Fulton Street Cemetery -- "F"
F----, J.; n.d. F----, J.C.; n.d. Faber, Mary A. Johnson; b.1858 d.1880; on lot with Levi, Adriana M.
Fairman, Mrs. Clarissa; b.May 4,1796 d.Feb.10,1875 Falconer, Alexander; b.1810 d.1860 Falconer, Eliza J.; d. of A. and E.J.; b.1849 d.1862 Falconer, Eliza Jenkins; w. of A.; b.1826 d.1902 Fannaff, Emma; w. of Maxim; b.1851 d.1914 Fannaff, Maxim; b.1849 d.--- Farling, Albert D.; b.1831 d.1892 Farling, Isabelle; w. of A.D.; b.1839 d.1910 Farr, Esther (Mother); w. of Geo. W.; b.Aug.22,1809 d.Nov.1,1892 Farr, Geo. W. (Father); b.Sept.13,1807 d.June 24, 1863 Farr, Randall (Grandfather); b.March 10,1772 d.Nov.26,1857 Fauth, Matilda Schultz; b.1858 d.1900 Fenlason, Fern; only s. of F. and M.; b.May 16,1882 d.Dec.31,1890 Ferguson, Margaret; b.1832 d.1861; stone erected by old 3rd Mich. Inf. Fernambucq, Cornelius; b.1826 d.1908 Ferris, Alonzo; b.1839 d.1911 Ferris, Anna E.; b.1812 d.1882; on lot with Walter, John, Alonzo, and Ida. Ferris, Charlotte E.; d. of Rev. J.M. and M.E.; d.July 6,1862; a.-9m 7d Ferris, Ida; b.1860 d.1876 Ferris, John; b.1849 d.1869 Ferris, Walter; b.1808 d.1867 Fiebig, Emilie Mathilde; d. of Henrich and Ernestine; b.May 10,1863
Fiebig, Ernestine C.; w. of Henrich; b.June 22,1839 d.Dec.13,1891 Fiebig, Henry W.; b.Dec.18,1833 d.Dec.29,1891 Finch, Mary J. (Mother); b.1835 d.1917 Finney, Julana; w. of J.T.; d.March 5,1857; a.-44y 11m Fish, Clara S.; b.1855 d.1919 Fish, Edward H.; b.1840 d.1925 Fisk, Chester; d.Feb.23,1845; a.-42y Fisk, Hattie M.; w. of John P.; b.1841 d.1909 Fisk, John P.; b.1835 d.1886 Fisk, John W.; b.May 5,1804 d.Dec.21,1885 Fisk, Lulu; d. of J.P. and Hattie M.; n.d.; a.-7y Fisk, Philinda; b.Jan.18,1815 d.July 10,1901; on lot with John W., Chester,
Fisk, Rubie M.; d. of G.N. and Nina; d.March 11,1878; a.-3y 9m 28d Fisk, Rugene C.; d.Nov.28,1879; a.-41y Fiske, Maria J.; b.May 5,1834 d.Jan.22,1908 Fitzsimons, Mary A.; w. of Wm. W.; b.Dec.7,1887 d.April 2,1909 Fletcher, Thos. C. (Father); b.1882 d.1922 Folhurst, Ellen J.; see Stacey Fons, Catherine (Mother); b.1839 d.1913 Fons, Isaac (Father); b.1831 d.1906 Fons, Lottie Borst; w. of Louis F.; b.Dec.30,1877 d.Feb.7,1908 Foote, A.L.; n.d.; Co. B, 1st Mich. E. and M. Foote, Allen R.; b.1842 d.1921 Foote, Elijah (Father); d.July 26,1863; a.-52y 1m 28d Foote, Eliot; inft. s. of O.H. and L.M.; n.d. Foote, Frank W.; n.d.; a.-3y 10m 22d Foote, Harriet Maria Betts; w. of Thaddeus; b.Apr.12,1822 d.Jan.26,1898 Foote, Henry Ward; b.March 25,1848 d.Dec.13,1871; a.-23y 8m 18d Foote, Lucy M. Crosby; w. of O.H.; b.---, at Brattleboro, VT.
Foote, Maria T.; b.Jan.12,1793 d.Nov.17,1874; on lot with Thaddeus,
Foote, Obed; n.d.; inft. s. of O.H. and L.M. Foote, Obed H.; b.---, Sherburne, N.Y. d.June 2,1870; a.-53y Foote, Oliva L.; d.July 3,1883; a.-74y 1m 8d; on lot with Elijah, A.R.,
Foote, Dea. Samuel; b.---at Plymouth, Ct.; m.-- to Sybil Doolittle of
Foote, Sybil; inft. d. of O.H. and L.M.; n.d. Foote, Thaddeus; b.Apr.27,1821 d.Feb.3,1903 Foote, Viola D.; w. of A.L.; b.June 18,1840 d.Feb.21,1900 Ford, Mayme; w. of M. Clyde; b.1881 d.1911 Forrester, Marguerite; d. of F. and E.; b.1902 d.1905 Fortuin, Carneil; b.1858 d.1903 Foster, Addie A.; b.1869 d.1897 Foster, Alvina; see Lovell Foster, C.B.; b.1835 d.1925 Foster, Clara J.; b.1860 d.1922; on lot with F.W., M.L., F.F., F.D.A.,
Foster, Cornelia; see Rood Foster, Fannie Lovell; see Avery Foster, Forris D. A.; d.Dec.12,1871; a.-87y 6m 15d Foster, Frank; b.1849 d.1917 Foster, Freddie Forris; s. of Wilder and Fannie L.; d.Dec.3,1854; a.-6m Foster, Mary Lovell; d. of Wilder D. and Fannie L; d.May 14,1862; a.-4m 7d Foster, Sarah E.; b.1843 d.1917; on lot with C.B.; also Lewis Wilmarth Foster, Wilder D.; d.Sept.20,1873; a.-52y 8m 12d Fowler, Henry M.; d.Nov.10,1873; a.-39y Fox, _____; s. of Wm. H. and Mary P.; b.June 3,1889 d.JUne 6,1889 Fox, Aaltje (Mother); b.Nov.15,1840 d.May 3,1928; on stone with Samuel,
Fox, Eddie S.; b.Sept.19,1886 d.July 4,1892 Fox, Etta M. (Mother); b.Jan.13,1868 d.Nov.29,1902 Fox, James; s. of J. and H.; d.Mar.16,1875; a.-1y 3m 26d Fox, Leonard; b.Apr.28,1828 at Cortgene, Prov. Zeeland, Neth;
Fox, Louisa Maria Newton; w. of P.V.; b.1823 d.1901 Fox, Perrin V.; b.1821 d.1910 Fox, Peter H. (Father); b.1864 d.1929 Fox, Samuel (Father); b.Nov.20,1831 d.Feb.19,1902 France, Wm. W.; b.1826 d.1871 Franklin, Julia; see Livingston Freeman, Edna B.; b.1875 d.1894 Freeman, Hiram E.; n.d.; Co. A., Me. Coast Guards Freeman, Jeremiah (Father); b.1840 d.1910 Freligh, Lizzie M.; o.d.; May 10,1879 Freligh, Sadie I.; d.Sept. 16,1917; o.d. Fremont, Jessie; see Cook French, Wm; d.Aug.14,1869; a.-78y 2m; on lot with J.C., E.M., J., Jas
Fretts, Frankey; s. of C.S. and Hannah; d.Apr.25,1862; a.-1y 7m 25d Fretts, Myron; s. of C.S. and Hannah (p.i.); d.June 30,1886; a.-33y 10d Frohberg, Charlie; d.May 20,1857; a.-10m 6d Frohberg, Elizabeth; d.March19,1900; a.-87y; on stone with John T.,
Frohberg, John T.; b.Sept.20,1809 at Gallschutz, Saxony; d.Mar.20,1877 Froling, Alice (Mother); w. of Herman; b.1850 d.1919 Froling, Antony; s. of H. and A.; b.Aug.22,1888 d.Jan.2,1892 Froling, Herman (Father); b.1849 d.---. Froling, Hiram; b.July 13,1890 d.Jan.7,1904; a.-13y 6m 6d Fuller, Lucy; see Moore Fulton, Jean; see Muir Fyfe, Andrew; b.1900 d.1901 Fyfe, Hattie Florella; b.1868 d.---; on lot with James, Andrew, and
Fyfe, James; b.1870 d.1928 Fyfe, R. Milton; b.1894 d.1905
Transcriber: Ronnie Aungst
visitor since 19
June 1999.