901 Coleman, Obadiah P.; b.1845 d.--; G.A.R. Collings, Sarah; see Knox Collins, Jennie; o.d. Aug.18,1915 Collisi(?), Georgiana (Mother); b.1858 d.1925 Coman, Helen M.; b.Nov.6,1824 d.Oct.1,1864 Compton, Gertrude E.; w. of Wm. R.; b.1871 d.1914 Compton, Riley L.; b.1851 d.1924 Compton, Wm. R. (Hus); b.1857 d.-- Condon, Chas.; b.1856 d.1924 Condra, Catherine; b.1860 d.1899 Cone, Catherine (Mother); b.1865 d.1927 Conger, Mary S.; see Sligh Conklin, Cornelia A.; b.1844 d.1914 Conklin, Howard Dewey; b.1912 d.1930 Conklin, Willie P.; b.1872 d.1874 Connelly, _____ (Mother); n.d. Connelly, A.; b.1834 d.1862 Connelly, D.; b.1778 d.1862; on lot with M., H., A., and grave marked Mother Connelly, H.; b.1861 d.1893 Connelly, M.; b.1797 d.1865 Connor, Chas.; b.1859 d.1909 Connor, Ida; see Davis Conrad, Edwin S.; b.1865 d.1925 Conrad, Harriet R.; n.d.; on lot with Edwin S. Converse, Theodosia S.; b.1868 d.1917 Cook, Alfred; n.d.; Co. I, 17th Mich. Inf. Cook, Almyra M.; b.1857 d.1923 Cook, Belle O.; b.1854 d.1913 Cook, Clara M. (Mother); b.1852 d.1920 Cook, Earle S.; b.1886 d.1913 Cook, Fred A.; b.1878 d.1923 Cook, George; b.1838 d.1905 Cook, Gerald; b.1911 d.1928 Cook, Gilbert; b.--.--,1838 d.Sept.12,1873; a.-35y 9d; stone erected
Cook, Gilbert; s. of G. and C.; d.Dec.17,1873; a.-6d Cook, Harlow F.; b.1850 d.1913 Cook, Jasper; b.1837 d.1905; on lot with Geo., Laura M.J., and Belle O. Cook, Jemima C.; b.1854 d.1922; on lot with H.F. and Morris A. Cook, John (Father); b.1864 d.1930 Cook, Katie; b.1894 d.1908; a.-14y Cook, Laura M. Jones; w. of Geo.; b.1836 d.1880 Cook, Lena (Mother); b.1868 d.1916; on lot with Leonard, Katie and Lucy Cook, Leonard (Father); b.1861 d.1926 Cook, Lucy; b.1891 d.1908 Cook, Margaret E. (Mother); b.1864 d.1923; on lot with John and Oswald J. Cook, Melissa S.; w. of S. R.; d.Mar.15,1878; a.-39y 1m 21d Cook, Morris A.; b.1883 d.1912 Cook, Myrtle Barris; b.1871 d.1920 Cook, Oswald J.; b.1900 d.1925 Cook, Sylvester P.; b.1830 d.1911 Cook, Willie; s. of G. and C.; d.Sept.15,1863; a.-7w 2d Coombs, Anna Meigs; o.d. 1929 Coons, Rosabell Currie; b.1866 d.1922 Cooper, Arthur G.; b.1850 d.1922 Cooper, Ella F.; w. of L.H.; b.1858 d.1921 Cooper, Kate; b.1891 d.1914 Cooper, Kate B. (Mother); b.1875 d.1919 Cooper, Luther H.; b.1855 d.-- Coote, Margaret; n.d. Copier, Mildred; b.1895 d.1921 Corkey, Harry; b.Feb.14,1847 d.Oct.11,1925 Corkey, Ida M.; b.Sept.20,1850 d.June 24,1903; on stone with Harry Cornelius, Anna T.R.; b.1833 d.1921; on lot with John M., F.O., J.B.,
Cornelius, F.O.; n.d. Cornelius, Harold C.; b.1873 d.1924 Cornelius, J.B.; n.d. Cornelius, John M.; b.1830 d.1906 Cornell, Earl E.; b.1892 d.1918; A.E.F., 32nd Reg. 126th Inf. Cornell, Elizabeth; b.Dec.21,1846 d.July 30,1924; in vault with Stephen A. and Virginia Cornell, Irma; see Smith Cornell, Libbie; b.1866 d.19--; on lot with Seymour C.; also Irma C.
Cornell, Seymour C.; b.1862 d.1927 Cornell, Stephen A.; b.Nov.18,1842 d.July 19,1920 Cornell, Virginia C.; b.Dec.22,1864 d.Feb.24,1912 Cornell, W. H.; vault Cornish, Elizabeth A.; b.1859 d.1925; on lot with Fred M. Cornish, Fred M.; b.1861 d.1917 Coryell(?), Arthur; b.Jan.21,1888 d.Nov.26,1894 Coryell(?), Herbert; b.Feb.17,1877 d.Feb.15,1895 Coryell, Louisa Ruth; b.1835 d.1918; on lot with Wm.H. and Mary B. Coryell, Mary B.; b.1869 d.1909 Coryell, Wm. Henry; b.1829 d.1912 Courtney, _____ (Father); n.d. Courtney, _____ (Mother); n.d.; on lot with Flora, Jimmie, Dorinda and grave marked Father. Courtney, Dorinda; b.Aug.--,186- d.--.--,--- Courtney, Flora; oldest d. of Jas. H. and N.; b.Sept.4,1858 at St.
Courtney, Jimmie; d.Sept.7,1869; a.-1y 7d Courtright, Jacob V.; b.Sept.16,1800 d.Oct.4,1868 Courtright, Wilber; s. of --- and Therisa(?); d.--.6,1879 (or 1839);
Courtright, Wm.; b.Nov.5,1834 in Seneca Co., Ohio. d.Apr.29,1872 Coury, Abraham J.; b.1887 d.1916 Covell, Alma; see Sabin Covey, Clara Marie; b.1883 d.1907 Coville, Ludencia E.; b.1889 d.1911 Cowlishaw, Edward; b.1831 d.1903 Cowlishaw, Lewis Chas.; b.1906 d.1906 Cowlishaw, Margaret; b.1839 d.1914; on lot with Edward Cowlishaw, Wm. Chas.; b.1882 d.1928 Cowlishaw, Wm. E.; b.1860 d.1908 Cox, Catherine A.; b.1841 d.1920; on lot with Jonathan Cox, Chas. H.; b.1851 d.1928 Cox, Elizabeth E.; b.1854 d.1922; on lot with Chas. H. Cox, Emily; d. of John and Mary; d.Nov.18,1867; a.-3y 6m Cox, Emma; w. of Thos.; d.Oct.27,1869; a.-25y 5m 27d Cox, Emma; d. of John and Mary; d.Feb.--,1872; a.-7m Cox, Emma L.; b.1841 d.1913; on lot with Wm. Cox, Jonathan; b.1837 d.1919 Cox, Mary; w. of John; d.Oct.15,1871; a.-38y Cox, Rose M.; b.1886 d.1926 Cox, Thos. B.; s. of T. and E.; d.Aug.25,1869; a.-28d Cox, Wm.; b.1835 d.1911 Coye, Bertha Geneva; b.Sept.3,1883 d.Dec.19,1883 Coye, Chas. A.; b.1860 d.1924 Coye, Mary Ethel; b.Dec.22,1884 d.Feb.8,1920 Coye, Wm. Henry; b.Mar.30,1863 d.Jan.15,1929 Craig, Elmer J. (Hus); b.1896 d.1925 Crain, Elizabeth; b.1829 d.1917 Cramer, Fremont; b.1857 d.1919 Crampton, Alfred; b.June 6,1887 d.Apr.27,1888 Crampton, Claude; b.Oct.29,1882 d.Dec.13,1884 Crampton, Jonathan R.; b.Oct.12,1819 d.Mar.1,1888; on lot with Claude and Alfred; also John B. Dunham Crawford, Anna Jane; b.1857 d.1921; on lot with Cornelius and Harry B. Crawford, Carrie Bell; d. of Abram and Martha; d.Aug.24,1875; a.-13y 10m 13d Crawford, Cornelius; b.1852 d.1929 Crawford, Harry B.; b.1889 d.1919 Creque, Herman C.; b.1836 d.1920 Creque, Margaret G.; b.1844 d.1925; on lot with Herman C. Croll, Bessie; n.d.; a.-20y 9m 14d Crosby, Gibson; b.1885 d.1918 Cross, Abby E. Waldron; w. of Shubel; b.Sept.10,1826 d.Feb.4,1902; on lot with Shubel; also Alfred E. and Carrie Waters; also Abbie Waters Laird. Cross, Alonzo W.; s. of E.C. and E.; d.Nov.3,1867; a.-23y 25d Cross, Ann Mary; see Bailey Cross, Anna C.; b.1861 d.1923 Cross, Arthur E.; b.1880 d.1929 Cross, Elery C.; b.June 24,1815 d.Mar.14,1895 Cross, Emeline E.; w. of E.C.; d.Nov.22,1895; a.-79y 10m 16d Cross, Eunice; mother of E.C.; d.Mar.29,1871; a.-78y 6m 6d; on lot with N.A., Anna C., S.J., A.E., Elery C., Emeline E., and N.W.; also L.M.C. and A.W. Brower Cross, Henderson; b.Aug.16,1807 d.Feb.18,1876 Cross, Louesa M.; see Brower Cross, Nelson A.; b.1908 d.1923 Cross, Nelson W.; s. of E. C. and E.; d.Sept.6,1865; a.-24y 9m 24d Cross, Royal S. (Father); b.1850 d.1925 Cross, Sarah F.; b.June 15,1817 d.July 29,1900; on lot with Henderson Cross, Shubel; b.May 12,1801 d.Sept.16,1881 Cross, Silvious J.; d.Nov.2,1865; a.-32y Crozier, O.R.L. Rev.; b.1820 d.1912 Crumback, Geo. S.; b.1843 d.1911 Crumback, Rebecca; b.1835 d.1923; on lot with Geo. S. Cudworth, Thirza; see Everett Culbert, Joseph A.; b.1863 d.1922 Cumberworth, _____; n.d. Cumberworth, Fleta Smith; b.Mar.12,1882 d.Oct.23,1914; on lot with Will W., Jacob, and graves marked Father and Mother Smith. Cummings, Dr. E. H.; b.1835 d.1916; Co. H, 6th Mich. Heavy Art. Cummings, Phebe M.; b.1812 d.1892; on stone with Mary J. Tubbs; also L.D. and Vienna Morgridge Cummins, Claude; inft.; o.d.1898 Cummins, RAchel Coe; b.1860 d.1911 Cummins, Thos. A.; b.1883 d.1894 Cunningham, Anna (Wife); b.1869 d.19--; on lot with John Cunningham, Henrietta Schilling (Mother); b.1826 d.1913; on lot with
Cunningham, John (Hus); b.1867 d.1927 Cunningham, Minnie; b.1866 d.1920 Cunningham, William; b.1858 d.1924 Curren, Eva Robinson; b.1891 d.1920; on lot with Jas., John T., and
Currie, Alva Randolph; b.1872 d.1928 Currie, Amelia; b.1857 d.1914 Currie, Rosa; see Knighton Currie, Rosabell; see Coons. Currier, Alfred O.; b.1817 d.1881 Currier, Amelia M.; b.1848 d.1924; on lot with Arthur W. Currier, Arthur W.; b.1844 d.1904; 1st. Mich. Eng. M. Co. I Currier, Deborah B.; b.1823 d.1881; on stone with Alfred O. Curry, Elizabeth; see Hanna Curtis, Huldah (Mother); w. of Z.; b.Apr.9,1795 d.Sept.29,1876; on lot with E.L. Goss; also Mary M. Leonard. Curtis, Jeannette; see Wylie Curtis, Mabelle L.; b.1878 d.1922 Curtis, Malvinia L.; b.1830 d.1922; on lot with Martin V., Mabelle L.
Curtis, Martin V.; b.1832 d.1899 Curtis, Mott J.; b.1860 d.1908 Curtis, Nelson H.; b.Jan.14,1863 d.Oct.9,1927 Curtiss, Minnie B. Wilson; w. of Jno. S.; d.Nov.24,1893; a.-21y 4m Curtiss, Willard (Father); b.June 14,1833 d.July 25,1898 Cusser, Wm. R.; b.Sept.20,1829 d.Feb.11,1896 Cutcheon, Katherine Rogers; d. of J.A. and A.G. Rogers(p.i.);
Cutler, Mark N.; b.1887 d.1917 Cutter, Caroline Gyde; b.1879 d.1906 |