Fairplains Cemetery
Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan (Formerly part of Grand Rapids Township)
Cemetery visited and headstones transcribed by the
Daughters of the American Revolution (D.A.R.)
on or about Apr. 9, 1929

Aa-Az  Ba-Bz   Ca-Cz   Da-Dz   E-F   Ga-Gz   Ha-Hz   I-J   Ka-Kz   La-Lz   Ma-Mz   Na-Nz   O-P-Q   Ra-Rz   Sa-Sz   Ta-Tz   U-V   Wa-Wz   X-Y-Z
Transcribed by Ronnie Aungst and Diane Teelander

Maps of Cemetery

For further information you can call or write the following:
Grand Rapids Cemeteries - 2530 Kalamazoo SE., Grand Rapids, 49507
Ph# (616) 831-1600

Created: 17 October 1999