Transcribed on or about 10 June 1925 by the Sophie de Marsac Campau Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (D.A.R.) |
?, Julia; b.June 27,1900 d.Oct.13,1910 ?, Leslie; b.1900 d.1911 Abel, Almira; b.1908 d.1888 Abel, Ira; d.Nov.5,1874; a.-74y Anderson, Lavernie; w. of Joseph; b.Sept.13,1873 d.Sept.1,1902 Arsnoe, Augustus; s. of Peter and Mary; d.Dec.26,1864; a.-19y 8d Arsnoe, Ellen; d. of Peter and Mary; d.May 26,1854; a.-2y 9m 14d Arsnoe, Frank; s. of Peter and Mary; d.Aug.30,1863; a.-6y 3m Austin, _____ (Mother); b.1881 d.1921
Austin, Bruce R.; b.1907 d.1912 Austin, Paul H.; b.1916 d.1916 Bailey, Rachel L.; w. of Elias; d.Dec.24,1865; a.-65y Bassett, Edwin; b.1842 d.--- Bassett, Eliza; w. of Edwin; b.1839 d.1904 Bassett, Frank; s. of Eliza and Frank; d.July 10,1886; a.-22y 1m 6d (Note: believe there may be a typo it supposed to be s. of Eliza and Edwin? ~R.) Bates, Betsey L.; w. of George F.; b.1846 d.1925 Bates, George F.; b.1838 d.19__ (possibly 1929) Baumhoff, Robert; b.1848 d.1923; Co. A, 41st. Mo. Inft. Baumhoff, Solome Ruthardt; b.1852 d.---- (written note: 1951) Baumhoff, Wm.; b.1872 d.1875 Bennett, Angeline; b.1833 d.1909 Bennett, Annie; b.1842 d.--- Bennett, Carrie; b.1846 d.1915 Bennett, Harvey; b.1835 d.1911 Bennett, Mary; b.1807 d.1891 Bennett, Morris; b.1813 d.1889 Bennett, William W.; b.1839 d.1917 Benson, Oscar E.; b.1882 d.1923 Bettinger, Mary; b.1834 d.1905 Birdsey, Blanch; b.1901 d.1920 Blacklock, Belle; n.d. 1889-1909 (Note: this entire line was handwritten.) Blacklock, Isabelle; see Field Blacklock, James P.; b.Dumfrieshire, Scotland; d.Nov.25,1887 Alpine, Mich.; a.-63y 11m 15d Blacklock, Maggie; b.Mar.15,1867 d.Jan.30,1882 Blacklock, Mary; 1862-1925 (Note: this entire line was handwritten.) Blacklock, Will; 1859-1913 (Note: this entire line was handwritten.) Blakeley, Armintie; see Lenz Blanchard, Emma; b.1856 d.1918 Brewer, Francis C.; Sergt. Co. K, 1st. Mich. E. and M.; n.d. Brewer, Mary J.; b.1841 d.1923 Brewer, Myrtie M.; w. of C.E.; b.Dec.11,1873 d.July 1,1906 Brewer, Walter; b.1900 d.1909 Brown, Betsey C.; w. of K.J.; b.1834 d.1908 Brown, Celestia; b.1846 d.1917 Brown, Helen M.; d. of Perley and Annie; o.d. Oct.3,1906 Brown, Kent J.; b.1835 d.1915 Brown, Perley C.; b.1867 d.1907 Brown, Stillman; d.June 29,1890; a.-47y 8m 9d Burtch, Annis; w. of Hiram; b.Sept.20,1826 d.Sept.30,1900 Burtch, Hiram; b.Feb.10,1820 d.Dec.12,1899 Bush, Frances; b.June 5,1807 d.Oct.22,1871; on same lot with George Bush) Bush, George; d.Nov.22,1867; a.-62y 7m 22d Bush, Margaret; see Ross Campbell, John P.; b.1848 d.1920 Chambers, Carrie E.; b.1863 d.1921 Chambers, Elmer A.; b.1850 d.1916 Chambers, George W.; b.1848 d.1917 Chambers, Mary D.; w. of Elmer A.; b.1853 d.1880 Chambers, William E.; b.1853 d.-- (handwritten: 1933) Collins, Mary B.; w. of T.W.; b.1828 d.1910 Collins, T.W.; b.1813 d.1877 Colton, Eunice Parkhurst; b.Mar.4,1846 d.Oct.9,1914 Colton, Fannie Root; b.1837 d.1920 Colton, Gideon; d.Aug.29,1873; a.-56y 2m 13d Colton, Henry N.; s. of J. and L.; d.Aug.29,1852; a.-13y 8m Colton, John; d.Apr.10,1868; a.-70y 8m 3d Colton, John B.; b.1827 d.1909 Colton, Levinia B.; w. of John; d.Jan.27,1872; a.-65y 7m 13d Coon, Stephen; d.Jan.20,1852; a.-31y 7m 5d Cooper, Ellen; w. of John A.; b.1833 d.1910 Cooper, John A.; b.1835 d.1907 Cooper, Mary; w. of James G.; b.1863 d.1910 Cox, Hugh; d.June 14,1862; a.-28y 8m 27d (Note: this entire line was handwritten.) Cramer, Lillie Ross; w. of Monroe; d. of Hugh and Margaret Ross; n.d. Crawford, Margaret; o.d. 1902 Creveling, Alford; b.May 9,1854 d.Feb.18,1880 Creveling, Alfred; b.1854 d.1880 Creveling, Alfred B.; b.1890 d.19-- (handwritten: 1964) Creveling, Benjamin H.; b.Feb.7,1817 d.May 14,1904 Creveling, Bennie; b.Sept.24,1868 d.Dec.3,1878 Creveling, Carrie B.; b.1862 d.1922 Creveling, Clifford; n.d. (handwritten: 10/31/1894-11/17/1896) Creveling, Daniel O.; b.1856 d.--- (handwritten: 1935) Creveling, Jane Olp; b.Mar.22,1826 d.Jan.20,1910 Creveling, Nicholas B.; b.1847 d.1918 Culver, Caroline; b.1818 d.1891 Culver, Electa; b.1850 d.1892 Darling, Edith M.; b.1883 d.19-- Darling, Edward; d.Sept.6,1887; a.-60y 10m 23d Darling, Frances; b.1854 d.1874 Darling, Frank R.; b.1883 d.1916 Darling, George; b.1828 d.1909 Darling, Lavinia A.; w. of Edward; d.Jan.31,1922; a.-88y 15d Darling, Nellie H.; w. of E.S.; b.1859 d.1903 Darling, Ruth; b.1834 d.1913 Davenport, Ithamer; d.Apr.7,1871; a.-36y 10m 26d Davenport, Sadie E.; b.1869 d.1915 De Porter, Allen D. Hodges; b.1860 d.1895 De Porter, Hattie; b.1865 d.19-- (handwritten: 1960) De Porter, James S.; b.Feb.19,1834 d.Oct.31,1896 De Porter, Lois Hodges (Mother); b.1868 d.1923 De Porter, Marinus (Father); b.1857 d.1922 De Porter, Peter; b.1855 d.1922 De Porter, Phebe; b.Oct.18,1824 d.Dec.7,1910 De Witt, Catherine (Mother); b.Nov.18,1840 d.Feb.6,1895 Eckert, Albert; d.May 7,1875; a.-24y 9m 8d Eckert, Caroline; see Niehaus Ellis, Caroline H.; w. of John J.; d.June 22,1848; a.-22y English, Richard S.; b.1842 d.1921 Field, Frederick T.; b.1856 d.1924 Field, Isabelle Blacklock; w. of Warren; d.Feb.26,1885; a.-22y 8m 16d Field, Marilda Norton; b.1860 d.1923 Field, (?)Mary; o.d. 1878 Field, (?)Mary I.; b.1839 d.1923 Field, (?)Nelson; n.d. Field, (?)Nelson A.; b.1836 d.1905 Fischer, Christian; b.1848 d.1909 Francisco, Jeremiah; d.Sept.22,1880, Grand Rapids, Mich.; a.-84y 4m French, Emily; b.1823 d.1910 (handwritten: on Holmes lot) Fuller, Freddie; s. of L.A. and L.; d.Sept.11,1885; a.-5y 11m 11d Fuller, L.A.; b.1852 d.19-- (handwritten: 1928) Fuller, Lucy; w. of L.A.; b.1855 d.1922 Gillis, Nancy Culver; b.1847 d.1882 Gooch, Margaretts; w. of N.W.; d of Henry and Mary Smith; d.Feb.21,1867; a.-39y Hammond, Chas. F.; b.1859 d.1911 Hammond, Isabel; b.1857 d.19-- (handwritten: 1948) Hanford, Lois A.; w. of James S.; b.Mar.1,1836 d.Mar.8,1895 Hawkes, Avis S.; d. of Thos. and Roby A.; d.Mar.26,1892; a.-15y 7m 12d Hawkes, Giles; d.Mar.30,1861; a.-44y Heath, Caleb; b.1850 d.1919 Heath, Caleb C.; b.1822 d.1866 Heath, Isabelle; b.1850 d.1918 (handwritten: wife) Heath, Susan D.; w. of Caleb C.; b.1826 d.1910 Hertlein, Anna M.; see Schindler Hertlein, Anna Margaret; w. of John Martin (p.i.); b.Aug.26,1808 d.June 1,1885 (handwritten: grandmother) Hertlein, John Martin (p.i.); b.July 16,1807 d.June 25,1881 (handwritten: grandfather) Hills, Aaron H.; b.Sept.24,1823 d.Nov.25,1903 Hills, Adelia; w. of Turner; b.Nov.25,1800, Bennington, Vt.; d.Jan.24,1874 Hills, Charles H.; b.1854 d.1923 Hills, Cyrus; b.1871 d.1871 Hills, Everett J.; b.1872 d.1880 Hills, Hattie; d. of A.H. and L.A.; b.July 10,1854 d.Dec.13,1895 Hills, Hollie R.; b.1830 d.1884 Hills, Jay; s. of H.C. and M.M.; b.Feb.6,1885 d.Nov.26,1901 Hills, Jennie; d. of A.H. and L.A.; b.May 1,1857 d.Sept.11,1914 Hills, Lemira A.; w. of Aaron H.; b.Feb.2,1833 d.Mar.9,1925 Hills, May A.; b.1832 d.1889 Hills, Turner; d.Oct.8,1842; a.-43y Holloway, Esther; b.May 19,1865 d.Jan.2,1904 Holloway, Kermit; b.Feb.18,1903 d.May 16,1905 Holm, Christina C.; w. of John E.; d.Dec.30,1892; a.-71y 7m Holm, John E.; d.Mar.15,1882; a.-77y 7m Holmes, Pearl F.; b.1869 d.1888 Hurd, Alva D.; b.Aug.16,1822 d.Jan.11,1902 Hurd, Emeline; w. of A.D.; b.July 31, 1826 d.-- (handwritten: 4 Aug. 1904) Isham, ___ (Mrs.) (p.i.); (a grave but no stone.) Kelly, German L.; Baldwin's Co. Pa. Inft.; n.d. Kitchen, Charlie A.; b.Sept.12,1865 d.Nov.4,1882 LaBarge, Caroline M.; b.1812 d.1897 Lamoreaux, Elmer E.; s. of A.W. and S.; d.Dec.11,1871; a.-1y 10m 23d Lamoreaux, Elsie; b.1875 d.1880 Lamoreaux, Ernest; b.1872 d.1880 Larrabee, Charlotte Withey; b.1831 d.1913 Lenz, Armintie Blakeley; b.1860 d.1923 Look, Delilah; b.1836 d.1920 Look, Joseph; b.1832 d.1912 Loomis, E.W.; d.Oct.21,1897; a.-32y Loomis, Olive; b.1890 d.1905 Lovell, Leilea; d. of L.J. and E.; b.1909 d.1910 Markham, J.G.; b.1845 d.1905 Markham, Lucinda E.; b.1852 d.--- Maskell, Annie; b.May 8,1880 d.Jan.3,1882; (on the Blacklock lot) Maybee, Wm. Henry; b. in Alleghany Co., N.Y. d.Feb.24,1898, Grand Rapids, Mich.; a.-56y 11m 25d Miller, Chas. W.; b.Mar.18,1872 d.Dec.8,1904 Miller, Margaret; b.Jan.31,1875 d.July 27,1923 Moerman, Leonard; b.Dec.10,1887 d.May 13,1905 Morley, Anna; b.-- d.Aug.14,1920 Niehaus, Caroline Eckert; w. of Henry; b.--; m.June 10,1858, Grand Rapids, Mich.; d. --- Niehaus, Gustav August; b.Aug.27,1872 d.Sept.10,1893 Niehaus, Henrietta; n.d. Niehaus, Henry; b.Feb.10,1833 in Prussia; m. June 10,1858 to Caroline Eckert in Grand Rapids, Mich.; d.Feb.19,1901 in Alpine, Mich. Niehaus, (?)Pauline Marie; b.Feb.3,1859 d.Nov.4,1875 Norton, Elizabeth; see Stowe Norton, Harriet; b.1812 d.1874 Norton, John. b.1807 d.1872 Norton, Marilda; see Field Ollin, Belinda; w. of Caleb; d.Sept.10,1862; a.-62y Paas--- Our Baby; n.d. Parish, Kasiah N.; n.d. (on the Scadin lot) Parkhurst, Calvin; d.Jan.25,1867; a.-42y Parkhurst, Chas. W.; b.July 10,1859 d.Mar.2,1903 Parkhurst, Eunice; see Colton Parkhurst, Isabella; w. of Calvin; d.July 5,1901; a.-76y Parks, Laura A.; b.1824 d.1904 Parks, Leonard C.; b.1819 d.1900 Pearce, Myrtle; b.1883 d.1911 Perkins, Eleanor; b.1854 d.1911 Perkins, Jerome; b.1852 d.--- Perkins, Permelia Ann; b.1827 d.1906 Phillips, Elenor; b.May 10,1807 d.July 6,1901 Phillips, Levi; b.June 19,1800 d.Aug.3,1891 Pitsch, Arthur M.; b.Mar.16,1904 d.Sept.21,1905 Pitsch, Mary A.; b.June24,1901 d.Sept.15,1905 Porter, Almira J.; w. of Wesley A.; b.Aug.3,1834 d.Dec.11,1896 Porter, Wesley A.; b.Sept.7,1833 d.Mar.4,1904 Pyard, Anna Timmermans; w. of George; b.Sept.3,1883 d.Apr.15,1911 Resh, Charles; b.1838 d.1922 Resh, Charles W.; s. of Chas. and Christina; d.May 2,1871; a.-1m 2d Resh, Christina; w. of Charles; b.1842 d.19-- Resh, Lulu; b.1883 d.19-- Rice, (?) (?)(Mother); n.d. Rice, Hugh; b.May 8,1822 d.Mar.22,1890 Rice, John L.; b.1838 d.1915 Rice, Margaret; w. of Hugh; b.Nov.18,1822 d.June 4,18997 Rice, Mary; b.Sept.19,1809 d.Oct.8,1883 Rice, Nathaniel; b.May 23,1841 d.Feb.23,1895 Rice, Sarah Jane; w. of William; d.June 4,1885; a.-47y 11m 23d Rice, Sarah Stevenson; w. of James; b.1786 d.1863 Rice, Stella; b.Dec.12,1856 d.May 15,1890 Rice, Vida C.; b.1889 d.1924 Rice, William; b.Nov.11,1797 d.July 31,1880 Rice, William; b.July 4,1836 d.Jan.31,1902 Ross, Frank E.; s. of Hugh and Margaret; d.Aug.1,1879; a.-13y 1m 15d Ross, George; d.June 12,1883; a.-58y Ross, George A.; s. of Hugh and Margaret; d.Feb.3,1867; a.-2y 9m 15d Ross, Gilbert John; s. of Hugh and Margaret; d.Dec.6,1872 d.Apr.15,1921 Ross, Harrison; s. of Hugh and Margaret; b.July 9,1869 d.Dec.8,1894 Ross, Hugh; b.May 24,1824 d.Dec.13,1902 Ross, Lillie; see Cramer Ross, Margaret; w. of Hugh; d. of George and Frances Bush; b.Aug.13,1832 d.July 31,1903 Rubedew, James; d.Mar.27,1906; a.-58y Ruthardt, ---; inf. chn. on Ruthardt lot; n.d. Ruthardt, Bertha B.; w. of William; d.Mar.11,1873; a.-20y 3m 2d Ruthardt, Emma; b.1858 d.19-- (handwritten: 1914) Ruthardt, Eva Christina; b.1817 d.1907 Ruthardt, Frederick M.; b.1855 d.1918 Ruthardt, George Michael; b.1807 d.1874 Ruthardt, Lisetta; b.1844 d.1874 Ruthardt, Philip; b.1834 d.1914 Ruthardt, Solome; see Baumhoff Scadin, Baby; b.1886 d.1886 Scadin, Chas. A.; s. of C.H. and M.E.; b.1874 d.1875 Scadin, Daisy May; b.1876 d.1881; d. of C.H. and M.E. Scadin, Willis; b.1882 d.1883; s. of C.H. and M.E. Schindler, Anna M. Hertlein; d. of J.M. and A.M. Hertlein (p.i.); w. of Edward; Germany; m. May 30,1867, Grand Rapids, Mich.; d.July 12,1887, Alpine, Mich.; a.-57y 8m 14d Schindler, Edward; b. in Germany; m. May 30,1867 in Grand Rapids, Mich.; d.Oct.6,1883, Alpine, Mich.; a.-48y 5m 11d Schmitt, C.; b.1878 d.1916 Schweigert, John (Grandfather); d.June 10,1880; a.-75y Schweigert, Mary (p.i.); see Vogel Schweigert, Mary (Grandmother); w. of John; d.apr.13,1884; a.-81y Shearer, Alvin J.; d.Apr.14,1880; a.-35y Smith, Alfred D.; b.Jan.23,1818 d.Feb.19,1906 Smith, Ann; w. of Alfred D.; d.June 12,1886; a.-65y 4m 26d Smith, Emma A.; w. of J.A.; b.1854 d.1919 Smith, F. DeForest; b.1846 d.1919 Smith, J.A.; b.1857 d.1921 Smith, Margaretts; see Gooch Spencer, Dimmis; w. of S.M.; b.1860 d.1904 Stage, Mary E. Watkins; w. of E.W.; b.July 29,1861; m.Aug.20,1884; d.Jan.6,1887 Stevenson, Sarah; see Rice Stout, Frank; b.May 31,1867 d.June 13,1867 Stout, Samuel; b.1840 d.1919 Stowe, Elbridge; s. of E.G. and E.M.; d.Feb.2,1887; a.-25y 10m 20d Stowe, Elbridge G.; d.Feb.10,1892; a.-71y 14d Stowe, Elizabeth M. Norton; w. of Elbridge G.; b.Feb.8,1835; m.Dec.14,1853; d.June 21,1901 Stowe, Myra; see West Stowell, Milla; b.Mar.29,1852 d.June 3,1885 Stowell, Nathaniel W.; b.May 13,1816 d.Jan.22,1887 Thayer, Emma J.; d. of John and Esther; d.June 22,1856; a.--- Thayer, Perry H.; s. of John and Esther; d.June 18,1856; a.-5y 11d Thorne, Sadie J.; b.1876 d.1921 Timmermans, Aleida (Mother); b.1852 d.--- (handwritten: 1937) Timmermans, Anna; see Pyard Timmerman, Johanna; w. of Leonard; b.Jan.10,1840 d.July 28,1916 Timmermans, John C. (Father); b.1855 d.1918 Timmerman, Leonard; b.Nov.29,1829 d.Sept.18,1908 Tompkins, Alida; b.1855 d.1899 Tompkins, James; b.1848 d.1910 Tompkins, Joseph; b.1857 d.1899 Toms, Edwin; b.1837 d.19-- (handwritten: 1925) Toms, Johanna; w. of Edwin; b.1841 d.1908 Vogel, Jacob J.; b.1831 d.1910 Vogel, Margaret; n.d. Vogel, Mary (Schweigert, p.i.) (Mother); w. of Jacob J.; b.1843 d.1917 Vogel, Philip; b.1871 d.1909 Watkins, Mary E.; see Stage Watts, Mary J. (Mother); b.1847 d.1920 West, Albert; a.-11m; n.d. West, Albert H.; d.June 30,1892; a.-37y 11m 23d West, Bertha E.; d. of Albert and Edith; d.Feb.26,1887; a.-4m 26d West, Charles; b.1843 d.1918 West, Desire; w. of Paulerius; d.Mar.9,1859; a.-58y West, Emily J.; w. of Lorenzo; d.Aug.15,1886; a.-53y 9m 14d West, Harry; b.May 24,1866; m.Jan.6,1891 Myra Stowe; d.Jan.18,1909 West, Lorenzo; d.Jan.26,1885; a.-60y 2m 20d West, Martha P.; w. of W.; b.1829 d.1878 West, Myra Stowe; w. of Harry; m.Jan.6,1891; o.d. West, Paulerius; d.Oct.8,1868; a.-73y West, Royal S.; b.1892 d.1922 Wheeler, Carrie M.; b.1842 d.19-- (handwritten: 1931) Wheeler, Christiana; b.1845 d.1910 Wheeler, Dannie C.; d.Apr.5,1881; a.-7y 1m 23d Wheeler, Edward A.; b.1841 d.1910 Wheeler, Harry C.; d.Apr.20,1881; a.-8y 6m 29d Wheeler, Wm. W.; b.1839 d.1911 Williams, Bertha; b.1886 d.1900 Williams, Emily C.; w. of Moses N.; b.May 20,1812 d.Mar.6,1895 Williams, Lucy; w. of Reuben; b.1844 d.1920 Williams, Mary J.; b.1854 d.1907 Williams, Philanda; b.July 20,1831 d.Mar.20,1902 Williams, Reuben; b.1842 d.1916 Withey, Celia E.; w. of Alex; d.Apr.20,1881; a.-23y 7m 4d Withey, Charlotte; see Larrabee Withey, Levious; b.1816 d.1890 |